

This was published 8 months ago

Questions remain after Kooyong report finds no evidence of criminal activity over missing millions

By Carla Jaeger

External auditors investigating the Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club, one of Australia’s most prestigious tennis venues, have found that poor financial management and reporting were to blame for the multimillion-dollar loss from its dining operations.

The findings from the investigation come as a former president of the club told this masthead the board had been receiving incorrect financial information in the months leading up to the reported loss.

The Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club was once the home of the Australian Open.

The Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club was once the home of the Australian Open.Credit: Getty Images

The club called in accounting firm Grant Thornton to review its books in November after it announced a $2.4 million loss from its dining and functions operations, and an overall loss of nearly $1 million – a seven-figure swing from the previous year’s $980,000 profit.

In the club’s annual report, the treasurer Ian Anderson attributed the cost blowout to catering and staff costs. It also led to the early departure of the club’s chef, who resigned in August.

The club’s executive team was adamant from the beginning that no funds were misappropriated, but admitted they could not fully explain how the loss came about and needed to appoint external auditors.

Club president Adam Cossar told members the findings of the review were expected to be handed down in January. In a statement released on Wednesday, the board said: “The Kooyong Lawn Tennis club board today reiterates their previous statements to members that investigations had shown that the loss announced in the annual report and at the annual general meeting had been caused by poor financial management and account reporting. There was no evidence of criminal activity.”

Asked whether these were the findings of the Grant Thornton audit, Cossar said: “Yes, the investigation is in reference to the Grant Thornton review.”

The dent from Kooyong LTC’s dining and functions operations was first recorded in its annual report for the 2023 financial year, and announced to members at their AGM on October 25th.


The Kooyong treasurer’s official explanation attributed the cost blowout to catering and staff costs. The report also noted the club’s long-time CEO, Chris Brown, would undertake a review of the department.


The accounts showed that overall, the members’ dining and functions component of the business went from a profit of almost $330,000 for the 2022 financial year to a loss of $2.48 million the following year.

The food and beverage section of the accounts revealed a near doubling of total expenses for the year to $10.96 million.

It also showed show a 155 per cent increase in food costs to $4.18 million. Comparatively, food revenue increased by just 43 per cent to $6.29 million. Staff costs jumped 77 per cent to $2.5 million.

While the external review was being conducted, a feud grew between the club and some of its members.

The dozens of members spoken to by this masthead, who all requested anonymity to share their concerns without fear of suspension, all said there was a lack of transparency from the board about the losses.

One member said in December: “The silly thing is, the room is full of highly intelligent business people – and they’re treating us as if we’re in kindergarten.”

That same month club president Cossar wrote to members warning them against making inappropriate comments to staff about the issue and them to treat “all Kooyong team members with courtesy and respect.”

The findings from the Grant Thornton review have not yet been made public.

How the error occurred

Former club president Peter Carew told this masthead on Tuesday the Kooyong LTC board was receiving incorrect financial information in the final months of the financial year.

“The accounting information being passed on [to the board] wasn’t accurate, and so the board didn’t have the opportunity to pick up and fix it up,” he said.

“But as soon as the information was available – which in due course it was – they picked it up, saw what the problem was, and the management put in place all the solutions to put it back on track.”

A feud between members and the club grew as auditors investigated the missing millions.

A feud between members and the club grew as auditors investigated the missing millions. Credit: Getty Images

Asked how it was possible for the board to receive the wrong figures, Carew said it was a matter for the external auditors to determine. He did not answer a question about who was responsible for passing on the financial information to the board.

“The difficulty [when] you start to name names, someone’s going to be defamed,” he said.

President Cossar did not respond to questions about how the board could have received the incorrect financial information.

Carew, a prominent family lawyer, was appointed president of the club in 2014, and after his resignation in 2021 became the chair of the Kooyong Foundation. The organisation provides young people with opportunities in tennis, and boasts high-profile patrons including Australian tennis royalty Evonne Goolagong Cawley and former federal treasurer Josh Frydenberg.


While he has not sat on the Kooyong LTC board since his resignation, and was not directly involved in the cost blowout, Carew said he felt compelled to “set the record straight” as theories about what happened to the money continued to dominate discussion in the exclusive clubhouse.

Carew added: “If people ask me ‘where did the money go’, in short I tell them the members got the benefit of underpriced food … there is absolutely no suggestion of defalcation,” he said.

Defalcation is a term used in auditing to describe the misappropriation or theft of assets by employees or officers of a corporation.

Despite assurances from the executive team since the start of the saga that no funds were misappropriated, some members remain frustrated by how the board has handled the issue.

This masthead revealed last week a group of aggrieved members was threatening legal action after accusing the board of violating its rules.


A letter sent to the 10-person board by club member Robert Dennis in January alleged that club officials interfered with a board member election process. The results of the election were announced at the October AGM.

Dennis alleged that election was “structurally flawed”. Among the list of accusations was the assertion that a senior club official had emailed members endorsing the two incumbent board members ahead of voting.

Carew said he was the person being referred to, but rebuked the assertion he was a club official, while defending his right to endorse the members.

“I sent an email to 15 members of the club, six of whom are my family, suggesting that they vote for two of three people,” he said. This masthead has reviewed the email sent by Carew.

He added: “My view of a good board is that it has a matrix of skills … I think I have every right to encourage people to vote for people that I think will be the best board the club can have.”

Carew said he could not be considered a senior club official despite his position as president of the Kooyong Foundation because the two organisations were separate legal entities.

While the foundation regularly reports to the club’s board, and make decisions that require the ratification of the club board, Carew said he “in no way” considered himself a club official.

Chief among the demands the aggrieved members made was a call to annul the results of a board election counted at the October AGM and re-hold the election. The letter warned that unless the board addressed its complaints, the group could seek to resolve its concerns at the Magistrates’ Court.

Questions were sent to Dennis about Carew’s statements, but he declined to respond.

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