

This was published 8 months ago

The silence was deceiving: A murderous stalker, and a young woman failed

By Simone Fox Koob

The night Celeste Manno died, her mother tucked her into bed and kissed her goodnight, something they had always done.

It had been a normal Sunday night. The pair watched a movie and planned for Celeste’s 24th birthday, which was in six days’ time. They picked a dinner menu for the celebration, and she asked her mum to bake her a coconut cake.

Mother Aggie Di Mauro at court this week; Celeste Manno; killer Luay Sako

Mother Aggie Di Mauro at court this week; Celeste Manno; killer Luay SakoCredit: AAP; Supplied

By that evening, in November 2020, Celeste hadn’t heard from her former colleague, Luay Nader Sako, for three months. It was a stark change from the year of stalking and stream of relentless, unwanted messages that had preceded it.

Celeste’s mother Aggie Di Mauro told a court this week that the silence was deceiving.

“It gave me and Celeste a false sense of security and that proved to be our downfall.”

At 3.20am Sako would leave his home in Roxburgh Park where he lived with his family and drive half an hour to the Mernda home of the woman he had harassed over a year.


He circled the block several times, before parking and making his way towards the home. Scaling the side fence, he walked into the backyard and used a hammer to smash the glass of Celeste’s bedroom window.

He stabbed her with a kitchen knife multiple times even as she raised her arms and tried to defend herself. Within two minutes and 39 seconds, Sako was back in his car, leaving Celeste’s mother to discover her only daughter covered in blood and dead on her bed, a knife lying by her foot.

Flowers left outside Celeste Manno’s home in Mernda where she was killed in November 2020.

Flowers left outside Celeste Manno’s home in Mernda where she was killed in November 2020. Credit: Simone Fox Koob

In the Victorian Supreme Court this week, the horrific details of the crime and the devastating impact it has had on her family were laid bare during a three-day hearing for Sako, who pleaded guilty to murder.

Despite the formal setting of courtroom 11 and structured proceedings, the anguish felt by Celeste’s family was raw. They sat on wooden benches along one side of the room. To the right above them, behind a pane of glass, were more than 50 family and friends, gathered in the public gallery for support. Sako sat at the back, flanked by security guards.

Nineteen victim impact statements were provided to Justice Jane Dixon, with some read to the court by their authors. Those who spoke were emotional, painting a picture of a close-knit circle of family and friends riddled with grief, still trying to make sense of the senseless violence three years on.

Her family struggles to celebrate milestones or birthdays, affected by a sadness that hangs in the air due to Celeste’s absence.


Her aunts spoke of how sleep eludes them, they don’t socialise, only leaving the house to buy groceries. Celeste’s boyfriend, Chris, imagines weekends at the beach or curled on the couch watching movies that the couple will never have. Brother Alessandro said the last three years, filled with court dates, have been excruciating. When Celeste’s father Tony closes his eyes at night, he pictures his daughter’s last moment, filling him with rage and hatred. He is afraid to smile, feeling undeserving of joy.

Her mother lives each day heavy with guilt.

Celeste Manno when she was a little girl.

Celeste Manno when she was a little girl.

“He not only murdered my sweetie but he did it under my watch,” Di Mauro told the court through tears. “He destroyed my self-worth and any notions I had about being a good mum. What mother sleeps through something like this? He’s left me with a lifetime of self-loathing, guilt and remorse.”

As they spoke of their grief, sitting in the back of the court was Sako, dressed in a grey prison tracksuit with black-rimmed, square glasses.

For the most part, he sat expressionless, either looking down at his lap or straight in front of him. Several times, when the prosecutor described his offending, he would interject with: “That’s incorrect”. When Celeste’s mother screamed at him to look at her as she spoke of her pain, he began to hit himself with an open palm on the side of his head.

The plea hearing, an opportunity for the judge to hear from the prosecution and defence about factors she should consider when sentencing, was the first time the full extent of his horrendous actions had been detailed in public.


The court heard that Sako had met Celeste when they both worked at a call centre run by Serco in Mill Park. When Sako left the company, he was escorted on his last day out of the building by Celeste. He thanked her for kindness during his exit from the company, and kissed her on the cheek, an act she told colleagues had made her embarrassed and uncomfortable.

A week later, Celeste received the first of what would be many messages from Sako on Instagram. She was polite but firm in her replies.

“I only feel a professional way towards you, and I wish you all of the best towards your new job and journey,” she wrote in one.

In another: “I would really appreciate if you could stop contacting me as this is making me very uncomfortable. Please respect my wishes and stop contacting me.”

Sako did not relent, and Celeste tried to block him. New, fake accounts began to appear, sending more messages that went unanswered. This continued for months.

On New Year’s Eve 2019, the tone of the messages changed, the court heard, containing some “derogatory, vulgar and sexually explicit” remarks. Celeste became frightened. She told her supervisor at work she had seen Sako sitting in his car outside the office. A safety plan was implemented, with an employee accompanying her to her car at the end of each shift. She told a colleague: “He’s really going to kill me”.

Luay Nader Sako arrives at the Supreme Court in Melbourne on Tuesday.

Luay Nader Sako arrives at the Supreme Court in Melbourne on Tuesday.Credit: AAP

She went with her mother to police in July 2020, and applied for a personal safety intervention order. Sako messaged her in August, in breach of the order, and he was arrested, interviewed and charged by police with contravening the order, and later with using a carriage service to harass, menace or offend.

After these charges, the messages to Celeste stopped, and the family thought their nightmare could be over. A day after enjoying a day in the sun with friends at the pub, on the night of November 15, 2020, Celeste posted the first public photos of her with her new boyfriend. Sako’s laptop and phone were later found with screenshots of these pictures.

Within hours of the post, Sako had killed her. He then turned himself into police. He told officers: “It’s your fault”.

Investigators would later discover that Sako had bought a kitchen knife three months prior, the day after he was arrested and interviewed by police, and had been carrying out extensive online research about Celeste’s home, including driving past the house, and analysing the floor plan to locate her bedroom. Prosecutors pointed to this as showing extensive premeditation and planning.

Patrick Bourke, KC, said Sako has shown no remorse or regret about the murder, instead taking part in a “relentless shifting of blame and avoidance of responsibility for his own conduct”.

In the past three years, Sako has tried multiple times to be assessed as mentally unfit, but multiple psychiatrists found he was faking symptoms of psychosis, including telling them that an “ugly” entity called Isha with pointy teeth and a big nose had told him to act like a criminal.


He sacked his legal team twice during the three years of legal proceedings, spending the first day of the plea hearing self-represented, where he insisted on contesting a number of factual issues put forward by the prosecution, including that he did not “run” towards Celeste’s home on the night of the murder but “walked briskly”.

He also challenged the prosecution’s account of the number of wounds that had been caused by a knife, meaning a forensic pathologist had to provide graphic details in court about each of Celeste’s 23 injuries. Sako was allowed to question the pathologist, asking often rambling queries.

Celeste Manno’s mother, Aggie Di Mauro (centre), outside the Supreme Court on Monday.

Celeste Manno’s mother, Aggie Di Mauro (centre), outside the Supreme Court on Monday.

Dixon reminded him to “look at the bigger picture”, but Sako continued in his questioning of the pathologist, leading Celeste’s family to walk out of the courtroom.

The prosecution has called on the judge to impose a life sentence on Sako, saying he has little prospects for rehabilitation, even presenting a risk of stalking female prison officers in jail. They say jealousy, humiliation, feelings of powerlessness and rejection were the motivations behind the “unprovoked, savage and cowardly attack”.

A life sentence was opposed by defence lawyer Tim Marsh who Sako re-engaged to act on his behalf on Tuesday. Marsh said Sako’s diagnoses of severe personality disorder and major depressive illness had played a “significant and substantial” part in his client’s crime, reducing the killer’s moral culpability.


Sako will be sentenced by Dixon at a later date, but even after criminal proceedings come to an end, questions will need to be asked about whether there were police failings in the case, what systemic improvements need to be made to protect victims of stalking, and what Celeste’s death says about the scourge of violence against women in Australia.

“My sweetie was failed miserably,” her mother told the court on Monday, looking directly at the judge.

“So, I’m begging your honour, please don’t allow Celeste to be failed by the very system that already failed her all over again.”

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