

This was published 11 months ago


The direction is clear for a city worth living in

As Melburnians, we take more than a little pride in our city’s famed liveability. Yes, we don’t have a spectacular harbour or year-round sunshine, but who needs those when this is such a great place to live? Evidently, word has spread.

By 2032, Melbourne is expected to surpass Sydney as Australia’s most populated city as it grows to 6.1 million residents. The only faster-growing state is Western Australia. By 2056, Victoria’s population is project to be 11.2 million, with 9 million living in Melbourne.

Melbourne will be a more liveable city if the sprawl is contained.

Melbourne will be a more liveable city if the sprawl is contained.Credit: Joe Armao

So where will they live? Can enough homes be built quickly enough? What types of home should they be? How can they be made more affordable? How will they be serviced?

More broadly, how can Melbourne contain such vastly increased numbers of people and not be dramatically changed? If change is inevitable, what kind of city do we want it to be? How do we preserve the fabric of the city so that our children and our grandchildren can enjoy the standards of liveability that Melburnians experience today?

These are among the questions occupying the minds of state government, urban planners and experts in infrastructure, housing and social welfare – among others – at a time when they are already grappling with a post-pandemic housing crisis fuelled by soaring construction costs, materials and skills shortages, and a string of interest rate rises exacerbated by unrelenting cost of living pressures.

Daniel Andrews marked the last days of his nine years as premier last month by unveiling a housing statement he described as “the most comprehensive shake-up of one of the most important policy areas in decades”. It was made with future decades in mind, and at its centre was an ambitious plan to build 80,000 homes a year for each of the next 10 years.

“What’s more important than somewhere to live?” Andrews said at the time. “Nothing is. We know that we’re simply not building enough houses right now.”

He was right. Victoria’s population grew by 162,000 people in the past year, but only 59,000 homes were built in the state. As Josh Gordon writes today, the number of houses built relative to our population has dropped to it lowest since the slumps of the 1990s.


We seem to have one foot planted on the demand accelerator, while not releasing the brake on housing supply. Substantive change will be required, and the housing statement contained 30 initiatives that are intended to shift the dial.

Some policies aimed at speeding the approvals process for new developments are welcomed, with the important caveat that integrity experts have rightly raised concerns about the potential risk of property-related corruption in new rules allowing developers to bypass councils and seek approvals from the planning minister.

Under the status quo, as Melbourne grows, it fans outwards. Repeated government attempts to counter the sprawl with a plan to build 70 per cent of new homes in the city’s inner ring of established suburbs and 30 per cent in the outer areas have not worked, with 56 per cent of development occurring on the fringes.

It is a trend that is forecast to continue. As The Age revealed this week, new projections from the state’s Department of Planning and Transport show that 54 per cent of Melbourne’s growth will be concentrated in the city’s outer west, north and south-east. Urban policy expert Patrick Fensham, from SGS Economics and Planning, notes that these areas are among the city’s most poorly serviced in terms of access to jobs and high-capacity public transport.

The more established inner-suburban areas, which have high-level access to nearby job opportunities and transport options, are expected to experience the smallest proportions of population growth. This is what has been referred to as Melbourne’s “missing middle” – some its most liveable parts.

Infrastructure Victoria suggested a better way forward last week with its study Choosing Victoria’s future: 5 urban development scenarios. As Infrastructure Victoria chief executive Jonathan Spear notes, the study shows that a pathway of more and more people living away from existing infrastructure “delivers worse quality of life and opportunities for Victorians … But it’s not too late to turn that around.”


Infrastructure Victoria formulated five scenarios: the dispersed city (Melbourne’s growth areas have many more detached homes in an expanding urban footprint); the consolidated city (Melbourne’s inner and middle areas have many more medium-density homes); compact city (Melbourne’s inner areas have many more high-density homes); network of cities (regional centres have many more homes); and a distributed state (regional towns and rural areas have many more homes).

Among its findings were that compact cities provided many more business opportunities, more land for agriculture and wildlife habitats, and Victorians would be $43 billion better off. In a dispersed city, people would spend up to 70 per cent more time in congested traffic to get to jobs and services, and infrastructure would cost the government $59,000 for every new home built.

The message from the report is clear: Melbourne of the future is a more liveable city if the sprawl is contained and population growth is absorbed more considerably in higher-density inner-city development and medium-density development in the “missing middle”, particularly along transport corridors, where infrastructure already exists.

It offers government a path forward with recommendations that it would do well to consider. These include structural elements such as removing subsidies that fuel outer-urban growth. Sensible but strict development targets on councils, which the policy announced by Andrews fails to do, should also be implemented.

There are fears in established suburbs that higher-density development may strip Melbourne of its identity, and these must be considered and negotiated. The danger is that Melbourne’s identity is already being diluted as its people are pushed further from the amenities central to living a good life.

If the right choices are not made now, Melbourne’s celebrated liveability may become nothing more than a conceit from a bygone era.

Patrick Elligett sends an exclusive newsletter to subscribers each week. Sign up to receive his Note from the Editor.

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