

This was published 1 year ago

Why the No side is winning – and how Yes could respond

By David Crowe

There is a convincing winner in the opening phase of the official campaign on the Indigenous Voice – and it is not Anthony Albanese nor his Yes23 allies as they struggle to persuade Australians to vote for change.

The No campaigners hold a compelling advantage when only four weeks remain until the ballots are counted. They have gained an astonishing success in this referendum – support from 57 per cent of voters – while lacking the power and resources of the prime minister and his government.

Coalition Indigenous Australians spokesowman Jacinta Nampijinpa Price (left) and Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney.

Coalition Indigenous Australians spokesowman Jacinta Nampijinpa Price (left) and Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Four key factors explain the steady gains for the No side in the contest between a positive but woolly message for the Voice, its details vague, and the sharp and negative warnings against change, including scare campaigns and outright lies.

Truth is already a casualty in a ferocious contest online. Viral messages on social media are being dominated by arguments against the Voice, helped in part by algorithms on newer platforms such as TikTok that heighten conflict or controversy.

Albanese puts on a brave face and says he believes Australians will vote for a positive change. At the same time, the obvious Labor tactic is to unload on Opposition Leader Peter Dutton and brand him a liar who spreads fear and division.


The narrow path for Yes to win

So the plans are under way for a potential defeat. Labor has a message ready for the morning after October 14: blame Dutton for wrecking reform. And the Coalition message? Blame Albanese for dividing the country.

Inside the government, albeit very quietly, there is an admission that their side has made too many mistakes. Senior figures with years of experience in winning and losing elections say the Yes campaign is the worst they have seen. They are dismayed at its poor discipline and cacophony of messages.

Is there even a chance that Yes can win? “Look, it’s possible. But if this were a general election, you’d say, no way, we’re done – put a fork in it,” says Simon Jackman, a professor at the University of Sydney and previously a professor of politics at Stanford University in the United States.

AFL legend Michael Long and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at Parliament House on Thursday.

AFL legend Michael Long and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at Parliament House on Thursday. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

“The one thing that stops me from saying it’s over, and saying it’s possible, is that it’s a referendum. When we poll at a general election, we find most voters have rusted-on loyalties, much like their footy teams. That means preferences aren’t as malleable as they are for a referendum.”

The key difference is that this vote is about an idea, not a political party. Jackman believes the No case holds the advantage but the Yes campaign has a narrow chance. In any case, all ballots are contestable until the votes are counted.


This means the reasons for the success of the No case – and some honesty about the failures of the Yes side – are crucial when the referendum is yet to be decided. Yes, the public mood against the Voice is strong: 57 per cent are against and only 43 per cent in favour on a “yes or no” question in the latest Resolve Political Monitor. But many Australians remain unsure.

The latest results show that 17 per cent of voters are undecided when presented with the referendum wording before they are asked a final “yes or no” question.

Another 12 per cent are “probably no” and 12 per cent are “probably yes” in the Resolve Political Monitor, conducted for this masthead by Resolve Strategic. This is based on a survey of 1604 respondents who answered questions from September 5 to 9, with a margin of error of 2.4 percentage points.

This week’s furore over Indigenous leader Marcia Langton, a professor at the University of Melbourne and co-author of the report that designed the Voice, tipped the debate into a political mud bath.

Speaking in Western Australia, Langton said the No case used racism or “sheer stupidity” to spread its claims. She did not call voters racist, but media headlines asserted she did so. Earlier comments later surfaced to show she believed some “hard No” voters were racist.

Langton was right: some campaigners are peddling a fear that is based on racism and even a quick glance online can reveal posts that are explicit, repugnant, unashamed racism.


But the response from No supporters was to treat Langton, not the racism, as the problem. Dutton and the No campaign spread the false headlines about her remarks.


The No campaign has been effective at hardening opinion against the Voice. Only 20 per cent of voters were “definitely no” at the beginning of this year, but that is now 37 per cent.

Those who stumble are disappeared

Four reasons stand out in the No campaign’s success so far.

The first is the discipline and small size of the No campaign, which is powered by conservative activist group Advance Australia and has a dominant leader in Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, the Country Liberal Party senator from the Northern Territory and the Coalition’s spokesperson on Indigenous issues. Another member of this campaign, Nyunggai Warren Mundine, is also prominent.

Unlike Yes23, which sends out several Indigenous leaders to speak every day, the No side relies on a uniform message from Price and Mundine. Those who stumble are disappeared. One member of the team, Gary Johns, has kept a low profile since he made headlines by saying “If you want a voice, learn English” to a conservative forum last month.


Fear, uncertainty and doubt

A second factor is the simple and memorable message from the No side: if you don’t know, vote no. The message plays on fear, uncertainty and doubt.

Nationals leader David Littleproud applauds during Price’s address.

Nationals leader David Littleproud applauds during Price’s address.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The official line from Yes23 is never hammered home as firmly. “Listening, recognition, and better results,” it says. The Yes message varies because there are so many leaders on its side – a maddening situation for campaigners who are used to the greater discipline of a party structure in an election campaign.


The third factor working for the No side is that negative campaigning is easier and conflict goes viral. Close observers of social media say there is no question about which side is winning.

“The No camps are dominating the social media space and part of the way they’re doing that is by really targeting those who use social media the most, which is younger people,” says Andrea Carson, a professor of political communication at La Trobe University. Carson says TikTok is vital for younger voters while Facebook remains important for older voters, predominantly women.


“The messaging for the No side pretty much revolves around two or three key messages,” says Carson, who is working with colleagues to track and report the trends at The Conversation.

“We calculated 33 different messages that were coming from the Yes side, and the thing that we’ll be watching closely over the next couple of weeks is whether those messages get refined. It’s very hard to have influence when you’ve got disparate messages from disparate camps running across the social and mainstream media spaces. The No messaging is very targeted and more disciplined.”

Conflict works

Stephen Dann, a senior lecturer in marketing at the Australian National University, says the No side uses a form of counter-campaigning to create controversy. “The No campaign wants to make it sound like someone taking a Yes position is controversial because they need the backlash brand on their counter-product,” he says.

Advance Australia has been posting edited video from leading Voice advocates, such as Uluru Dialogue co-chair Megan Davis, for months, to stoke division over the foundations of the Yes case: “Voice. Treaty. Truth.” The key assertion is that the Voice leads to a treaty. The social media posts do not include the clear rejection from Albanese, who says: “This is not about a treaty.”

Conflict works. The TikTok algorithm, for instance, puts a premium on friction to ensure a post that provokes will always travel faster and further. This is true even if the friction uses fiction. The algorithm does not care if a post is based on a lie, as long as it has the controversy needed to race across mobile phone screens.

Ed Coper, a digital communications expert who helped some of the “teal” independents win at the last election, says the online controversy was deliberately intensified shortly before Albanese announced the October 14 referendum date. Coper runs his own agency, Populares, and wrote a book on disinformation, Facts and Other Lies, after a decade of digital campaigning in the United States.

“What we were seeing prior to the date being set was that the negative sentiment around the Voice was outweighing positive by about four or five to one,” he says. “And that is not a genuine reflection of community sentiment, if you look at the polls at the time. So a lot of the conversation on social media was being manufactured on the No side to game the algorithm.”

The central falsehood

So the fourth factor in the success of the No side is the rampant use of false or exaggerated claims to amplify concerns about the Voice.

The gentle arguments from earlier this year, mostly about the finer points of constitutional law, have given way to online hellfire about taxes being increased, governments paying reparation payments to First Australians to compensate for dispossession and landowners having to “pay the rent” to Indigenous elders.

Some of the claims are based on comments from the leaders of the Yes case. The “pay the rent” phrase comes from Thomas Mayo, a campaigner for Yes23 and the assistant national secretary of the Maritime Union of Australia. Social media posts about payments to First Australians use videos from Mayo, fellow campaigner Teela Reid and others who have talked about reparations.


The core claims are that the Voice clears the way for compensation payments, higher taxes and threats to private land ownership. The central falsehood is that the Voice can do these things when the truth is that it would have no power of its own to spend money.

While the Indigenous members of the Voice could recommend any idea they liked, nothing could happen without a government decision. Only the parliament could pass laws to act on the idea.

Advance Australia remains secretive about how it and its offshoot, Fair Australia, do their work, but this masthead revealed some of the tactics in the past few days. Leaked recordings reveal how some volunteers are taught not to introduce themselves as coming from the No campaign and are coached to sound like concerned citizens who worry about the Voice pushing for compensation.

Carson says the misinformation is on the rise.

“It’s always been a feature of political communication, but more so now that it has the capacity to spread virally with digital media. I think we’re seeing much more than we saw at the federal election,” she says. There is an important distinction between misinformation, which can spread in a haphazard way and may not be deliberate, and disinformation that is designed to deceive.

“Some of it is subjective, and it’s opinion formation rather than hard fact,” says Carson. “Clearly, some of these statements are falsehoods, but sometimes it might be that one camp disagrees with another camp, and therefore they weaponise the terminology of misinformation. And those sorts of things can’t be fact-checked because they’re not verifiable statements, they’re opinions.”

This means outright deception is only one part of the online debate about the Voice, but it is certainly a bigger part of this campaign than at the last election.

TikTok’s algorithms reward conflict in this campaign.

TikTok’s algorithms reward conflict in this campaign. Credit: AP

“Truth is often a casualty in election campaigns,” says Jackman, who saw the way Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016.

“What seems different is the sort of audaciousness with which you can put stuff out that may have a scintilla of a connection to the truth, if you sort of tilt your head one way.

“And then there is the speed and ubiquity online – for pennies, you can reach a lot of people. By the time people can react to it, the carnival’s moved on. And that reminds me a little bit of the Trump campaign.

“The other thing is that fact checking only seems to have the consequence of amplifying this stuff and giving it a second life and exposing it to an even a wider group of people.

“Maybe the referendum is a test case of how hard you can run with disinformation and misinformation. And it’s not just Facebook and Twitter any more, it’s TikTok, it’s Reddit and there is this proliferation of platforms. I think we are in a new era of campaigning.”

Maybe the referendum is a test case of how hard you can run with disinformation and misinformation.

Simon Jackman

The Voice was always an ambitious idea to sell to a sceptical public. It was made even more difficult when Albanese chose not to set it up or codify its structure before the referendum, and made doubly challenging when Dutton chose to make it a political flashpoint.

Many voters have rejected the Voice on practical or philosophical grounds, arguing their case without falsehoods or rancour.

But the lies, racism and vicious personal attacks are taking this campaign into dark territory. On social media, especially, the arguments unleash an ugliness that cannot be washed away quickly after referendum day.

Coper, who has worked on campaigns for GetUp and Labor, thinks there is a chance for the Yes campaign if it can drown out the attacks with a positive message.

“The only way you can defeat fearmongering misinformation is with an equally powerful version of the truth,” he says. “Voters will head into the polling booth with a gut-driven intuition about what is right and wrong, so the Yes story needs to appeal to their better angels to overcome the fearful story.”

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