

This was published 1 year ago

Coalition faces uphill battle in attempt to block Labor’s 60-day medicine policy

By Natassia Chrysanthos

A popular budget measure to halve the price of common medicines will face a last-ditch challenge in the senate as the Coalition moves to block 60-day prescriptions and force Health Minister Mark Butler back to the negotiating table with pharmacies.

But the opposition faces an uphill battle getting the full crossbench onside, after the Greens broke their silence on the issue to swing in behind the government on the last sitting day of parliament before the policy takes effect on September 1.

The policy would allow patients to receive 60-day scripts from September, with the same maximum co-payment of $30.

The policy would allow patients to receive 60-day scripts from September, with the same maximum co-payment of $30.Credit: Michele Mossop

Butler said the upper house had 24 hours from Wednesday afternoon to decide on the future of 60-day scripts as he threatened to cancel expedited negotiations about pharmacy funding, after Coalition health spokeswoman Anne Ruston said she would move a disallowance motion to block the reform on Thursday.

Labor’s budget policy will effectively halve the price of 320 common medicines for consumers by allowing them to buy two months of medicine for the price of one. But pharmacy owners have said they will be forced to close or cut services as they lose income from the reduced handling and dispensing fees they receive from the government.

Ruston said the Coalition supported 60-day dispensing, but wanted to delay the start date because the government had not properly consulted pharmacies on the change nor considered the flow-on effects on their businesses.

However, the disallowance motion will struggle to succeed after the Greens confirmed within an hour of the Coalition’s announcement it would back the government, having refrained from declaring its position for weeks.


Without the Greens, the Coalition needs an outright majority that includes the whole crossbench. One Nation and independent senator David Van have put their names to the disallowance motion, and Senator Tammy Tyrrell has been vocal in criticising the policy. However, Senator David Pocock has not declared a position and Senator Jacqui Lambie this week said she was worried about pharmacy lobby scare campaigns.

The Coalition’s decision follows a fierce campaign from the influential Pharmacy Guild of Australia, which has been lobbying the opposition, Greens and crossbench senators to delay the policy.


Butler said the disallowance needed “to be dealt with quickly” since 60-day scripts are due to start on September 1.

“The Senate now has a choice over the next 24 hours: either allow access to cheaper medicines for 6 million Australians as recommended by the medicines experts, as supported by every patient and doctor group, or accept the position of the Coalition and the pharmacy lobby, that cheaper medicines should not be proceeded within this country,” he said.


Greens health spokesman Jordon Steele-John previously told parliament he was concerned about pharmacy viability. But on Wednesday he said the 60-day policy would help disabled and chronically ill people by allowing them to take fewer trips to the pharmacist.

The government has committed to reinvesting the $1.2 billion it saves from dispensing fees into a range of measures including opioid dependence treatment, vaccinations and regional pharmacy allowances. Butler said those promises, as well as early funding negotiations, would be off the table if the policy was blocked.

Pharmacies say the government’s package does not cover their full losses, including from consumer payments, which they put at $4.5 billion.

Ruston said there were “legitimate concerns” about the policy’s implementation which could force local businesses to close.

Anne Ruston said the policy could force local pharmacies to close.

Anne Ruston said the policy could force local pharmacies to close.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

“[We’re asking the government] to please just push pause on the instrument that will bring in 60-days of dispensing, and go back to the table and deal with the consequences,” Ruston said.

“Otherwise, there will be significant and foreseeable risks for Australians who need support, particularly people in rural and regional communities, aged care residents, and patients with chronic diseases.”

Ruston said she instead wanted 60-day scripts incorporated into the next Community Pharmacy Agreement, which deals with overall pharmacy funding. The agreement is up for renewal in 2025, but she said it could be renegotiated and expedited to start in January 2024.


Butler earlier this week vowed to bring pharmacy funding negotiations forward by a year in an attempt to placate concerned crossbench senators.

On Wednesday, he said he was open to bringing forward the start date of the next agreement as well.

“But we’re not going to lock ourselves into a rigid, short timeframe. That’s not a good position in which to negotiate with taxpayers money,” Butler said.

Steele-John said he wanted Butler to commence negotiations with the pharmacy sector in good faith and “implement an updated agreement that prioritises measures to support the community’s access to community pharmacies”.

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