

This was published 1 year ago

The billion-dollar blow-out: Gabba cost estimate was rushed, govt admits

By Cameron Atfield

The projected cost of overhauling the Gabba for the Olympic Games blew out to $2.7 billion in part because the state government rushed its original cost estimate.

The Gabba was nominated as the main Olympic stadium in 2021 when Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announced a demolition and rebuild would take place at a cost of $1 billion and increase its capacity to 50,000.

A rendering of current plans for the new Gabba stadium.

A rendering of current plans for the new Gabba stadium.Credit: Queensland government

But, in February, that cost was revised up to $2.7 billion.

Under opposition questioning at a state budget estimates hearing on Wednesday, State Development director-general Mike Kaiser shed new light on the wildly divergent cost estimates.

“The original [$1 billion] estimate was prepared on the basis of a preliminary concept designed for the purposes of the Olympics bid by the Department of Premier and Cabinet. It was also prepared in 2021 dollars, as was the requirement of the bid,” he said.

“Since that time, we’ve done a number of things – they fall broadly into three categories.

“One is we’ve escalated the costs to convert the 2021 dollars to outturn dollars and that already takes ... the cost to $1.9 billion.

“The two other categories are global economic circumstances in terms of market constraints, skill shortages and supply chain disruption; and also work undertaken since the bid provided a greater level of detail about the work required from a design and engineering perspective.


“For example, the application of six-star ‘green star’ standards, which are quite new and untried, which we anticipate to cost in the order of $211 million to apply.”

Kaiser said those figures had been determined through the preparation of the project’s business case – a process that was ongoing.

Questioning Kaiser, Deputy Opposition Leader Jarrod Bleijie suggested the business case should have pre-empted the cost announcement.

“Surely your department would have done a business case before the announcement of $2.7 billion, learning from the mistakes of the billion-dollar announcement,” he said.

“Why is there a business case being conducted after the fact about the announcement?”

Kaiser replied: “A budget is only a relatively small component of a business case, so the budget was completed and it came in at $2.7 billion for the reasons that I outlined.”

Deputy Premier Steven Miles admitted the original $1 billion figure was rubbery.

“Initially, we had just a few weeks’ time provided by the IOC to complete the host questionnaire, so the information that needed to be prepared for the joint announcement with Prime Minister [Scott] Morrison and the premier was only a few weeks,” he said.

“We sought the best information that was available in those few weeks.”

At the time of the 2021 Gabba announcement, Palaszczuk said: “We are basically doing years and months of work in a very short timeframe to meet the deadlines the IOC has set us.”


Since then, Miles said, planners had undertaken a much more detailed process, as part of the preparation of the business case.

“It assessed four different options, looked at the pros and cons of each of those options, costed them out, they all came out at between about $2.3 billion and about $3.2 billion,” he said.

“We selected the best option from those four.”

Miles said all were explored in detail before the government settled on the $2.7 billion plan.

“The other three options were costed at roughly the same amount as the option that has been settled upon, but with a far worse outcome,” he said.

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