

This was published 1 year ago


As Australians, we think we’re open-minded. The truth is we don’t like change at all

There’s an Australia that exists in our minds and another Australia, the one in which we live. The one in our minds is a practical, ambitious, forward-looking place where we value equality of opportunity and get on with things, trying to stay ahead of our problems. It aspires to grow and be better. The other Australia is hesitant or downright resistant to change.

In that Australia, if change comes courtesy of a new piece of consumer technology, that’s okay. But probably not if it involves complex social or economic policies that seem contentious or difficult or might cost us something. That Australia pays lip service to equality and has a default position of trying to ignore its problems for as long as possible, even as they worsen.

Australia tends to ignore problems for as long as it can.

Australia tends to ignore problems for as long as it can.Credit: Dionne Gain

The nation’s housing situation is a disgrace, with a shortage of available dwellings, and property prices and rents that are unreasonably high. Many of those who can scrape together enough to buy a place to live are burdening themselves with debts that will accompany them to their retirement. The steady and quite absurd rise in property values through the years was only ever going to lead us to this point. A key part of the problem is that simultaneously, because of our system of setting wages, real income levels were basically flatlining and barely kept pace with what for a long time was a historically very low inflation rate. The housing predicament was a long time in the making. Policymakers, the banks, the property industry, the media, and the community let it run and run.

The political system failed us. Just as it did on robo-debt. And climate change. And aged care. And the wildly inequitable education system.

In truth, the political system is mostly about politicians and their parties, if they belong to one. But it’s also about how those politicians interact with bureaucrats, sectoral interests and voters. Leadership counts for a lot. When voters are shy of accepting difficult changes – let’s stop using the term “reform” because it’s lost all political meaning – it’s up to genuine leaders to bring them around.

The Hawke-Keating years are often held up as the gold standard of a government steering through challenging policies. What’s often forgotten is that the deregulatory financial and economic changes Bob Hawke and Paul Keating implemented through five terms were only acceptable to voters because they were accompanied by the introduction and maintenance of universal health care, a comprehensive social welfare safety net, a sensible incomes policy and compulsory superannuation.


Compared with those days, we now have a more performative style of politics where the campaigning never stops, and substance vies with appearances for primacy. It’s an environment in which someone as high up in the food chain as Peter Dutton will casually refer to his party as a “brand”. His thinking seems to focus on positioning while not getting too fussed about beliefs and performance, which form the actual product. On Dutton’s telling, the Liberals lost the Aston byelection because the Liberal “brand” had suffered terribly in Victoria. On the Labor side, Anthony Albanese before the last election ditched every Shorten-era policy that had attracted controversy, including rollbacks on negative gearing and capital gains tax, which might have done something to alleviate the housing crisis. Those tax arrangements are now fixed probably in perpetuity.


The worry is that we’re getting further away from being able to solve difficult policy problems. Our modern, softly, softly way of doing politics encourages a long-standing strain of change-aversion in our national make-up.

Advocating for change has always been hard. There’s a familiar ring to the Yes vote’s declining poll numbers as the referendum for the Indigenous Voice gets closer. Within only a few months, they’ve gone from a solid majority to a minority. The same thing happened to voters’ enthusiasm for an emissions trading scheme during the first Rudd government. When Labor won office in 2007 under Kevin Rudd’s leadership, Labor and the Coalition were on a unity ticket when it came to putting a price on carbon; John Howard had gone to the election with a similar policy.

But voters’ ardour for an emissions trading scheme cooled throughout 2009 as its potential costs became more evident. The Liberals changed position, installed Tony Abbott as leader, and the Labor Party went to hell, with the relationship between Rudd and his deputy Julia Gillard breaking down. The whole unhappy mess culminated in the ouster of Labor in 2013 partly because of fury at the ALP’s carbon tax. What followed were three terms of climate change policies under the Coalition that toggled between half-hearted and passive-aggressive. It wasn’t until last year that most voters started to return to the notion that something more substantial was needed. All those years wasted.


There’s also a parallel with the push for a republic, a great cause celebre of the 1990s. Years of polls suggested that a solid majority of Australians favoured a move to a republic but by the time it came to vote at a referendum in late 1999, opinion had flipped: the vote was almost 55 per cent against and not a single state voted Yes. In our heads we were ready for a republic. But only in our heads.

Putting things off or taking half measures can win an election or two but only makes the big problems harder to fix. History shows that good leaders make the difference. Political capital can’t be banked, it needs to be spent. As a first-term prime minister, Anthony Albanese still has a fair stash of the stuff. He would do well to risk more of it, and tackling the housing crisis is the place to start.

Shaun Carney is a regular columnist.

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