

This was published 1 year ago

‘We’re hoping for a royal commission’: What the Betoota Advocate did next

By Robert Moran

For Clancy Overell and Errol Parker, editors of Australia’s “oldest newspaper”, The Betoota Advocate, the line between fact and fiction is blurry. If there even is a line, it is – to use a term I haven’t thought about since high school biology – semipermeable, reality and unreality passing through it interchangeably to the point where, during our interview, I have no idea who I’m even talking to. Maybe, neither do they.

The real guys behind the Betoota costumes, Archer Hamilton (Overell) and Charles Single (Parker), have demanded, as with all their media appearances, to do the interview in character. But then they trudge up to the bar at Kinselas in Taylor Square looking incredibly stressed, in the home stretch of their newest venture, a four-part docuseries titled The Betoota Advocate Presents, which premiered on Wednesday on Paramount+ after a fancy outback glam-themed launch party at the Randwick Ritz.

TV muckrakers: Clancy Overell and Errol Parker of the Betoota Advocate.

TV muckrakers: Clancy Overell and Errol Parker of the Betoota Advocate.Credit: Paramount+

I haven’t been to Kinselas in at least a decade, but it seems appropriately Betootan, an Australian landmark where Lady Gaga videos play on repeat. Overell orders a VB, Parker grabs a Great Northern lager. The pair have been working on the TV show for the better part of a year now, and it shows. “The first thing you learn when you’re doing TV is that everything moves slowly,” Parker says, drolly. “There are a lot of ‘experts’ involved in making a TV show, funnily enough.”

“And we’re used to The Betoota Advocate, where we can get something out within the hour. And, as you’ve probably noticed, without sub-editing,” Overell adds.

The TV show is a big step for the team at Betoota, which started as a website in 2014 before ballooning into everyone’s favourite news source in the era of Scotty from Marketing. “A lot of people have told us over the years that the logical next step for us was a TV show,” says Overell. “But what we do, our format of delivering the news, every time it goes on screen it ends up being a panel show. That’s what everyone wanted from us, forever. But us presenting the news and providing some quip afterwards isn’t really on brand for us.”

The ABC came calling early on, but the guys burnt their contact. “For anyone who does this stuff, the top goal was always the ABC,” says Parker. “Thank f---ing god we don’t have to do that any more.”

“A certain person messaged us via one of our social media pages and said, ‘Hi, the powers that be have told me to contact you’. All we had to do was Google the guy’s name, and we found out who he was,” Overell laughs. “I said, ‘Why didn’t you just ask ABC Radio for our number, they seem to hand it out like Smarties’. And he goes…”

“‘Do you know WHO I AM?’” Parker bellows.

“He goes, ‘Get back to me when there’s an adult!’” Overell adds. “And that’s why it took us 10 years to make a TV show.”


When Paramount+ approached the pair, it was the first time they’d been asked what they thought would work. “We had to really think about it, it’s not like we had a demo tape waiting,” says Overell. “We said, well, people are accustomed to our take on the news. Let’s give them infinitely more hectic stories, things from our past that we’ve forgotten about or actively tried to not tell.”

Overell and Parker with Malcolm Turnbull at Parliament House in October 2017. The then-PM’s office reached out to the pair to launch their book Betoota’s Australia. “We were like, ‘Why?’“, says Parker.

Overell and Parker with Malcolm Turnbull at Parliament House in October 2017. The then-PM’s office reached out to the pair to launch their book Betoota’s Australia. “We were like, ‘Why?’“, says Parker.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The result is a docuseries that dives surprisingly deep into the archives. It’s like ESPN’s 30 for 30, the US sports network’s acclaimed series of in-depth documentaries, but about arcane Australiana, with episodes about Super League war, the Fine Cotton affair, Hillsong and the Cronulla riots. They haven’t phoned it in either, with figures like Ray Martin, Sandra Sully and Chris Bath among the talking heads.

The Super League episode, which delves into rugby league’s mid-1990s split into duelling competitions sparked by Rupert Murdoch’s push for the game’s broadcast rights, is particularly eye-opening, featuring interviews with major players from the era including John Ribot, John Quayle, Paul “Chief” Harragon and Wendell Sailor – not to mention excellent clips from a strange Cribs episode featuring “Big Dell”. The episode ends by drawing a line from Murdoch’s Super League triumph to the rise of Trump. Not that I would know, but it feels like journalism.

“Well, you can be fast and loose with the truth but not the facts,” says Parker.

“We had to connect the dots properly, because you get one date wrong and you’re discredited from the start,” adds Overell. “You’ve got Betoota’s take on the news; this is Betoota’s take on history. Us showing you what happened, because a lot of things are lost in the weeds.”

The series, streaming as it is on Paramount+, has global reach. Among the nods to its overseas audience (“It’s going AUKUS,” says Parker of the show’s international markets on Paramount+) are glaring translations for the Yanks: the heat during Cronulla’s riots gets converted from Celsius to Fahrenheit, Alan Jones is described as our Tucker Carlson, the Super League drama gets explained in a Real Housewives analogy. What sick pleasure do these guys get out of sending our worst national stories overseas?

Parker and Overell with Bob Katter in Canberra in October 2016.

Parker and Overell with Bob Katter in Canberra in October 2016.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

“I think it’s more revealing character than anything. It just tells you this is not the great Australia we’ve always been presented as,” says Overell. On cue, outside the pub, a well-dressed man stumbling from too many substances gets accosted by several police. Overell gets on a rant.

“We don’t really talk about that history. Our history is Captain Cook, fast-forward to Gallipoli, Whitlam dismissal, Sydney Olympics ... that’s it! I think there’s so much more that shaped our current psyche than Whitlam getting dismissed.

“Australia has very good PR,” he continues. “People forget that, you know, after World War One people used to surf at Coogee in the middle of the night with the floodlights on, up to their nose on amphetamines. We haven’t even really scratched the surface on the wildness.

“I think, with the show, we are having fun putting microscopes on these certain parts of our history books. I mean, Underbelly did a pretty good job, that first season. Like, I didn’t know that many people got shot in the streets of Melbourne. But that’s a rare example of an ugly chapter in Australian history being dissected.”

Over the next hour they talk at me about topics they’d dig into if they ever get to make another season: the Fitzgerald Inquiry, the “boys’ homes of Boggo Road”, the “Nazis of the Barossa”, rumours that CIA operatives were used to flush heroin into Kings Cross. I don’t know how much of it I can publish. “A lot of them are dead,” Parker says of their subjects of scrutiny. “That’s what the lawyers like.”

“For now, I think dealing with the tribalism of the Cronulla riots, the corruption of Fine Cotton, the greed of the Super League war, and the conversation around religion and power in Hillsong – it hits four pillars that I feel Australians don’t think is touching them, when really they play a part in our every day,” says Overell.

Given their tone and the sensitivities at play, are they worried at all about ruffling feathers, maybe even being denied entry into the Shire once the series airs? “Is it a big loss, really?” Parker says of avoiding Sutherland.

“We have had to change tack a little bit,” adds Overell. “Rather than what we usually do, which is just put it all out there, a lot more is not said. And I guess that’s the Easter egg that everyone thinks about afterwards, and we’re excited to do it that way. Because we could just be sitting there on a panel every Thursday night and making a crack after showing a clip of ScoMo saying something dumb.”

“But anyone can throw rocks at a government like that. It doesn’t take much nuance,” adds Parker.

As ever, Betoota has bigger goals. “We went into this series hoping to get a royal commission, you know?” says Overell. “So we’ll see. That’s the real Walkley.”

The Betoota Advocate Presents streams on Paramount+ on Wednesdays, June 14 to July 5.

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