

This was published 1 year ago


Let this be the last time our leader kowtows to a foreign king

By Craig Foster and Nova Peris

This weekend, Australia’s new king, Charles III will be crowned.

The event comes at an incredibly transformative and inspiring juncture in Australian history when we are having profoundly important conversations about our true history, recontextualising first contact and frontier wars and exploring our modern, multicultural identity.

The coronation stands in stark contrast to all those positive emotions. It is overwhelmingly devoid of meaning to contemporary Australia.

“Time for change”: Co-chairs of the Australia Republic Movement Craig Foster and Nova Peris.

“Time for change”: Co-chairs of the Australia Republic Movement Craig Foster and Nova Peris.Credit: Rhett Wyman

The majority of Australians are calling for Australian self-governance and complete separation from the Crown. Seven in 10 of us believe that the monarch does not represent our values as a nation, a proposition that is all but impossible to argue against, more particularly after Charles requested the subjects of all his “realms” – of which Australia is one – to stand and “call out” their true allegiance to his majesty, his heirs and successors.

It was perhaps a necessary moment to bring home to each of us the anachronistic nature of our constitutional arrangements.

We have the right to expect all public officials to pledge allegiance to us, the people of Australia, not the other way around. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has made clear he supports an Australian head of state but that he will take the pledge of allegiance requested by Australia’s King.

We don’t believe it is appropriate for the PM to do so. He could politely decline as many others have done and simply state that, outside of occasions where members of parliament are still required to pledge to Charles III, an outdated and meaningless oath should be changed to acknowledge our democratic principles. Australians expect his loyalty to them, and no other. Nevertheless, this should, surely, be the final indignity. Could this be the last time our prime minister pledges allegiance to anyone other than to us?

The prime minister is caught with the rest of us between Australia’s past and our future. With truth and justice at its heart, the Australian republic is the bridge between the two.


Until we make that leap, there are so many contradictions to contend with. On the one hand, we are trying to be respectful of an institution that is a central part of our national story. On the other, it’s not possible to take the ceremony seriously when we are asked to believe that this person represents the divine right of kings to rule over us, as ordained by God.

It is time for change: both of our head of state, and our pledges.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese meets King Charles III at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese meets King Charles III at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday.Credit: AP

We think that Australia deserves a head of state who is Australian, in whom we can take great pride, who represents us exclusively, and is accountable to the Australian people. And the moment when an eminent First Nations elder or an Aussie from any of our more than 300 cultural backgrounds is selected to represent us on the international stage will be one of the most important, and inspiring moments in our history.

While advocating for a truly independent Australia, we remain respectful of those Australians with affection for the Crown without ever flinching from challenging and truthful conversations about the truth of our history. Formal ties are no longer reconcilable with the path Australia is finally treading.

We’re now talking about the legacy of the Crown in a very different light than the version of history that Australia’s older generations – including both of us – were taught in school. Australia now simultaneously acknowledges the important inheritances of our British traditions while understanding the centuries-long impacts of dispossession and attempted genocide on First Nations. In the same way Australians are walking this journey of reconciliation, so must the British monarchy acknowledge the crimes committed against First Nations peoples as well as so many tens of millions more across the Commonwealth.


Nova’s mother and grandmother were part of the stolen generation. The institutionalised racism that began with terra nullius shaped her view of the Crown and her long-time belief in Australia’s full independence.

For Craig, wearing the green and gold has bred contemplation of the values that this country stands for as a committed and proud meritocracy. An institution that excludes all but its own family members, and a position that excludes every Australian, always stood out as the antithesis of Australian values.

Both of us proudly represented our country and want future representatives to be able to stand for equality, dignity, inclusion, meritocracy and multiculturalism.

We want all Australians to know that a republic is not a rejection of our British traditions or any other part of our history. Rather, it reflects a full and true acceptance of that history.


In fact, we would like Charles to join with all Australians in an orderly transition that recognises the unifying and nation-building benefits of a former colony taking full responsibility for our own affairs. And for each other.

We want to bring all three strands of our history – the oldest living culture, constitutional monarchy and our incredible migrant heritage – into a contemporary identity. Ancient, diverse, equal and together.

There are over 300 different cultures in Australia, along with more than 400 First Nations and multiple religions and every one of them has the right – as part of their commitment and contribution to building this extraordinary place that we love called Australia – to aspire to any, and every position in public life.

This year is rightly all about the Voice to Parliament referendum and the need for First Nations to hold our collective attention for a critically important discussion on long-overdue change. We are absolutely respectful of the traditional owners of this land and deeply sensitive to this need.

The coronation focuses all our minds on an important task scheduled for next year and beyond when we will begin the process of citizen engagement and deliberation to ensure that every Australian feels involved, can contribute, express their concerns and hopes and that this next stage of Australian history is built by all of us.

The republic is an inspiring vision where we finally inherit our own country. The third and final act of Australian history and, after this week, it feels closer than ever.

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