

This was published 1 year ago

Daintree exposes fundamental weakness in how Victoria is governed

By Chip Le Grand

Navigating the labyrinth of the Victorian Health Department takes more than a ball of yarn. As IBAC’s Operation Daintree investigation reveals, one way to grease the bureaucratic wheels is to let public servants know, or at least believe, that the premier’s gaze is fixed upon their work.

One former senior adviser was familiar enough with the inner-workings of the state government to understand this. Working for then health minister Jill Hennessy they decided, in a phone call with a relatively junior public servant, to get things moving on a small but important project.

It was August 22, 2018, about six weeks before the Andrews government entered its caretaker period for that year’s state election, and the adviser called the public servant to find out what progress had been made on departmental approval for a training program to help healthcare workers deal with a globally identified problem; rising episodes of workplace violence involving angry patients and their families.

During the call, the adviser mentioned that the union lined up to deliver the training, the Health Workers Union run by Diana Asmar, had met Premier Daniel Andrews and was complaining about how long things were taking.

Asmar wanted $1.2 million worth of government-funded training to be delivered through the Health Education Foundation, a non-profit entity registered by HWU officials two months earlier with Asmar as one of its directors. IBAC found that the adviser’s mention of the Premier’s meeting with the union was designed to pressure the department to award the training contract to the HEF.

Any doubts about this were removed by adviser’s next call - to the procurement officer assessing the contract. The final report of Operation Daintree published on Wednesday notes the procurement officer felt so pressured by the adviser, they wondered whether they were about to get their “marching orders”.

Premier Daniel Andrews, then health minister Jill Hennessy (third from right) and union leader Diana Asmar (right) announcing the $2.2 million election commitment ahead of the 2018 election.

Premier Daniel Andrews, then health minister Jill Hennessy (third from right) and union leader Diana Asmar (right) announcing the $2.2 million election commitment ahead of the 2018 election.Credit:

A former senior health department bureaucrat who approved the HEF contract, told IBAC that while it might not be inappropriate for a ministerial adviser to call DHHS staff to push things along, it was to directly contract procurement staff.

The adviser defended their actions to IBAC as legitimate assistance to an important stakeholder trying to navigate departmental processes. IBAC rejected this.


“The investigation found that a senior adviser to the Health Minister improperly intruded into the process of DHHS awarding the contract to the HEF,” its final report concluded, without naming the adviser.

“It also found that the decision by DHHS to contract with HEF without undertaking a competitive procurement process was driven by a belief of senior staff in that department that that was the minister’s and government’s preference, and by ongoing pressure from the ministerial adviser and secretary of the union.”

Revelations that a ministerial adviser would lean on public servants to deliver a government’s preferred outcome or that a Labor administration would sidestep usual processes to keep an influential union leader happy are hardly shocking.

As Jenny Mikakos, the former health minister who took over from Hennessy, told IBAC: “The impression that I had was that the Premier’s office would bend over backwards to accommodate any union concerns. ...they would move heaven and earth to keep the union movement happy. … You just need to look at all of our EBA outcomes.”

Where Daintree becomes murky is the disconnect between the focus the adviser brought to their task and Hennessy’s professed lack of knowledge about what her staffer was up to.

When Hennessy was interviewed by IBAC in December 2021 she recalled that she was aware the HWU was setting up a training scheme but thought it was being handled by the premier’s own go-to adviser on industrial matters.

She later told IBAC that it was only when she read the draft report of Operation Daintree that she learned about the central involvement of her own adviser. She told IBAC that when it came to securing the HEF contract, the adviser had not acted in her capacity and authority as Hennessy’s staffer. Who then, was the adviser acting for?

Monash University Associate Professor Yee-Fui Ng, a former adviser to the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet and the Australian Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, who has written extensively about the impact of political advisers on Australian politics and other Westminster systems around the world, says we will probably never know.

“Because ministerial advisers are constitutionally the alter ego of the minister, they speak for the minister in the public servant’s eyes,” Yee-Fui explains.

“The public servant assumes that it came from the minister but in reality, it was filtered or blocked advice at the adviser level. The minister can use the adviser as a scapegoat – I didn’t know, I wasn’t advised, they acted on their own frolic.”

Yee-Fui says a fundamental weakness in our public administration is the lack of strong, enforceable rules for ministerial advisers. This makes it difficult for integrity agencies like the Ombudsman or IBAC to make findings of misconduct.

“The minister escapes, the ministerial adviser escapes – everyone escapes accountability.”

She notes that the introduction of a Parliamentary Integrity Commissioner – the outcome of previous IBAC recommendations - may improve things, but there is little incentive for either major party to pursue substantial integrity reforms.

The IBAC recommendations from Operation Daintree include several measures which, if taken together, would bolster accountability for ministerial advisers and political staff working in the Premier’s Private Office.

These include requiring either the Department of Premier and Cabinet or the Victorian Public Sector Commission to report the number of advisers and other staff employed in each ministerial office and the cost of employing them, law changes to formalise the employment arrangements for ministerial staff and changes to the Parliamentary Committees Act so that ministerial staff can be compelled to appear and answer questions.


IBAC also recommended the establishment of better whistleblower protections for people within the public service or other parts of government who raise legitimate allegations about misconduct by ministerial staff.

Australian National University honorary professor Colleen Lewis, an associate of the Centre for Public Integrity, says the proliferation of political advisers under the first two terms of the Andrews government needs to be accounted for, particularly now that the government has flagged significant cuts to public service numbers to reduce the public wages bill.

“The public debt in Victoria, which taxpayers have to fund is huge, so too are the needs of many in the Victorian community,” she said. “Surely, the overstretched resources of Victorian taxpayers could be better spent than on hiring an excess of ministerial advisers and awarding highly questionable contracts to Labor Party-affiliated unions.”

If the adviser was on a frolic, they were hardly on their own. A week before the HEF contract was finalised, Daniel Andrews, Jill Hennessy and Diana Asmar stood in front of the Austin Hospital and announced that a re-elected Andrews government, in partnership with the HSU, would provide $2.2 million to train 1000 healthcare workers to better deal with occupational violence.

Asmar interpreted that pledge as a government commitment to deliver the training through HEF and the initial $1.2 million contract as a down payment. Andrews told IBAC that he had no recollection of the commitment he announced alongside Asmar nor any discussions he had with her.

The public funds at the centre of the Operation Daintree investigation are relatively tiny. Of the $1.2 million contracted to the HEF to train 575 healthcare workers, only $335,000 was actually paid to the union-controlled entity before the training scheme was abandoned. The reason for that, made clear by the IBAC report, is that the scheme was a complete shemozzle.

Under the contract entered into between the health department and HEF, the HEF agreed to develop its training content by January 2019. When health department officials saw the training content, they blanched at the shoddy quality. Nearly all of it appeared to be plagiarised from other resources and there was evidence of little work adapting it to health-care settings. There were no case studies, learning modules were lifted from other programs and the document was littered with grammatical errors.

The bureaucrat warned that if the program was rolled out as presented it would put health care workers and their patients at physical risk of injury and the department at reputational risk. Once the pilot programs began at the Royal Children’s Hospital and Bendigo Health, the feedback was even worse. Four out of five people who did the course didn’t believe the training was relevant to their jobs.

Within weeks of the HEF program starting, major city and regional hospital groups refused to send their staff to be trained. In the end, only 87 healthcare workers received the training. Jenny Mikakos inherited the HEF program after the election. She told IBAC she would not have entered into the contract had she been the minister responsible at the time.

Andrews defended his government’s conduct on Wednesday, stressing that the report found no individual had acted corruptly. “There are no findings against anyone in this report,” he said. “The anti-corruption commission has looked at a series of matters from some years ago, and have found no corrupt conduct.

“That’s just a fact. I can’t change what happened four or five years ago. [But] we can make sure that the highest standards are met in the future. That’s the fundamental responsibility that I have.”

Colleen Lewis describes the entire episode as disgraceful. “I say disgraceful as not only were the usual guidelines not adhered to by the Health Department in the awarding of the contract to the union’s entity, but this contract was about training in relation to occupational violence and hence the safety of health care workers,” she said.

“It is worth remembering that unions exist to look after the welfare of their members and that welfare is not only about wages – surely the safety of workers should take precedence over all other factors. It clearly didn’t in the negotiations that took place in the awarding of this contract.”

Jill Hennessy, Jenny Mikakos and Diana Asmar were all contacted by The Age for comment.

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