


At 40, Jim collapsed with a stroke. Would you know the signs?

Strokes strike young and old. In most cases, time is critical in getting help. How can you tell? And what are the treatments?

World experts tackle myths and misunderstandings about common health issues in our Explainers.See all 21 stories.

Forty-year-old Jim Khamphouy was warming up at the gym when he suddenly lost all feeling in one side of his body. He clenched his fist but there was no sensation. He tried to walk and fell over. People asked him what was wrong, but his words were incoherent.

“I knew nothing about stroke; I didn’t even know I was having one,” he says. “I just thought, oh my God, this is how people pass away.”

A stroke can be as harmful to our brains as a car crash, yet the damage is inflicted as we sleep or go about our daily life. Once an artery carrying blood to the brain blocks or bursts, it kills cells in our most complex organ faster than any other disease. As the brain loses function, our ability to move, think and feel can steadily shut down.

An estimated 27,400 people in Australia have a stroke for the first time each year. Four in 10 people have another stroke within 10 years. Two-thirds of all strokes are in people 65 or older. But stroke is not just an older person’s disease; nearly 150,000 Australian adults under 65 are living with the impact of having had a stroke. The total number of strokes in 2020 was about 39,500.

In extremely rare cases, a stroke can cause locked-in syndrome – a condition paralysing all voluntary muscles except for a person’s eyes. Often people can avoid severe disability if they receive treatment fast enough. Since 1980, the death rate for strokes in Australia has declined by three-quarters. Still, stroke remains the world’s second-biggest killer after heart attack – strokes killed 8500 people in Australia in 2021 – and it is a leading cause of disability.

Australia’s only mobile stroke unit, introduced in 2017, rushed to Khamphouy that day, treating him in a so-called “golden hour” that gives the best chance of a full recovery. Two days later he walked out of hospital. A decade ago, he might not have survived. The difference in the outcome “were it 10 or 20 years ago, or even before we had the stroke ambulance, is like night and day”, says neurologist Geoffrey Donnan, who first treated him.

So, what is a stroke? How do you know you’re having one? And how fast does treatment need to be?

Stroke survivor Jim Khamphouy with professors Geoffrey Donnan, left, who first treated him, and Stephen Davis, right, who with Donnan set up the mobile stroke unit that diagnosed him.

Stroke survivor Jim Khamphouy with professors Geoffrey Donnan, left, who first treated him, and Stephen Davis, right, who with Donnan set up the mobile stroke unit that diagnosed him.Credit: Photo: Chris Hopkins. Artwork: Aresna Villanueva

What causes a stroke?

What doctors call a stroke begins only once the brain is affected, but the problem often starts elsewhere in the body, in the highways that carry blood to the head.

In the most common type of stroke, called ischaemic (from the ancient Greek for stoppage of blood flow), an artery becomes blocked and cuts off blood supply to part of the brain. Starved of oxygen and nutrients, nearly 2 million nerve cells die each minute. (The brain has about 86 billion nerve cells.)

An artery in the brain usually becomes blocked by a clot that starts in the large arteries in the neck, or that comes from the heart, says Royal Melbourne Hospital’s Melbourne Brain Centre director Stephen Davis. For example, a build-up of cholesterol and fatty material can harden or narrow the neck artery. If this plaque becomes inflamed and causes blood clots to form, the clot can break off and travel to the brain.

In a quarter of ischaemic strokes, the clot develops in the heart. People most at risk have an irregular heartbeat – atrial fibrillation – causing a clot to form on their heart wall, which ends up in their brain. “They are usually bigger clots,” says Donnan, who also co-chairs the Australian Stroke Alliance. “And the stroke is usually more severe.”

More severe still is a haemorrhagic stroke (from the Greek for violent bleeding), which is when a vessel in the brain bursts. About 15 per cent of strokes are haemorrhagic. Delicate blood vessels deep in the brain can weaken, usually because of high blood pressure. They are so tiny that doctors have trouble detecting them. If they burst, leaking blood causes an intracerebral haemorrhage.


In other cases a weakness in the wall of an artery forms an aneurysm, appearing like a bubble, which can burst, triggering a subarachnoid haemorrhage, where blood floods onto the surface of the brain. A burst aneurysm causes death in half of cases, while two-thirds of survivors suffer permanent brain damage.

In both types of haemorrhage, Donnan says, pressure builds like a balloon inflating in the skull. “The sheer pressure of it causes the damage,” he says.

Kelly Wilson in 2021 with her sons and partner Bruce, who found her having a stroke.

Kelly Wilson in 2021 with her sons and partner Bruce, who found her having a stroke.Credit: Photo: Supplied. Artwork: Aresna Villanueva

How can you tell if you’re having a stroke?

Mother of two Kelly Wilson had just made breakfast for her children when she started to fumble in the bathroom. What happened next is a blur because, she says, her mind became “like a very slow computer”. She lost vision in one eye. She glanced in the mirror but could not take in her reflection. “Something’s wrong,” she recalls thinking, “but there was no processing of what could be wrong.”

Her partner, Bruce, found her within two minutes slumped over the basin. Her face was drooping, chin nearly at her chest. “I need help,” she tried to say, but saliva came out of her mouth instead. Bruce ran to call an ambulance. She went to sit on the bath edge and realised she had no control over her entire left side. She hit the floor. “I’m lucky that I wasn’t on my own,” Wilson says. “Even if I could have made a phone call, I wouldn’t have been able to form any words.”

As many as 80 per cent of stroke victims will display symptoms that health organisations crunch into the message FAST (Face, Arms, Speech, Time). Onset often takes seconds but in some cases worsens over minutes. The signs are face drooping; arm weakness or numbness (a loss of sensation but not tingling); and speech disturbance (the most reliable warning is someone using the wrong words). For treatment to stop brain damage, time is the critical factor.


People often confuse stroke with heart attack, says Australia’s Stroke Foundation clinical council chair Bruce Campbell. Heart attack can cause chest pain that might spread to the left arm while strokes affect one or both sides of the body.

Strokes are mostly painless but can cause numbness or weakness down either side of the body. “If we can get everyone in the community to recognise a stroke and to say, ‘I think they’re having a stroke’ when they’re calling an ambulance, then you get down the right emergency services pathway,” Campbell says.

Other clues are less common – confusion, trouble seeing in one or both eyes, dizziness and severe headaches, all of which can be caused by any number of ailments. “If it’s the first time these symptoms have ever happened, it would be reasonable to seek medical attention and to also check that you haven’t got any of those other FAST symptoms,” says Campbell, who does not recommend calling an ambulance for only dizziness or a mild headache.

One sign of a haemorrhagic stroke can be a “thunderclap headache” which, unlike a migraine, peaks in seconds. In Manhattan, a woman in her 30s ran the New York Marathon with a splitting headache before she took herself to an emergency department. Consultant neuro-interventionist Tom Oxley, a Melburnian who has worked at Mount Sinai Hospital since 2015, was stunned by the woman’s arrival. She had run with a burst aneurysm. “The key symptom was sudden onset; the worst headache of your life,” he says. She made a full recovery after Oxley treated her using endovascular coiling, where a spring not much wider than a human hair blocks the rupture.


Another major warning sign is someone having any of the main symptoms for only a short time, often as brief as 10 minutes. For example, someone’s speech might be briefly incomprehensible before returning to normal. Called a transient ischaemic attack, this is the same as a stroke except the blocked artery clears by itself, Campbell says. Studies say 15 to 30 per cent of people experience this before a stroke – a figure Campbell says is likely decreasing with better risk management. He says people should act with urgency, even if symptoms disappear, as immediate treatment lowers the risk of subsequent stroke by 80 per cent.


What’s the treatment and how fast is it needed?

There was a glow in the Swedish midnight sky as neurologist Bo Norrving faced a dilemma over a stroke patient. It was the early 1990s and physicians were debating whether medication to dissolve blood clots, known as thrombolysis, could be of benefit to certain stroke patients or do them harm. “After some hesitation, ‘Yes,’ we said, ‘Go, we will perform thrombolytic therapy on this patient’,” recounts Norrving, a prominent figure in stroke research. At first, there was no effect. An hour later the patient started improving. “After two hours it had almost vanished. The whole department was saying ‘This is a miracle!’”

The intravenous treatment is now known to dissolve clots if quickly given to those suffering ischaemic stroke – but not those having a haemorrhagic stroke, as it increases bleeding. It helped to overturn what many physicians say was a nihilistic acceptance of stroke being untreatable. “For the first time ever we could see that you could do something,” Norrving says. “You can really make a difference.”

Another breakthrough came in 2015, when clinical trials showed that inserting a catheter into an artery in a patient’s groin or wrist to retrieve a clot – a process called thrombectomy – dramatically reduced disability for severe strokes, where a large blood vessel is blocked. Steering the device up into the brain through arteries illuminated under an X-ray, a specialist can suck or clasp clots from blocked vessels. “Mechanical clot retrieval is the biggest thing to happen this generation in stroke medicine,” says Oxley, who conducts the procedure. “It’s kind of like a stiff fishing line that you can bend at the tip, and then you can thread it up in any direction of the branchy vessels all the way up into the brain.”

Around the world, doctors say “time is brain” because the window to treat stroke patients is so small. For ischaemic stroke it was initially believed to be just three hours, then 4½. Yet neurologists including Davis and Donnan have shown that thrombolysis can work for some people when performed up to nine hours after the stroke began. Some patients also regain brain function after a clot is surgically retrieved up to 24 hours afterwards.

“You get a core of brain that dies very rapidly. But around the core there is an area of precarious blood flow, which is called the ischaemic penumbra; that is the opportunity to treat,” Davis says. “If you restore the blood flow, that area survives.” But Donnan warns that every minute lost leaves less viable brain tissue.


This is why Davis and Donnan set up the mobile stroke unit in Melbourne, based on a similar concept in Germany, which rushes a CT scanner to patients to identify what type of stroke they are having so clot-dissolving medicine can be injected on the spot if it’s an ischaemic stroke. The unit has helped more than 2850 patients in five years, on average outpacing treatment provided in hospital by 45 minutes.

“Our work has lined up with overseas studies that have shown that there’s a substantial reduction in disability by earlier treatment,” Davis says of the unit. “There are some people who have a major neurological deficit when we get there and by the time they come off these ambulances at the Royal Melbourne they’re virtually back to normal.” (A second stroke ambulance is planned for Melbourne’s south-eastern suburbs and a unit in Sydney is under development.)

With haemorrhagic strokes, though, there have been fewer breakthroughs. Treatments focus on minimally invasive surgery to control bleeding and relieve pressure in the brain. “Some of the worst complications seem to come from very high blood pressure, so reducing the blood pressure in the emergency room is one of the things that’s done,” says Daniel F. Hanley of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Research is also under way into medicine that increases clotting – the opposite of clot-dissolving drugs that treat ischaemic stroke – to stem bleeding. “You want a clot to form [in haemorrhagic cases] so that more blood isn’t released into the brain,” Hanley says.

Jess Campbell, now in her 30s, has learned to walk and talk again after having a stroke when she was 21.

Jess Campbell, now in her 30s, has learned to walk and talk again after having a stroke when she was 21.Credit: Photo: Eddie Jim. Artwork: Aresna Villanueva

What happens after a stroke?

Many stroke survivors know all too well that everything we do – from taking a single step to saying the right word – involves highly complex neurological processes. “It’s really bizarre and very frustrating when I can’t do things that I know I could do,” says Jess Campbell, who at 21 learned to walk and talk again after having a stroke in her sleep.

Campbell woke to the horrifying realisation that she could not move one side of her body. She crawled from her bed to find her mother and sister, who drove her to hospital. A decade later she suffers from fatigue and memory loss, trips up easily when moving around and has trouble with fast conversations. “But I kind of just get on with it,” she says.

In every part of Australia are people you might not realise have had a stroke. About three-quarters of them are still living with an impairment, the most recent Australian Institute of Health and Welfare data shows. The types of impairments vary, depending on what part of the brain a stroke affects, but nearly 80 per cent have trouble with physical activities and many with gripping or holding things. Speech, memory or learning are affected in about a third of stroke survivors. (While Kelly Wilson’s stroke was in 2018, she still has occasional language glitches, for example asking her boys at bedtime to put on their bathers instead of their pyjamas.)

Patients can make the biggest gains in the three to six months after a stroke, says Professor Julie Bernhardt of the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health. But she says a common misconception is that recovery then stops – in fact, stroke recovery can continue for years. “When people are recovering, we see changes in their brain pathways or a new pathway forming that allows people to restore their ability to do things,” Bernhardt says.

Therapists try to work with a patient as early as possible, when the brain is believed to be most malleable. But too much exercise too soon can be harmful, says Bernhardt, who oversaw the world’s biggest stroke rehabilitation trial that found stroke patients should not undertake intense exercise within 24 hours. Natasha Lannin, an occupational therapist and neuroscience professor at Monash University and Alfred Health, believes many patients have better outcomes when rehabilitation starts within a week of a stroke.

Patients work with physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech pathologists and undertake high repetitions of activities to encourage the brain to form new connections – a process called neuroplasticity. Someone working to regain movement in a leg, for example, will do exercises to strengthen their muscles before taking steps or walking on a treadmill. “It allows a very weak limb to start to do the action it’s supposed to do and it then starts driving brain cortical change,” Lannin says.

Computer games help patients in some hospitals to fight tedium while doing repetitive exercise, their movements syncing into virtual ski slopes or basketball courts. At hospitals including Prince of Wales in Sydney, games complement stroke patients’ rehabilitation, says University of Sydney associate professor Leanne Hassett, who trials the technology. “For people to have better outcomes, they need to practise more,” she says. Exercise also helps prevent further strokes (more on this below) and makes the recovering brain healthier overall.

Bernhardt cautions there is no “golden” therapy that restores lost ability for everyone. People do improve, she says, but researchers disagree over how much of this recovery is natural or due to an intervention. “We’re still looking for the breakthrough treatment that is going to help restore movement, speech and other abilities, not just compensate for problems that people have after stroke,” she says. A better understanding of who recovers, who doesn’t and why, Bernhardt says, will help patients get the correct treatment.

Lannin says countries that do not offer rehabilitation have worse outcomes than those that do. Her research with colleagues shows rehabilitation does make a difference, although it can’t in every single patient, depending on the severity of the stroke. “It’s worth trying rehab, it’s worth trying everything we can because otherwise we’re leaving people to wait for a cure and I don’t know how close that will be.”


Can you do anything to prevent a stroke?

A simple blood-pressure test and medication can do the most to prevent stroke, says Norrving. High blood pressure, also called hypertension, left unmanaged is the biggest risk factor because it damages blood vessel walls and can cause blood clots to break off from arteries. Prescription medication can relax veins and arteries, block enzymes or reduce calcium in the heart and blood vessels. “This is a low-hanging fruit that governments should really implement in the population everywhere,” Norrving says.

High blood pressure, along with the heart condition atrial fibrillation, high cholesterol, type two diabetes, stress, depression and smoking cause about 90 per cent of all strokes, says the Stroke Foundation’s Campbell. Many of these conditions can be treated with medicines, he says, but avoiding lifestyle risks such as smoking, an unhealthy diet and being overweight and inactive is critical. “Translating that to behaviour change in the populations as a whole is very difficult.”

Stroke affects more people at older ages because conditions that affect the heart or blood vessels increase as we grow older, Campbell says. Risks increase not only with age but with gender. Men, whose general health is at greater social and biological risk than women, are more likely to have a stroke at a younger age. The risk is also slightly more for women who use contraceptive pills containing a higher dose of oestrogen.

Norrving says some strokes in the young are due to common risk factors such as high blood pressure and an unhealthy lifestyle. Injuries to the arteries and heart issues people are born with are further causes. However, “a proportion of strokes in the young are from unknown causes and, of course, such strokes are difficult to prevent”.

In 2020, several US doctors led by Oxley at Mount Sinai wrote a letter to a medical journal sharing their belief that COVID-19 was causing increased clotting in strokes among patients younger than 50. Studies now show there is an increased risk of stroke during the acute phase of the virus, while blood vessels become inflamed for at least several weeks afterwards.

And what of the notion that taking an aspirin a day will keep a stroke away in otherwise healthy people? Campbell says this is recommended only in consultation with a doctor to prevent stroke in people who have already had one, or who have heart disease and is effective only in people not at risk of clots originating in the heart. “Australian-led research has shown that aspirin doesn’t benefit people who don’t already have cardiovascular disease,” he says. “And we certainly don’t want people who think they’re having a stroke taking a blood-thinner like aspirin at that point because, until you get a CAT scan, you can’t tell if there’s a bleed or not.”

What’s the future for stroke treatment?

As a junior doctor, Oxley was involved in treating a man in his 40s with locked-in syndrome at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. The man could use only his eyes to communicate. “The eyes are closest to the brain,” Oxley says. “So any damage that happens outside the brain, they get protected because they’re so high up the order.” Fewer than 1 per cent of stroke survivors become “locked in” and most require a breathing tube to protect their lungs from fluid, says neurologist Peter Hand, who also treated the patient.

One day, the man used his eyes to tell his family he wanted to be taken off life support. “It was one of the most intense experiences of my life,” says Oxley.

He often thinks of that patient as he works on brain-computer interface technology. So far only tested on people with motor neurone disease, it has enabled people with paralysis to control digital devices. After a matchstick-sized implant is inserted into their brain, the patients can use thoughts to text or email friends and family. They can do online banking or shopping. “I think one day ... we’ll say, ‘We have a lot of different options if you break your body and you want to keep existing in the world in a meaningful way’,” Oxley says.

In Australia, innovators want to treat patients outside major cities sooner. Hal Rice, a doctor at Gold Coast University Hospital, has trialled robotically removing clots from stroke patients. He moves three levers while closely watching live X-ray images to steer a catheter into the patient’s brain from another room. The hope, Rice says, is such technology can treat patients in regional hospitals instead of them having to be transferred to major cities. “If we can cut that transfer time, which is 12 hours or six hours, and if the patient can be in their regional hospital in one hour, it’s going to make a really big difference,” he says.


Davis and Donnan also want to get to patients faster and are grappling with the long distances that stroke ambulances are unable to cover. They have a $40 million federal grant to develop lightweight CT scanners that could operate in Royal Flying Doctor Service planes and ambulance helicopters. They marvel at how close the day could be where all strokes could be treated.

“Let’s say one day we’ll have a treatment for the haemorrhage,” Donnan says. “If you got to every case within minutes of it occurring, theoretically, you could get everyone to be back to normal. That’s the point we’re all working towards.”

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