

This was published 1 year ago


Out of the shadows: The $382b Chinese split that could heal old wounds

In late 2020, when Jack Ma attempted a major restructure of his businesses, it provoked a violent response from China’s authorities that flowed into a massive crackdown on China’s big tech companies. This time, the plan to restructure his $US255 billion ($382 billion) Alibaba group appears to have been endorsed by Beijing.

A lot has changed for China’s big tech companies since the authorities forced the abandonment of the $US37 billion initial public offering of Alibaba’s fintech sister company, Ant Group, in November 2020. That IPO, pulled two days before its launch, valued Ant at more than $US300 billion. Its estimated value today is less than $US70 billion.

Jack Ma has re-emerged in China after years out of the spotlight.

Jack Ma has re-emerged in China after years out of the spotlight. Credit: AP

Since the aborted IPO the authorities, with disdainful references to “disorderly capital,” “barbaric capital” and anti-competitive practices, have significantly tightened their grip on the sector amid a broader shift in emphasis from wealth creation to wealth distribution under Xi Jinping’s banner of “common prosperity.”

The big fintechs like Ant and Tencent were ordered to become financial holdings companies, subject to conventional bank regulations, had competition and consumer protection regulations imposed on them along with data privacy and national security obligations.

Beijing-appointed directors have been parachuted onto the boards of key subsidiaries of the big tech companies, along with token government equity stakes that carry with them rights akin to those of a “golden share,” with the power to review content and veto decisions.

Tech billionaires have been “encouraged” to donate billions of dollars to the “common prosperity” cause and have scrambled to do so.


The crackdown on tech appears to have been ignited by incendiary comments Ma made in a speech just ahead of the Ant IPO when, after founding Ant and Alibaba, he was China’s richest, most outspoken and most internationally visible entrepreneur.

Ma made a number of derisive comments about China’s financial system, its regulation and the state-owned banks within it. The unusual directness of the criticism was seen as a challenge to the authorities and a demonstration of hubris, and self-perceived power and independence, of the new class of tech billionaires.


After the Ant IPO was called off, Ma disappeared from public view and was rarely sighted until, after spending the past six months based in Japan, he resurfaced in China this week. Earlier this year he agreed to reduce his voting rights in Ant from more than 50 per cent to just over six per cent.

His re-emergence, at a school in Hangzhou on Monday, coincided with Alibaba’s announcement that it is going to carve itself up into six separate groups with their own managements and boards and the potential, if they decide it is in their interests, to pursue IPOs of their businesses.

The restructure is occurring in an environment where Alibaba’s growth has been slowing, a function of its own scale and penetration within China’s economy, the impacts of the implosion in the property sector and the decimation of value in the tech sector triggered by government interventions and, of course, the chilling effect of Beijing’s “zero COVID” policies on the economy.

Alibaba, which was valued at more than $US800 billion before Ma’s fateful 2020 speech, had a market capitalisation of about $US225 billion before the announcement of the restructure added more than $US30 billion. The group had been trading at about half the earnings multiples it enjoyed before Ma’s provocative speech.

The group is reported to have presented its restructuring plan to Beijing before announcing it (it would have been foolhardy, bordering on corporate suicide, not to have done so) and been given the green light to proceed.

It is in Alibaba’s interest to make its businesses smaller targets for the authorities and the authorities would be pleased to see the group’s scale, financial clout and pervasiveness within the economy and society fragmented.

Xi Jinping has been bringing China’s tech entrepreneurs into line.

Xi Jinping has been bringing China’s tech entrepreneurs into line. Credit: AP

The anti-trust and concentration concerns that have been cited for the intrusive regulation of the big fintechs and e-commerce platforms will be of less relevance for Alibaba if its main business units are demonstrably independent and, in the longer term, structurally separated.

The restructuring comes at a key moment for China. Xi abandoned his harsh and growth-sapping approach to COVID-19 abruptly late last year and the rhetoric from the Chinese leadership shifted significantly from the emphasis on common prosperity to support for the private sector.

Newly appointed premier, Li Qiang, has declared his “unwavering support” for private businesses and claimed there had been an “incorrect discourse” that had caused concerns among private entrepreneurs.

Regulators, he said, “shouldn’t be only stepping on the brakes and not the gas.”

The group is reported to have presented its restructuring plan to Beijing before announcing it (it would have been foolhardy, bordering on corporate suicide, not to have done so) and been given the green light to proceed.

Despite those comments and efforts to reassure private businesses and foreign investors that it is supportive of the private sector, Xi and the Communist Party have tightened their grip on the economy, prioritised the role of their state-owned enterprises and increased supervision of private businesses, concentrating more authority over the economy within Beijing.

Under the planned restructure, while the core Chinese e-commerce platform, Taobao Tmall Commerce Group, will remain wholly owned by Alibaba, the other five, independently managed entities will be able to source external funding, eventually even equity.

Those businesses include Alibaba’s fast-growing cloud business, its logistics business, its media and entertainment unit (in which the government holds a golden share) and its local services unit.

Ma’s successor as chief executive, Daniel Zhang, said this week that the group needed to make the organisation simpler and more agile and, with the restructuring, each business would be able to set their own strategy to “fit their respective battlefields.”


The strategy fits with the conventional view that conglomerates, and Alibaba contains a set of quite disparate businesses, create internal conflicts of interest in capital allocation and management attention that depress value. The response of the sharemarket to the announcement of the restructuring tends to validate the view that the restructuring will unlock that latent value.

That it might also mean that there is less interest from Beijing in the businesses’ affairs would be a significant bonus.

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