This was published 2 years ago
It’s time for action on housing crunch
Australian household budgets will come under even more strain in 2023, especially when it comes to paying for a place to live.
According to the Reserve Bank of Australia’s latest forecasts in its quarterly statement on monetary policy on Friday, economic growth will fall by almost half this year to 1.5 per cent from 2.75 per cent last year. For a second year, wages are expected to lag well behind inflation, which is predicted to run at 4.75 per cent. The pain will hit two groups especially hard. First, people with mortgages will suffer as a result of the sharp rise in the Reserve’s official interest rate.
Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers has said he is particularly worried about people who took out ultra-cheap fixed-rate home loans in the past two years that will need to be refinanced this year at more than 5 per cent.
Renters are a second group who will be doing it tough this year. The advertised rates for new properties have jumped by about 10 per cent on average in Sydney and Melbourne.
Cheap rental accommodation is in desperately short supply, with the vacancy rate down to just 1 per cent, and it will only get worse now that borders have reopened and more migrants and foreign students will compete for housing.
Chalmers admitted on Sunday that households were going through a “very difficult time” and the rising cost of living was being discussed around kitchen tables across the country. The Westpac Index of Consumer Sentiment is now back down to the level it was at the start of the pandemic.
Some people will blame the crisis on the banks, which are increasing interest rates on mortgages in lock step with the Reserve’s official cash rate but have barely lifted the rates they pay on deposits.
Australia’s biggest home lender, Commonwealth Bank, is expected to announce a record half-yearly profit on Monday of about $5 billion, thanks to the jump in the margin between borrowing and lending rates.
It is outrageous if the big banks use this crisis as an excuse to gouge their customers, but bank bashing alone will not solve the problems. Federal and state governments must urgently provide constructive leadership.
Chalmers claims inflation has peaked, albeit at an “unacceptably high” level. He points to early signs that caps on the price of coal and gas imposed last year have driven down wholesale electricity prices by over 40 per cent since the crazy heights in the middle of last year after the start of the Ukraine war.
He is also promising some modest measures to help vulnerable groups but not till the May budget. Targeted policies funded by savings elsewhere are needed to help people at risk of losing their homes or living on the street.
But Chalmers must also deal with the long-term, structural shortage of housing, which is the underlying cause of unaffordable house prices and rents. At a meeting with state treasurers on Friday, he said he wanted a million new homes built over five years from 2024 to 2029.
The federal government’s Housing Future Fund will provide only about 30,000 public housing units. The private sector is expected to build the rest, but state governments must relax unnecessary zoning rules which limit development in strategic locations such as the area around train stations. The states must take action of their own in search of a solution to this national problem
Not all the news is grim. Low unemployment, for example, means this problem is not as bad as it could have been.
But it is time for Chalmers to show people around the country that the government is willing and able to find a solution.
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