

This was published 2 years ago

Dumping ATAR for ‘learner profiles’ could create an unfair system

By Adam Carey

Scrapping the ATAR would make competition for a university place less fair and give affluent students an even greater head start against their less advantaged peers, experts and educators warn.

The debate about whether the competitive Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank is still fit for purpose for students was raised after a group of Victorian and NSW schools called for change.

They argued the university selection criteria causes undue stress among students by narrowing their achievements to a four-digit number, and ignores their broader accomplishments and interests.

Calls to scrap the ATAR and replace it with a learner profile have been met with caution.

Calls to scrap the ATAR and replace it with a learner profile have been met with caution. Credit: Nick Moir

But their calls to replace the current model with a “learner profile” has been met with caution by several experts in education, who warned that holistic assessment systems have been tried in other countries and tend to favour students from privileged backgrounds, who have the time and resources to build impressive non-academic portfolios.

Centre for Independent Studies education fellow Glenn Fahey said the ATAR was still the best available predictor of a student’s success at university, because students who perform well academically in their senior years of school are also more likely to perform well in university.


He also warned that learner profiles would risk creating a different type of competition between students, which would favour those from advantaged backgrounds.

“Academic and standardised marks are the greatest levellers available; non-academic measures only highlight existing socio-educational advantages,” Fahey said.

Greg Ashman, deputy principal at Ballarat Clarendon College, Victoria’s top academic school last year, echoed the warning.


“Let’s take into account community service: how is a kid who is catching two buses across town to get to school, and helping his brother and sister at night because his parents are both working, going to be able to do as much community service as an affluent kid who can volunteer at their local church?”

Education researcher Katie Roberts-Hull, chief executive of Open Stage, said the United States’ university entry system was like this, with students competing to build up the most impressive non-academic CVs they could, while also competing for top marks.

“If it’s not just about your pure academic scores, there is going to be competition in every other area,” she said. “There will be a whole industry of admissions consultants helping [students] write essays, or organising trips to Africa to show that you do community service.”

The principals’ call prompted a qualified defence of the ATAR by Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority chief executive Steve Gniel, who said education authorities were yet to see a proposed replacement that is fair and equitable.

“The ATAR is not enough. A simple number doesn’t define you,” Gniel told ABC Radio on Friday.

“We would want to see something that is going to replace it that is fair; we don’t have something like that, that I’m aware of,” he said.

“We want to make sure that we give every opportunity to all students, not just those that can write a great CV or get a letter or a reference from who they know.”

Gniel noted that it was universities that owned the tertiary admissions centres that run the ATAR, yet universities are increasingly looking beyond the ATAR to find the best candidates for university places.

The Age revealed on Friday that a group of more than a dozen Victorian principals and school leaders – who are part of a broader national push by almost 40 schools to reform school assessment – have called on Victorian education authorities to jettison the ATAR, labelling it not fit for purpose.

The grouping, who are researching ways to assess students as part of the University of Melbourne’s New Metrics project, represents a list of schools across the government, Catholic and independent sectors.

The ATAR is a competitive ranking between 99.95 and 00.00 of each student’s year 12 results, which is used for university entry.


Victorian education minister Natalie Hutchins said assessment of learning in the VCE includes exams, creative folios, extended investigations and vocational competencies.

“Our reforms to VCE are focused on supporting all students to develop the academic and industry-specific skills they need for post-school education and work,” she said.

Universities Australia chief executive Catriona Jackson said universities have always stressed the importance of students understanding their options for university don’t always begin or end with the ATAR.

“The ATAR is a ranking mechanism used by universities as one factor, often among many, that helps them select year 12 students wishing to study a particular course,” Jackson said.

“University admissions often take account of factors beyond ATAR like work experience, bridging courses, other qualifications, leadership and community service, equity, and special circumstances.”

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