

This was published 1 year ago

A tale of two party reviews: only Labor took insights to heart - and won

By Shane Wright and James Massola

After the 2019 federal election, Labor and the Coalition both commissioned reviews of their respective campaigns. As the 2022 election was to make clear, one party took the advice to heart while the other did not.

In the past month, the two major parties have released their 2022 election reviews. These examinations of the choices made by 15.5 million Australians on May 21 will be the building blocks for the next election.

Anthony Albanese celebrates on election night.

Anthony Albanese celebrates on election night. Credit: Brent Lewin/Bloomberg

But they are also a reflection of the lessons taken from the 2019 election which delivered a far different result.

Labor’s 2019 review, by former cabinet minister Craig Emerson and ex-South Australian premier Jay Weatherill, identified how “economically insecure, low-income voters” had failed to be wooed by the party’s policy offerings that campaign.

“Labor lost support amongst its traditional base of lower-income working people. Economically vulnerable workers living in outer-metropolitan, regional and rural Australia have lost trust in politicians and political institutions,” it noted.

When Anthony Albanese took over as opposition leader, he set about jettisoning the “cluttered policy agenda” that Labor had taken to the voters under Bill Shorten. He also campaigned heavily on trust issues.

The smaller target strategy, supercharged by the pandemic, Albanese’s determination to win the election rather than the daily news cycle and Scott Morrison’s surging unpopularity combined to deliver Labor victory.

The Liberal Party’s 2019 election review, headed by former senator and ambassador to the United States, Arthur Sinodinos, focused on the elements that delivered its unexpected win.


The party had won thanks to a string of Labor missteps, negative perceptions of Shorten and a “flawlessly executed campaign strategy” aided by a strong budget.


But Sinodinos also noted troubling issues, especially the party’s dependence on Queensland to offset weakness in other parts of the country.

“Unless the party rebuilds and recovers lost ground in Melbourne and surrounding areas, its path to victory in each election will remain worryingly narrow,” he found.

Sinodinos’ insight proved prophetic. While the LNP lost two seats in Queensland (to the Greens) in 2022, it suffered huge blows in Victoria (four seats), NSW (six seats) and Western Australia (five seats).

He also suggested the party had to improve its candidate selection process, urging better (and earlier) vetting of people representing the Liberal Party. Sinodinos could not envisage the situation the party in NSW would get itself into with the delay in candidate selection (that was largely the fault of Morrison and Alex Hawke).

Three years later, Labor’s 2022 election review identified a variation of the 2019 problem: people in outer-suburban areas were “generally angrier and more frustrated” with the major parties due in part to COVID restrictions which disproportionately affected these regions.

The Liberal Party review of the 2022 election failed to mention the issues around the candidature of Katherine Deves in the Sydney seat of Warringah which was easily won by independent Zali Steggall.

The Liberal Party review of the 2022 election failed to mention the issues around the candidature of Katherine Deves in the Sydney seat of Warringah which was easily won by independent Zali Steggall.Credit: James Brickwood

Former cabinet minister Greg Combet and ex-campaign official Lenda Oshalem, the report’s authors, argued the party must shift campaign tactics to win more outer suburban voters.

The Liberal Party’s 2022 review, meanwhile, found Morrison and the party were seen as out of touch, that the party fell behind Labor in digital campaigning and the use of social media, pre-selected candidates in some states too late and that its policy offering was thin.

The report authors, former federal director Brian Loughnane and senator Jane Hume, also noted the party had alienated female voters and some migrants from non-English-speaking backgrounds.

One Liberal MP, who asked not to be named so they could discuss the review freely, said the review was “a bit like the official family trying to cover up their crimes”.


“The review doesn’t deal with the issues dealt with in [this masthead’s series] Wipeout or Niki Savva’s book [Bulldozed]. People are just laughing about it. It was not a credible review,” they said.

“We have a women problem and a professionals problem and I’m not sure what they’re trying to do to fix it.”

The MP pointed out that, for example, that the pre-selection of Warringah candidate Katherine Deves – whose views on trans people caused huge controversy and offence during the campaign – was not mentioned once.

Similar to the 2019 Liberal review, Labor’s 2022 review noted sizeable potential problems, the largest of which is outer-suburban Melbourne.

While the city’s eastern suburb residents effectively wiped out the Liberal Party, those in Melbourne’s north and west were not overly enamoured by Labor.

In the northern suburb seat of Scullin, held by Immigration Minister Andrew Giles, there were some huge falls in Labor’s primary vote. In the Thomastown Meadows booth, Giles’ primary vote dropped by 23.2 per cent. That was after a 4.4 per cent fall in the 2019 election.

Further to the west in the safe seat of Gorton, held by Skills and Training Minister Brendan O’Connor, a similar scenario played out.


In the Deer Park west booth, O’Connor suffered a 19.7 per cent fall in his primary vote (after a 3.8 per cent drop in 2019).

Labor comfortably held the two seats. And the Liberal primary vote in the electorates is still well short of 30 per cent.

But it’s clearly starting to play on the minds of Labor, with the 2022 review making a pointed recommendation that also goes to the issues the Liberal Party found in teal-targeted electorates.

“Labor cannot assume that these seats will not be vulnerable to well resourced, locally focused campaigns by independents should Labor fail to heed the message of the significant swings experienced,” it found.

Independents were not just a threat to either the Liberal or Labor party at the 2022 poll. The Greens had their most successful election on record, boosting its lower house representation to four.

The 2019 Labor review focused on the Greens largely through the prism of the contentious Adani coal mine proposal in Queensland.

By the 2022 review, the Greens were perceived as much more as a direct threat to individual Labor MPs. This materialised in the defeat of Terri Butler in the inner-Brisbane seat of Griffith by the Greens’ Max Chandler-Mather.

In some of its most critical commentary, the 2022 review accused the Labor’s Queensland branch of ignoring the Greens’ threat.

“The reality is that Queensland Labor underestimated the threat from the Greens in these seats,” it noted.

While Labor’s review was upfront about climate change as a driving issue for many voters, the Liberal review referenced climate change just once.

Teal independent Monique Ryan, here at her campaign launch, wrested the seat of Kooyong from then-treasurer Josh Frydenberg.

Teal independent Monique Ryan, here at her campaign launch, wrested the seat of Kooyong from then-treasurer Josh Frydenberg. Credit: Aaron Francis

The Liberal review focuses heavily on the threat posed by teal independents, but not in terms of policies. It is more worried about coordination between independents and the technology they used in the 2022 campaign.

“Information which has become public since the election confirms the high level co-ordination between the teal campaigns, and the extensive resourcing and the use of cutting-edge campaigning tools, particularly data and analytics,” it noted.

“The teals are not a collection of independent entities. They are, by any meaningful interpretation of the term, a political party and should be considered by the electoral authorities as such.”

The Liberal review recommends the collection of “all available information on the background, history and functioning of the teal campaigns”. Labor’s review urged the party to maximise its primary vote across all seats, noting the increasing volatility of the Australian electorate meant not one electorate could be taken for granted.

The 2019 and 2022 reviews of both parties delivered insights into what went wrong at the respective elections and ways forward.

But there are always issues beyond the control of a party. One of those will play out over the coming 12 months as the shape of the nation’s electorates are changed.

The Australian Electoral Commission was already due to consider redistributions in NSW (home to 47 of the country’s 151 lower house seats) and the Northern Territory during the current parliamentary term.

But the COVID pandemic has caused such large changes to the nation’s population that redistributions are now likely to be held in both Western Australia and Victoria.

Federal parliamentary library analysis suggests a seat in Victoria and NSW will be abolished while WA will gain one by the 2025 poll. There’s also a small chance Queensland could gain another electorate.

Scott Morrison, in the shadow of WA Premier Mark McGowan. The Liberal Party’s result in WA was a huge factor in its May 21 election loss.

Scott Morrison, in the shadow of WA Premier Mark McGowan. The Liberal Party’s result in WA was a huge factor in its May 21 election loss.Credit: Getty

It’s clear both Sydney and Melbourne – where Labor and teals hold a majority of electorates – will lose a seat.

In NSW, the seat with the fewest number of voters is Wentworth, won at the last election by teal independent Allegra Spender. Nearby electorates in Sydney’s eastern and inner west seats, including Anthony Albanese’s own electorate of Grayndler, face being merged or altered.

The redistribution in Victoria could result in a seat coming out of the inner-eastern suburbs of Melbourne. This covers an area that includes two seats won by Labor at the 2022 poll, Higgins and Chisholm, and two won by independents Monique Ryan (Kooyong) and Zoe Daniel (Goldstein).

Over in WA, which lost the Liberal-held seat of Stirling due to a redistribution last year, a new electorate will be sandwiched back into the Perth metropolitan area. It could be in the city’s southern suburbs which overwhelming backed in Labor at this year’s election.


Both major parties will make submissions to the electoral commission around the redistributions (which will seek to protect their interests and make life as difficult as possible for their opposition) that could prove pivotal at the 2025 election.

It’s just another issue, on top of the findings of the reviews of this year’s election, that will confront the major parties in 2023.

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