

This was published 1 year ago

Chelsea Manning’s memoir is gripping, but you’re barred from reading it all

By Phillip Deery

The long incarceration of Julian Assange in Britain’s Belmarsh prison can be traced back to Chelsea Manning. In February 2010, Private Manning, a talented intelligence analyst with the US Army in Iraq, sent WikiLeaks a short video. The chilling “Collateral Murder” tape depicted two American Apache helicopters unleashing lethal cannon fire on a group of Iraqis and two Reuters journalists. We can see their bodies being blown apart, hear the callous remarks of the American crew and glimpse the horror of actual warfare.

Assange released this disturbing footage at the National Press Club in Washington in April 2010 and he and WikiLeaks immediately became household names worldwide. Now, he faces extradition to the US under the Espionage Act. “Collateral Murder” also triggered Manning’s arrest, court martial and a 35-year jail sentence, the longest ever imposed for a leak conviction.

Chelsea Manning, who was sentenced to 35 years in jail for leaking US army secrets, tells her story in README.txt.

Chelsea Manning, who was sentenced to 35 years in jail for leaking US army secrets, tells her story in README.txt.Credit: AP

This absorbing memoir opens dramatically. Due for redeployment to Iraq and grappling with a crippling blizzard, Manning found a Baltimore bookstore and uploaded 720,000 classified military and diplomatic documents on a slow and unreliable internet. With only 30 minutes to spare, the Barnes & Noble Wi-Fi did its job. Soon, WikiLeaks and three media partners – The Guardian, The New York Times and Der Spiegel – were publishing disclosures that embarrassed US officials and intelligence agencies.

She wished to expose the dissonance between two versions of reality: the one she observed in Iraq and the one believed by Americans at home. “We were dying over posturing, over bullshit,” she writes. She was not a nut or a slut (the terms assigned by the army to whistleblowers) but utterly disenchanted with what she saw and experienced.

The memoir, which does not resolve the ethical dilemma between revealing truths and enabling unfiltered access to sensitive information, then arcs back to her troubled early life: a violent and abusive father, an alcoholic mother, homelessness and her ongoing struggle with sublimated gender dysphoria. It tells in sometimes heart-wrenching detail the inner story of what we only vaguely knew from extensive news reporting, of her courage, pain, and resilience.

A Free Speech poster vehicle with images of Chelsea Manning and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in Washington.

A Free Speech poster vehicle with images of Chelsea Manning and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in Washington.Credit: AP

Once arrested, Manning experienced “catastrophic terror and animal loneliness” for 59 days inside a small metal cage in Kuwait. She psychologically disintegrated and attempted suicide. Solitary confinement continued when relocated to Quantico, a military prison in Virginia. There she awaited the long-delayed court martial.

By now, she writes, “I was already dead”. After her conviction in 2013, she was transferred to Fort Leavenworth in Kansas where she organised a prison strike. She legally changed her name but was consistently denied (until 2015) gender-affirming hormone treatment. These three periods of incarceration are recounted with a rawness and honesty that is both vivid and discomforting to read.

The book contains two entwined stories: Manning’s inspirational fight to defend her right to transition, and the background and consequences of releasing military secrets. Although advocacy of trans women and advocacy of transparency were not directly related, as the homophobia and sexist bullying in her Baghdad workstation intensified, so too did her private outrage with the injustice of the Iraq war and her desire to publicly expose it.


With that exposure, the venom was vitriolic. She was denounced as a traitor aiding the enemy. The Arkansas governor, Mike Huckabee, called for her execution. Senator John McCain labelled her leaks “espionage” that put American troops at risk. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accused her of “endangering innocent people”.


Manning feared being sent to Guantanamo as a terrorist. Her publishers simply feared lawyers: three sections of the book, which would appear to describe documents she uploaded, are blacked out.

In one of his last presidential acts, Barack Obama commuted Manning’s sentence in February 2017. She was freed three months later instead of in 2045. Having criticised his administration’s overreach in drone warfare and unprecedented crackdown on leakers of government secrets, Manning still cannot explain his act of clemency. But to her jubilant band of supporters, she became a new American heroine.

Her bravery is evidenced by her imprisonment in 2019 for refusing to testify against Julian Assange, a fact not mentioned in this aptly named book. README.txt, an old-fashioned internet term for a file, is a gripping memoir of audacity, resistance and the fight for human rights.

README.txt by Chelsea Manning is published by Bodley Head, $35.

Phillip Deery’s latest book, Spies and Sparrows: ASIO and the Cold War, is published by Melbourne University Press.

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