

This was published 1 year ago


Are we really prepared to lose this natural wonder?

I moved to Australia in 2011 to research coral reef fishes on the Great Barrier Reef – a dream of mine since I was a child, a career goal, and a product of over a decade of higher education.

I did not expect then that within another decade I would be seeing the effects of climate change on the reef and all the life it supports. And I certainly did not think I would be seeing repeated damage, year after year, in such a short time.

Jodie Rummer freediving the reef crest off Heron Island in the southern Great Barrier Reef.

Jodie Rummer freediving the reef crest off Heron Island in the southern Great Barrier Reef.Credit: Grumpy Turtle Films

Like so many others, I thought we had more time. I was wrong.

Our Great Barrier Reef is at grave risk due to climate change. The science clearly links the burning of oil, coal and gas to the increased emissions that are warming the planet and its oceans and resulting in increased frequency and severity of marine heatwaves.

Indeed, these marine heatwaves have caused mass coral bleaching on the reef six times now. The window of recovery is narrowing and narrowing, especially after sometimes back-to-back occurrences, all of which endangers one of the richest and most complex ecosystems on Earth and the life it supports, including us humans.

Last year was the hottest year on record, and November 2022 has brought record temperatures in some parts of the reef. Now we’re worried we will see yet another year of mass bleaching.

Words like “unprecedented”, “atypical”, and “anomalous” can no longer be used. But I am not ready to accept this as the new normal. We can no longer delay our action to address the number one problem that the reef is facing, which is climate change.

The United Nations has recommended the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage site be listed as “in danger”, the result of a reactive monitoring mission in March in the midst of the sixth mass bleaching event. Its report makes for sobering reading, taking the former government to task for lacking “clear climate change targets and implementation”, while urging state and federal governments to adopt stronger emissions-reduction policies consistent with stopping warming at 1.5 degrees.


Yet, we and the rest of the world are barrelling toward global warming of well over 2 degrees, which would be fatal for more than 99 per cent of all coral reefs, let alone the Great Barrier Reef.

Recently, the Queensland government announced its ambitious 10-year energy plan, which will see $62 billion invested in clean energy and support thousands of new jobs in the renewables sector. It also raised its renewable energy target to 70 per cent by 2032.

While this makes the Sunshine State the country’s leader on the 2030 renewable energy targets, our much-loved reef doesn’t have a decade to wait. It has experienced those six mass-bleaching events since 1998, including this year’s – the first to ever occur during a La Niña weather event.

The federal government’s response to the report’s proposal has been to downplay the urgency until the World Heritage Committee makes its recommendation, claiming it has taken “strong action on climate change by legislating an emissions-reduction target of 43 per cent by 2030 with a clear path to net zero by 2050”.

The UNESCO recommendation to list the Great Barrier Reef as being in danger underscores what we stand to lose as Australians with unabated global warming.

UNESCO’s global survey found coral cover on tropical reefs around the world had declined, on average, over the past decade.

UNESCO’s global survey found coral cover on tropical reefs around the world had declined, on average, over the past decade. Credit: Jason South

People from across Australia and the world flock to this natural beauty, which also supports tens of thousands of tourism jobs that depend on a healthy and vibrant reef. At stake is one of the natural wonders of the world and its massive social, economic, cultural and ecological value.

Before COVID, the reef supported more than 60,000 jobs and generated more than $6 billion a year for the Australian economy. If we want future generations to benefit from all the reef has to offer, we must act on climate change now.

As custodians of the reef, it is up to us to protect it. The federal government must step up its commitments to address the threat and end public subsidies for coal and gas, without exception. Right now, the largest industrial polluters are getting away with pollution as usual. The government needs to strengthen the law and update the Safeguard Mechanism – which requires the nation’s largest industrial emitters to keep their net emissions below a baseline so we start limiting carbon pollution and get emissions plummeting this decade.


The government can fast-track action to protect the reef by aiming to reduce emissions by at least 75 per cent by 2030. We have the solutions.

By rapidly transitioning to renewables and storage this decade, we can drive down emissions and protect the 64,000 jobs that rely on a healthy reef. We must end our reliance on the burning of fossil fuels that worsen climate impacts, including marine heatwaves.

This is a last wake-up call to save our World Heritage Great Barrier Reef, retain the beauty that makes it a tourism drawcard and protect those livelihoods.

Professor Jodie Rummer is a marine biologist at James Cook University.

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