

This was published 1 year ago


The job I’ve loved for 40 years is changing. Thank God

For 40 years, I’ve watched an industry grapple with the way it demeans women. My industry. Journalism. The working love of my working life.

But twice in the past week, I had reason to feel elation, to feel good change was coming. Is it just the vibe around the Respect@Work changes, nearly enshrined in legislation? Is it that Kate Jenkins, Australia’s Sex Discrimination Commissioner, was somehow able to channel the collective fear and pain of women at work, and employers are finally paying attention? Or is there something more fundamental happening? Can we see wholesale change in other industries or will Julia Szlakowski’s heroism in the financial services industries be a one-off? And will all Julia Banks’s efforts in politics come to nothing?

Former editor-in-chief of The Australian newspaper Chris Dore.

Former editor-in-chief of The Australian newspaper Chris Dore.Credit: Jesse Marlow

Here’s what made me think that journalism, at least, had changed. Christopher Dore was removed from his very senior job at News Corp’s The Australian. Peter Fray was sent on indefinite leave from his very senior job at Crikey. Their behaviours, in this instance, were not equivalent, but both incidents go some way to explaining the unusual atmosphere for women who work in the media.

Dore did what powerful men in journalism (and elsewhere) have done for years. He made lewd comments to a woman at a function in the US. Thank heavens it was only comments. As an old media mate said: “All the women I know who work so hard never accidentally trip into a bottle of red and proposition someone they shouldn’t.”

Fray, editor-in-chief of Crikey, is now on indefinite leave for heckling the ABC journalists, all women, who won the Gold Walkley (and continued to “talk” to them after they left the stage). Apparently Fray, a former Herald editor-in-chief and my boss twice during my career, felt the work of Crikey’s reporter – Amber Schultz on the same topic – was better.

Crikey’s Peter Fray.

Crikey’s Peter Fray.Credit: Jessica Hromas

Schultz herself says: “The ABC did a phenomenal job at exposing systemic issues and invested considerable time and resources into the story, taking the case to the Supreme Court to identify victims. The award was well deserved. We’re a small team at Crikey and I’m incredibly proud of my reportage and the team effort it took to publish.”

Schultz, I am utterly confident, does not need anyone to stand up for her journalism, let alone a drunken man heckling women.

The moves against Dore and Fray come on the back of the 2016 resignation of Mark Forbes, former The Age editor-in-chief. Forbes was held to account for his actions. If there’s been another resignation for sexual harassment, it has not been handled out in the open. Mostly, men who behave badly are allowed to leave their jobs and pretend nothing happened. I can give you chapter and verse at media organisations across Australia, including our most beloved. The brilliant reporting on #metoo only scraped the surface in this country.


Michelle Ryan, director of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at ANU, says the #metoo movement marked a turning point for Australia. She says there is now a realisation that women won’t stay silent about bullying and harassment, so there’s an impetus to act. Plus, those Jenkins recommendations against the use of non-disclosure agreements make it much harder to deal behind closed doors.


“With the increased recognition of the prevalence of the harassment and bullying of women, I hope this marks a new era where the reputational risk no longer lies with admitting there is a problem, but rather the reputational risk occurs when there is a failure to address the problem adequately,” Ryan says.

I understand why you flinched when you read the word “elation”. Sounds like I’m dancing on graves. But for me, those two instances mean my beloved industry is changing and that the days of old entitled white men ruling the roost are over. That the next generation of women journalists won’t be treated like this.

I taught journalism for many years and, honestly, my heart would skip a beat fearing the worst for the young and vulnerable who struggle with some senior men.

I know some young women have been upset by the statements coming from the Crikey camp, mentions of extended leave and deep reflection, which just sound like Get Out of Jail Free cards. Just a reminder, Fray is co-defendant with Crikey in the defamation suit being brought by Lachlan Murdoch. Hard to abandon a co-defendant midstream.


Women journalists have been undermined for years at work. From assigning women to tasks based on their gender, to managers knowing there were cases of terrible sexual harassment and assault yet struggling to discipline the men responsible, this was life for women journalists. Decades of mothers being marginalised from the main game, of managers thanking us for “dropping in at work” on our way to pick up our children. Watching women get managed out because of the “inconvenience” of their family lives. Watching brilliant women get passed over for mediocre men. Some women managed otherwise but far too many couldn’t. And the hostility doesn’t end at the doors of the employer. Women journalists experience harassment from those they interview and, of course, online.

But I think – and hope – it’s changing. There are more women at the top levels, more women in areas previously only covered by men. More women writing about politics and economics. Still not too many writing about sport and, as one young woman told me, overlooked for promotions, roles, opportunities and pay. It’s the same picture across so many sectors across Australia, but change is coming. I feel it in my ageing bones. And what happened this week is proof.

Jenna Price is a visiting fellow at the Australian National University and a regular columnist.

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