Credit: Illustration: Badiucao
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Surely Menzies would have been appalled
Has the Liberal Party become so desperate that it has to adopt positions that would have been an anathema to its founder, Robert Menzies? Desperate to muster whatever votes it can get, the party has endorsed far-right candidates, such as Katherine Deves, and now Renee Heath, who do not represent the views of middle Australia.
We have Liberal representatives standing for the election who are fearful of advertising their relationship to the party; what do they stand for? We have what amounts to bribes to various sections of the community, without explaining how the revenue cuts can be paid for without cuts to essential services.
Whether you agreed with him or not, Menzies was a man of integrity and was prepared to argue the Liberal position in the media and at public meetings. And he never resorted to the denigration of vulnerable groups within the community, to scrape up a few votes from an ever diminishing, hard-right vote. I do not need to ask where Menzies would have stood in relation to the Voice to parliament. The Liberal Party should be ashamed.
Murray Mehmet, Elsternwick
Guy cannot handle his own party’s incompetence
The Victorian Liberals endorse Renee Heath, an extreme right-wing candidate from a dubious religious order. Due diligence was passed. She was preselected at the top of the party’s ballot in Eastern Victorian Region. How did that happen? There is a public uproar, indeed an intra-party uproar. The party’s leader says it is too late to disendorse Heath but, never fear, she will not sit in the party room if she is elected. If Matthew Guy cannot handle his own party’s incompetence, how does he expect others to think he could handle the state? What a fiasco.
Stewart Handasyde, Shoreham
Dragan’s ignorance about continuous habitation
The Liberal Party’s candidate for Narre Warren North, Timothy Dragan, shoots himself in the foot with his inane argument that recognising Australia’s First Nations people would be like giving Britain back to the Vikings and, before them, to the Romans (Sunday Age, 20/11). What part of 60,000-plus years of continuous habitation doesn’t he understand?
Vikki O’Neill, Ashburton
State Labor’s shameful record on biodiversity
I am not campaigning for my adored Victorian ALP in this election. On education, health and carbon reduction it has done its best. I have few concerns with freedom or integrity, but sadly the party’s record on biodiversity has been appalling. It has ignored recommendations of its own parliamentary inquiry into species extinction, out of step with federal Labor and dragging out its response.
Labor’s left-dominated state government has introduced commercial killing of native wildlife (additional to permitted culling) and previously prohibited in Victoria. It has blocked the many attempts by its own members to stop recreational shooting of native birds, including protected species as collateral damage, and caused distress to local wildlife and regional residents. When candidates assist with the additional burdens of wildlife rescue, created by the policies of this government, I will happily return to the hustings.
Helen Breier, Brunswick
Shun the two big parties at the ballot box
Since the leaders of both major parties are being investigated by the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission, using a paraphrased line from Shakespeare’s Hamlet – “Something is rotten in the state of Victoria” – seems very apt. It makes the choice of which of the major parties to vote for easy. Don’t. That way ducks and old-growth native forests might finally have a hope.
Raymond Cas, Ashwood
Refusing to work with the ’preference whisperer’
Electoral reform is not required. All that is needed is for the minor parties to tell Glenn Druery that what he does may be legal, but it is also unethical and that as organisations that stand for integrity, they will not avail themselves of his services.
Peter Campbell, Newport
The optimism of youth
Your correspondent, in discussing Matthew Guy’s celebration of joining the Liberal Party at 16, described that as “strangely motivated and decidedly naive” (Letters, 17/11). Guy is in distinguished company: one of our greatest pollies, Paul Keating, regularly boasted he joined the Labor Party when he was an even younger 14.
Peter Price, Southbank
Nasty, personal attacks
When did political campaigning stoop to such low levels that vindictive attacks on individual politicians became the norm? The voters deserve a more mature approach.
Mary Lyon, Camperdown
Getting rid of waste
I was pleased that the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal overturned the Victorian Electoral Commission’s decision to reject how-to-vote cards from independent candidates (The Age, 18/11). But what a waste of time, money and effort this has been.
The VEC is now forced to apply rules in the same manner as the Australian Electoral Commission. Having multiple, state-based electoral commissions is wasteful and overkill. We should have only one at federal level.
There are too many similar instances of bloated and unnecessary bureaucracies that should be disbanded or amalgamated. Everyone talks about productivity as being the way forward. Let’s get on with it.
Des Bleakley, Vermont South
Dragan’s appalling words
Eyes are recovering from the boggling at the comments about Indigenous Australia, abortion, climate change by Liberal candidate for Narre Warren North Timothy Dragan. This man’s views alone should be red flag enough for any reasonable person not to elect a party who would then need to allow for this red-necked bigotry. Let’s not start on Renee Heath.
Wendy Hinson, Wantirna
Knock down, rebuild
We urgently need to increase the housing supply. So why is it permissible to knock down perfectly good houses to rebuild another house on the same block? It monopolises builders’ time and skills, and wastes valuable building materials, while not providing any extra houses. This “knock down, rebuild” trend needs to be curtailed by law.
Christine Weatherhead, Glen Waverley
Protect precious trees
As residents of the Kooyong electorate for the past 50 years, we congratulate Monique Ryan for identifying “the protection of native forests was a critical issue for her electorate” (The Age, 17/11).
Sadly, all the native forests of Kooyong have long since been logged. Perhaps she could now direct her energy to encouraging local councils in her electorate to protect the remaining trees in Kooyong from the continuing wanton destruction by new home builders as they construct yet more mega mansions.
John and Geraldine O’Sullivan, Hawthorn
The price of our arrogance
Re cyber security: Given that it does not exist, society’s holus bolus incorporation of the internet into every facet of life leaves us all vulnerable, and is yet more proof that we humans are not smart enough to handle our own cleverness. Homo sapiens? Homo hubris is more like it.
Lauren Williams, Maldon
Insincerity and greed
Note to Medibank executives: no platitudes will convince us how sorry you all are that the data of 10 million current and former customers was stolen by hackers. The proof is in the bonuses you arrogantly saw fit to accept, but which you could quite easily have rejected. As a former customer, I am pleased that the class action lawyers are circling.
Jessie Mackenzie, Brunswick
Another COVID wave
On Saturday, I consulted by telephone with four patients who had tested positive using rapid antigen tests that morning or the day before. Four patients in one morning with one GP in one suburban practice. COVID-19 is back. It is time to re-mask.
Dr Paul Nisselle, Middle Park
A concerted effort needed
Your Examine article – “Does recycling make us consume more” (The Age, 16/11) – was most thought provoking. It seems that it does but that recycling is still valuable.
What stood out to me was the problem with plastics: how much of it there is, how many different sorts there are and the difficulty and expense of trying to recycle it. The best solution would be to avoid using plastic in packaging. While consumers need to play their part in this, the greater responsibility lies with producers and retailers. However, consumers can pressure them to find and use other products.
Georgina Simmons, Mornington
Carrot-and-stick approach
The federal government declaring that it wants 100 per cent of plastics recycled by 2040 (The Age, 17/11) is in itself empty rhetoric. We need action. It is obvious that supermarkets collecting used, soft, plastic packaging and a cottage industry of small recycling businesses getting piddling grants from governments will not cut it.
Mandate that food packaging must be made from biodegradable material. We need governments to do more incentivising but also to start using the stick to completely overhaul the plastics industry.
Patrick Burns, Ormond
Retirees’ valuable roles
It was good to read about older workers being appreciated and gainfully employed – “Serving tea instead of just drinking it” (The Age, 17/11). However, this is the cohort which does much of the voluntary work in the community, so a balance between the two is needed.
Dorothy Galloway, Mentone
Blocking everyone
I concur with Paul Custance (Letters, 19/11) about the city gridlock. It is often diabolical for pedestrians as well. I would like a tenner for every time a car enters the intersection of Queen and Collins streets when the lights change, blocking pedestrians, cars and on occasion trams, and they cannot clear the intersection.
Kate McCaig, Surrey Hills
Decay, malaise, litter
My family has had a property in the Yarra Ranges since 1976. As a frequent visitor, I drive there from the airport using the Western Ring Road or the Tullamarine Freeway to CityLink and the Eastern Freeway. Both routes are a depressing experience. Graffiti is everywhere. The freeways in particular are an eyesore. Litter lines the roadsides on city streets, freeways and country roads.
The bridges and cuttings are blackened by exhaust fumes. There is an air of decay everywhere. Tree branches that fell on the median strip in the middle of the Maroondah Highway between Croydon and Ringwood are still lying there more than a year later. There seems to be a malaise affecting the people of the city and their councils. Perhaps the leaders of the parties vying for government could promise to clean up the place. It’s a promise that is long overdue.
Michele Couper, Toowong, Qld
Albanese’s wrong decision
It is very disheartening that Anthony Albanese has pretty much snubbed Taiwan’s bid to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade pact (The Age, 19/11). This will be hailed as a victory in Beijing and embolden China to increase its harassment and threats against peaceful, democratic, thriving Taiwan. This is a serious misstep from our prime minister.
Tim Nolan, Brighton
An accurate review ...
After reading Cameron Woodhead’s review of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (Arts, 128/11), I felt that the ire of professional actors was justified in relation to ex-footballer Shane Crawford being chosen to play a part in the production.
Anne Fitzpatrick, Abbotsford
... or an unfair attack?
What a nasty and unnecessary attack on Shane Crawford by Cameron Woodhead. How about some constructive, as opposed to destructive, feedback? Surely we should be encouraging new talent, not tearing them down. It begs the question, would any other newcomer be subject to such scathing criticism or is Shane just an easy target?
Kristen Doell, Altona
Let the refugees stay here
The government is taking steps to honour its pledge of greater humanity to asylum seekers – “Refugees to be given the right to travel” (The Age, 19/11). However, refugee Mostafa “Moz” Azimitabar is right to question why Australia uses the arbitrary date of July 19, 2013, in refusing permanent protection to people who braved sinking boats and perilous conditions to arrive here, quite legally, with only hope in their hearts. We have treated them abominably. It is time to stop the charade and let them stay.
Anne Sgro, Coburg North
Putting the climate first
Directors are required to act in the interests of all company shareholders. For the four new directors of AGL (Business, 19/11), let’s hope the “interests of shareholders” are aligned with major shareholders’ climate interests.
John Murray, Hawthorn East
Hawks, let’s opt for Gowers
As a 52-year Hawthorn Football Club member, I have been distressed by the bungled departure of coach Alistair Clarkson, the stand-off with a past champion, Cyril Rioli, and the appalling accounts of other Indigenous players’ experiences. However, I have been excited to watch coach Sam Mitchell give our club a fresh start on the field.
The board’s “process” to identify a successor to Jeff Kennett as president concluded that no suitable person was available. Apparently the only option was to ask reluctant vice-president Peter Nankivell, who had planned to retire after his current term. Well, another option has emerged. Andy Gowers is articulate, has past board experience and listens to supporters. He would be a breath of fresh air in the leadership.
David Withington, Berwick
State election
With candidates of the calibre of Timothy Dragan, what hope has Matthew Guy got of winning?
Roger Christiansz, Wheelers Hill
Too late to disendorse Renee Heath? What a pickle.
Meg McPherson, Brighton
How good is your vetting process, Matthew? This isn’t the first time Heath’s name has been raised.
Michael McKenna, Warragul
Andrews said one of Labor’s achievements was making wage theft a crime. Has anyone gone to jail for it yet?
Miranda Jones, Drummond
Why doesn’t any party have any agenda to tackle racism? Is it too involved?
Dilip Chauhan, Toorak
Re the investigations into Andrews and Guy. Can I vote for Rupert Hamer?|
John Page, Glenroy
Donald Trump
Terrible Repercussions Under Manic President.
Ross Crawford, Korumburra
Of course he’s running. His inflated ego won’t allow any other option.
Chris Burgess, Port Melbourne
Trump, the Democrats’ most lethal weapon for 2024.
David Seal, Balwyn North
Let’s hope the Republican ″red ripple″ doesn’t turn into a blood bath.
April Baragwanath, Geelong
Re Sunshine College’s unhealthy, dangerous conditions. Well done, boys, for your YouTube clip.
Irene Morley, Seaford
Re Shane Crawford’s musical theatrical debut (18/11). Reviewer Cameron Woodhead obviously doesn’t barrack for Hawthorn.
Ron Mather, Melbourne
The soccer World Cup is the greatest sporting event except for the multi-sports Olympic Games
Phil Lipshut, Elsternwick
It’s the cup with no beer.
Zena Marzi, Kew
Is the Ukraine war Vladimir Putin’s Waterloo?
Peter Caffin, North Ringwood
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