Andrew DysonCredit: .
The Age editorial is right (18/11) to call for a reform of upper house voting. Not only at state level but also at federal level the reform is required. The solution is to abolish above the line voting, which will allow electors to make their own absolute choice. The plethora of upper house parties and candidates has only emerged since the introduction of above the line voting, at both state and federal level. Below the line voting requiring a sequential numbering of only sufficient squares to validly elect a candidate will minimise the risk of a high informal vote.
The current below the line voting option for the Legislative Council already requires only a minimal number of sequential numbers to constitute a valid vote. It does not preclude anyone from numbering all the squares below the line if they desire. But it puts control back in the hands of the elector, rather than the hands of preference manipulators.
Brian Kidd, Mount Waverley
Who to choose a matter of referral
Are we now in a situation in this state where, as far as the two major parties go, the choice will be for the one who has the fewer referrals to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission?
Gerry Lonergan, Reservoir
Going to jail is not a preference
There is fury about the impact Glenn Druery’s preference deals will have on the state election. Yet independent candidates whose how to vote card does not indicate any preferences – encouraging voters to decide for themselves how to allocate preferences – were threatened with jail. From the sublime to the ridiculous.
Sarah Russell, Mount Martha
Unintended consequences of change
Daniel Andrews says reform of the electoral system ″has not been at the top of the list″ (″Labor’s voting reform push fell short″, 18/11). This lack of urgency might be explained by remembering that the current system of electing the Legislative Council was introduced by the Labor Party in 2005. At the time, Premier Steve Bracks called it his greatest achievement (″Will Bracks live to regret this reform?″, The Age, July 15, 2005).
The Bracks reforms to the Legislative Council were designed to ″democratise″ the upper house by preventing either major party, including Labor, gaining a majority there.
Bracks achieved his objective although he probably didn’t anticipate the system would produce an upper house with a large crossbench made up people, some of whom, were elected in less than transparent ways.
Rod Wise, Surrey Hills
By the hand of the voters
The current mockery of proportional representation in the upper house would never have happened if we had stuck to an obvious unwritten rule – that the only preferences that count should be the ones explicitly written on ballot papers by the voters themselves.
Colin Smith, Glen Waverley
Something special
I am a secondary teacher with 19 years’ experience. This year I took some time out for personal reasons and am working as a casual relief teacher. Today for the first time I took a shift in a special education setting. It was a Whole. New. World. The students had a range of special needs, including but not limited to some of them being non-verbal, some needing personal hygiene help, to some trying to run from the classroom. Others were more ″accessible″ in a teaching and learning sense.
I feel compelled to put a sincere and strong shout-out to all of the dedicated and amazing teachers and support staff who work with these students. These students were constantly reminded they were safe, they were listened to, cared about, understood, and proactively cared for and known by the staff, with calm but consistent boundaries all day. Society as a whole, and mainstream schools in general, have little awareness of the amazing efforts by these staff and what they do each day. I know I certainly didn’t, until today. The more investment in these students, their schools and their families-carers, the better.
Name withheld
A man about nothing
The brilliant television series Seinfeld famously had the running conceit of being ″a show about nothing″: no cheesy family scenarios or moral lessons or helping other people. Waleed Aly (Comment, 18/11) skilfully frames Donald Trump in the same context. The ex-president clearly stands for nothing, as attested by his lame Mar-a-Largo pitch for the 2024 presidential election over the past week where his infamous ″stolen election″ mantra did not even rate a mention. Here was a man with form as being supremely unqualified for the US presidency; and who, at his core, is a consummate game show host.
Jon McMillan, Mount Eliza
The real power
Donald Trump after making his brash announcement to run for the 2024 presidential elections forgot there is another person much more powerful than him. He is Rupert Murdoch.
Peng Ee, Castle Cove, NSW
Freudian slip
Any sane person would agree that Paul Miller’s list of Donald Trump’s unrealities and inconsistencies ultimately brought about Trump’s failure to win re-election in 2020 and should do so again in 2024 (Letters, 18/11).
However, his statement that Trump is still ″maintaining ... that his 2020 election defeat was stolen from him″ seems like a Freudian slip.
It’s victory that he still claims was stolen from him, not defeat.
Jenifer Nicholls, Armadale
Back in black
Your correspondent (Letters, 18/11) has misunderstood the meaning of “Black Friday” , as related to US shopping at this time of year. It has nothing to do with Independence Day (July 4), it is about the four-day weekend every November which includes Thanksgiving – always on a Thursday at the end of the month – and then the next day, which is Friday. The reason it is called “Black Friday” is that retailers traditionally view this all-important Friday as a chance to “get back in the black”, financially. Agreed, it doesn’t translate seamlessly into Aussie vernacular, and without explanation can be seen to be a tad crass.
Joyce Butcher, Williamstown
Lest we forget
It disturbs me when I see readers calling for “the West” to join the war against Russia. Presumably Australia is part of “the West” so that would involve our troops being sent to Russia to fight, and possibly provoking Russia to attack Australia.
People are killed and maimed in war, not just troops but innocent men, women and children. I wonder if those advocating our involvement would volunteer themselves or one of their loved ones to be the first to die. I doubt it. Like politicians who make the decision to go to war they are never those in the front line.
This war has nothing to do with Australia and we should not be involved. Surely the lessons of the world wars and Vietnam should not be forgotten. If so, a visit to one of the war memorials either here or in Europe will remind us of the terrible human cost of going to war.
David Parker, Geelong West
Pie in the sky
Chris Richardson is engaging in Orwellian doublespeak when he basically says that in order to have any hope for higher wages in the far-off future, workers need to accept further cuts to real wages now (″Big pay rises rob buying power″, 17/11). He compounds his illogical argument by trotting out the canard that what we should concentrate on is growing the size of the economic pie. This conveniently ignores the fact that in recent years all the increase in the size of the pie has gone to those who already have the biggest slices. “Workers, get used to continuing falls in your living standards” seems to sum up his complacent analysis.
David Francis, Ivanhoe
Silver lining in darkness
If there is a silver lining from the Department of Home Affairs’ botched, insensitive and insensible letter to 490 refugees and asylum seekers, alarming them with the incorrect news that they must leave Australia in the next three weeks, it is that it brings attention to the cruel, unnecessary and arbitrary government policy that boat arrivals since July 2013 can never permanently settle in Australia.
Matthew Hamilton, Kew
Gridlock Melbourne
My late father’s only piece of advice was: “Son, never drive on Punt Road.“
I would now include all of Melbourne CBD. Collins Street is so congested it’s one long parking lot. Who had the great idea to enclose all tram tracks with concrete kerbing? Spencer Street has only one lane going south, the other lane has concrete obstacles, randomly scattered along the road.
Our famous street grid has now become gridlock. Robert Hoddle would be u-turning in his grave.
Paul Custance, Highett
History lessons needed
Joe Hockey was somewhat disingenuous in regard to a question on the situation in Iran on Q&A. He indicated that America could not be expected to fix all the problems of the world.
Hockey needs to be reminded that America often touts itself as the deliverer of all things worthwhile. It must be remembered that the US supported the shah of Iran in overthrowing the democratically elected prime minister Mohammad Mosaddegh. The shah was then overthrown by a religious coterie.
Today the uprising in Iran, especially by young people, can be seen in the culmination that demonstrates how America’s actions often over a long period have serious consequences. Iran may have had a very different history had Mosaddegh not been overthrown.
Judith Morrison,
Removal costs
The suggestion to stop building in flood zones is, of course, sensible (″Push to end disaster zone building″, 18/11). The task of what to do with towns already in flood zones is less easy to solve. Grantham most recently and Gundagai back in 1852 relocated from their flood plains to nearby higher ground.
However, for towns like Forbes in NSW or Rochester in Victoria such relocations are very much more problematic. These towns are built on flat plains that are subject to widespread riverine flooding. Convenient nearby higher ground doesn’t exist so where would such towns move to? A similar issue exists for towns in bushfire zones. A solution must be found however, as climate change is just going to exacerbate the frequency of these flooding events.
Ross Hudson, Mount Martha
Leave native birds alone
If shooters are so keen to shoot something they should make themselves useful and shoot foxes, rabbits, deer or feral pigs. Why pick on native birds? Duck shooting should be banned.
Dan Drummond,
Matthew Guy should have adhered to the adage, people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
Phil Alexander, Eltham
The media blackout on political advertising can’t come soon enough.
Marsha Merory, Ivanhoe East
Is Daniel Andrews also gaming the system by not reforming the electoral anomaly allowing the preference whisperer to allocate votes?
Joan Segrave, Healesville
The Age says Matthew Guy is “bullish”, he says he “acted fulsomely” (18/11). I’m thinking it’s the combination – fulsome bullish.
Greg Curtin, Blackburn South
If duck shooting were allowed on the banks of the Yarra, people would know what’s happening in regional Victoria and demand a ban at the election.
Malcolm Cameron, Camberwell
CBD (18/11) describes The Menzies Institute as the Liberal Party’s ideas factory. Factory output seems to have ground to a stop in recent years.
John Walsh, Watsonia
The Trump-et blares again. Tone deaf and tuneless.
Richard Wilson, Croydon
I predict that Trump has no chance of becoming president in 2024, just like we all predicted he had no chance in 2016.
John Hughes, Mentone
The self-obsessed MAGA man fights on, heading for an inglorious “Al Capone”-style ending. The epitome of social incongruity, and the exemplar of moral maladjustment.
Greg Curtin, Blackburn South
Odds on the betting companies will blow the whistle when the system is gamed.
Geoff Gowers, Merricks North
What a joke Novak Djokovic being allowed back. Australia must be the laughing stock of the world.
Margaret Sullivan, Caulfield North
The defensive capability of the AUKUS subs has never been explained. More disturbing still, no one’s asked the question.
Bernd Rieve, Brighton