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Winds of change gather pace for biggest carbon-emitters

The battle for stronger climate ambition at AGL appears far from over, especially now that billionaire investor and activist Mike Cannon-Brookes’ board picks have been elected as independent directors.

By Nick Toscano

Climate activism and shareholder unrest is pushing power giants like AGL to speed up the shift to renewable energy.

Climate activism and shareholder unrest is pushing power giants like AGL to speed up the shift to renewable energy.Credit: Caria Gottgens

Margot Cunich, a doctor from Sydney, arrived at the entrance to the Melbourne Recital Centre at 9.40am with six other healthcare workers worried about the harmful impacts of continuing to burn coal.

Inside was the annual investor meeting for electricity supplier AGL – the operator of giant coal-fired power stations that account for the biggest share of Australia’s emissions.

In the drizzling rain, the health workers gave out flyers and held up placards: “Replace coal, save lives,” one sign said. “Climate change is the biggest global health threat,” said another, printed in the shape of a cigarette packet.

What they wanted was a commitment from AGL for faster and deeper emissions cuts that would help restrain climate change to the science-based target of 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels.

After the meeting ended at 1pm, Cunich headed back to Sydney, and felt like she had reason to be decidedly more hopeful.

“In a way, I was a bit stunned,” she says.

It’s not hard to see why. For the nation’s heaviest carbon emitters, the winds of change have been building for some time. But on Tuesday at AGL’s shareholder meeting, they burst into an Australian boardroom like never before as the most-watched proxy battle in years came to a head.


The incumbent board of the biggest and oldest ASX-listed power giant was dealt a historic defeat. Shareholders had rebelled and voted to install all four new directors nominated by Mike Cannon-Brookes, the software billionaire and green activist who has been fighting for months to put AGL on a pathway to more aggressive decarbonisation.

“History has been made today,” said Brynn O’Brien, executive director of the Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility, a shareholder activism group. “The board of an Australian listed company has been transformed by shareholders over its handling of climate risks.”

Public healthcare workers gathered outside AGL’s annual investor meeting in Melbourne calling for a faster exit from coal.

Public healthcare workers gathered outside AGL’s annual investor meeting in Melbourne calling for a faster exit from coal.Credit: Chris Hopkins

Businesses everywhere are increasingly embracing the Paris Agreement’s targets to keep global temperature rises “well below” 2 degrees. But so far, pledges by carbon-heavy companies to align with the agreement’s most-ambitious 1.5-degree trajectory have been limited. Because committing to 1.5 degrees requires more aggressive action in a markedly more immediate timeframe, activist calls to do so are routinely dismissed by traditional energy suppliers as irresponsible – even dangerous – for fear they could drive up Australians’ energy bills or cause the lights to go out.

AGL, for its part, has made some major strides in its plans to decarbonise this year. Under pressure from Cannon-Brookes and other key investors, the board scrapped a controversial demerger and instead resolved it would close its last-remaining coal plant, Loy Yang A in Victoria’s Latrobe Valley, up to 10 years earlier in 2035, while investing $20 billion on renewable energy and back-up “firming” assets by 2036.

Most shareholders see this as a promising improvement, with nearly 70 per cent voting in favour of the new climate strategy at Tuesday’s meeting.

“Today marks an important day for AGL with shareholders’ broad endorsement of our Climate Transition Action Plan,” AGL chairman Patricia McKenzie said. “I am pleased AGL can now move forward and deliver on this clear pathway for the company’s future.”


If AGL were to align with a maximum of 1.5 degrees, however, this would necessarily compel even earlier closures of its coal-fired power stations, perhaps by as early as 2028-29. McKenzie – like many other business leaders in the east-coast energy sector – thinks that timeframe is just not achievable while ensuring power supply remains reliable and affordable.


This, McKenzie maintains, is because it may not be enough time to build the enormous amount of new transmission lines that authorities say will be required to connect new renewable energy, as well as develop enough additional assets such as batteries that can dispatch electricity on-demand to support the grid when the wind isn’t blowing and the sun isn’t shining.

“Simply stated, the major build-out of renewables, firming and transmission is highly unlikely to be delivered in that timeframe,” she says. “AGL has to live with what it considers to be a responsible and appropriate plan.”

But the battle for stronger climate ambition for AGL appears far from over, especially now that Cannon-Brookes’ board picks – former Energy Security board chair Kerry Schott, CSR director Christine Holman, Swinburne University chancellor John Pollaers, and former Tesla director Mark Twidell – have been elected as independent directors.

Holman, elected with 82 per cent of shareholder support, acknowledges the complexity of the challenge but says she will encourage her fellow directors to take a “can-do” approach to limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees.

The $68 billion super fund HESTA, which holds AGL shares, voted to support the climate plan and acknowledges challenges around energy supply and grid stability. But still, it believes it could go further.


“We currently believe there is future scope to shift the company’s transition strategy from its current 1.8-degree trajectory to a more ambitious 1.5-degree pathway,” HESTA chief executive Debby Blakey says. “Much will depend on execution capability, particularly of AGL’s renewables and storage strategy.”

For climate action campaigners, Holman’s remarks were “heartening to hear”, says Cunich, whose group Healthy Futures represents 700 healthcare workers seeking stronger goals to arrest rising temperatures that are increasing the frequency and severity of natural disasters and raising the risk of disease.

“I think [1.5 degrees] is really on the table now,” she says.

Mike Cannon-Brookes’ investment vehicle Grok Ventures is leading a push to revamp AGL’s board.

Mike Cannon-Brookes’ investment vehicle Grok Ventures is leading a push to revamp AGL’s board.Credit: Renee Nowytarger

In a fossil fuel-dominated system such as Australia’s east-coast grid, which relies on coal for two-thirds of its needs, the ultimate destination has been clear for some time: a green grid that’s powered mostly by the wind and the sun.

“The question is, how fast do we get there?” says Tony Wood, energy director at the Grattan Institute think tank. “And how do we make sure we don’t crash the plane while we are trying to redesign it?”

Replacing coal, which supplies power 24/7, with more intermittent renewables is no small task. The scale and pace of what needs to occur are “eye-watering”, says Wood.


But could Australia’s energy transition be experiencing something of a breakthrough moment? The new Albanese government has stepped up and set targets for the grid to source 82 per cent of its power from renewables by 2030. And now, the ratcheting up of AGL’s decarbonisation and clean energy goals mark a significant demonstration of the private sector’s readiness to invest heavily in making a greener future a reality.


So, too, does another extraordinary event that has rocked the industry this past fortnight: Canadian asset giant Brookfield’s bombshell deal to acquire Origin Energy and build enough renewables to turn it into the nation’s biggest clean energy supplier by the end of the decade.

“You’ve got two companies [AGL and Origin] who have got an enormous footprint in Australia with very large retail customer bases, and a very strong responsibility to Australia’s energy economy, who are now very much in the front row of what has to happen,” says Wood, a former executive at Origin.

“The end result of both of these is remarkably similar.”

Brookfield, which had previously been involved in an unsuccessful joint offer with Cannon-Brookes to buy AGL for $8 billion, this time teamed up with US-based energy investor EIG to buy Origin Energy and divide its assets between them.

Brookfield is eyeing off Origin’s generation and retail division supplying 4.5 million customer accounts, and believes there is enormous opportunity to fast-track its deployment of renewables in Australia by 2030.


Stewart Upson, Brookfield’s Asia-Pacific chief executive, says Origin’s fleet of fast-start gas-fired generators will ensure necessary back-up for new wind and solar, meaning Brookfield will not immediately have to rely on storage projects like big batteries and pumped hydro that often take longer to develop.

“What Origin has is a quicker path to meaningfully deploy renewables that are still ‘firmed’, while then taking longer to develop the longer-term firming capacity,” says Upson.

“That’s why we think that they are the best-placed in the market to be able to really accelerate the transition, which is clearly something that needs to occur to meet the legislated goals.”

If Australia’s power giants ultimately opt for 1.5 degrees rather than “well below 2 degrees”, the timeframes for building enough new projects to phase out and replace coal become narrower and more expensive.

According to AGL’s analysis, a 1.5-degree scenario would mean all coal plants must be retired by 2031, while 100 gigawatts of extra capacity will be needed by 2030. By 2050, it would be more than 270 gigawatts of new supply at a cost of $180 billion.

“Whenever you do something this big faster, the cost goes up ... doesn’t matter whether it’s roads, tunnels, bridges, transmission lines or power stations,” Wood says.

“The critical issue now is that these companies are not political wish-makers, they are companies with responsibilities to shareholders and customers, and they have got to be clear on what they are going to do.”

If they are going to set ambitious emissions targets, he adds, eventually “they have got to walk the talk”.

Cannon-Brookes, though, appears wholly undeterred by warnings about any challenges that might lie ahead. Rather, he says, aligning AGL’s business to 1.5 degrees rather than 1.8 would boost its ability to access capital from banks that are increasingly reluctant to lend to emissions-intensive sectors.

“From a shareholder value point of view, a Paris-aligned plan is what unlocks the capital to get to a Paris-aligned plan,” Cannon-Brookes says.

“The speed of this transition doesn’t slow down, it speeds up – that’s why it’s faster over the last five [years] and faster over the last two and faster over the last one.”

The rise of renewable energy is a “technological change”, Cannon-Brookes says. And as the co-founder of software giant Atlassian, he is well-versed in what technology growth patterns look like. “We are at the very beginning of the S-curve.”

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