

This was published 1 year ago

Horton flows and dipoles: The science behind NSW floods

By Ben Cubby

After a year of record rainfall, NSW is like a saturated kitchen sponge. Vast volumes of water have been absorbed into the ground, soaking clay-rich soils inland and sandier soils towards the coast.

“But there’s only so much water you can absorb in a kitchen sponge until there are no more holes left in the sponge,” said Kimberley Reid, a Monash University climate researcher.

The clean-up begins in flood-stricken Cowra.

The clean-up begins in flood-stricken Cowra.Credit: Nick Moir

“We’ve had three La Nina years in a row, which is quite rare, and what it means is the soils are already soaked. When it rains, there’s really nowhere left for the water to go. The rivers are already full, so the water moves along the surface.”

Like the bushfires of 2019-20, when droughts had primed the landscape to burn, now the state is primed to flood, said Professor Jason Evans of the Climate Change Research Centre at the University of NSW.

“It’s a very unusual year – you don’t have to look very far in terms of rainfall records to see records being broken,” he said.

“One of the things that’s making this really unusual is that we’re seeing extreme rainfall events in many different places in the same year, as well as repeated events in some places, such as northern NSW. Now that the ground is well and truly soaked it’s primed for flooding.”

TERN mapping system

When a series of low-pressure weather systems formed off Australia’s south-east coast last month, sucking up moisture from the Tasman Sea and carrying it over the land, rain fell on many districts that had already soaked up as much water as the ground could handle.


“Rainfall was highest on record for October for large parts of the Murray–Darling Basin in NSW and Victoria,” the Bureau of Meteorology said in its monthly statement, while noting the national rainfall total was two-and-a-half times the average level.

At the same time, Australia’s national ecosystem mapping network, known as TERN, was monitoring an accumulation of saturated soil in the Murray-Darling region. The system, which uses remote sensors to map the topsoil water content of the whole continent in one-kilometre-square grids, showed deep blue patches indicating the highest levels of moisture in areas that have now become flood zones.

Wyangala Dam is releasing 230,000 megalitres of water per day.

Wyangala Dam is releasing 230,000 megalitres of water per day. Credit: Nick Moir

The Horton overland flow

All the extra rainfall couldn’t be absorbed by the ground, so rather than sinking vertically, it had to move horizontally – a process known to scientists as Horton overland flow. It overloaded rivers and poured into full dams, such as Wyangala Dam near Cowra in the state’s Central West.


The dam was forced to release huge volumes of extra water on Monday night, with a peak of 230,000 megalitres a day – half the total volume of Sydney Harbour – pouring out downstream into an already-flooded Lachlan River. This scale of release has never happened before.

How much water the ground can soak up depends on the composition of the soil.

“Sandy soils will not hold much water, but clayey soils, of the type seen around Moree and Narrabri where they grow cotton, do absorb a great deal more,” said Professor Brajesh Singh, a soil scientist at the University of Western Sydney.

The clay soils in the state’s north and Central West – the current epicentre of the flood zone – hold three to four times as much water as coastal soils, but as a result they take much longer to dry out.

Dipole in decline, La Nina to linger

“If you have a real gap between rainfall events, then the soil will have a capacity to absorb again,” Singh said. “The holding capacity will depend on the frequency of the rain. But most of the soils in these regions are already saturated. I think we have already reached that and we don’t have any more soil capacity.”

What happens next will depend on falls over the next month. The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), which has been driving some of the heavy rain, seems to be in decline, but the persistent La Nina means the year of flood disasters isn’t over yet.

“The IOD should start to decay in the next month or so, but the La Nina might hang around until the end of summer, so we can expect more of these events,” Reid said.

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