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From the Archives, 1977: Lynch quits, denies guilt

The resignation of Federal Treasurer Phillip Lynch, just weeks out from an election, was both a stunning blow for PM Malcolm Fraser and a significant opportunity for John Howard, Lynch’s successor.

By Peter Bowers

First published in the Sydney Morning Herald on November 19, 1977.

Mr Phillip Lynch resigned as Federal Treasurer last night, creating an electorally damaging crisis for the Government.

Federal Treasurer, Mr Phillip Lynch in 1977.

Federal Treasurer, Mr Phillip Lynch in 1977.Credit: Staff photographer

His successor, Mr John Howard, 38, a Sydney solicitor who entered Parliament only three years ago, will be sworn in today.

In a letter to the Prime Minister, Mr Fraser, Mr Lynch offered his resignation until he was cleared of what he termed “unfounded allegations” about his and his family’s financial interests.

In reply, Mr Fraser said he accepted the resignation “with extreme sadness.” In accepting Mr Lynch’s resignation he wanted to reaffirm his full confidence in him.

He commended Mr Lynch’s decision which, he said, had put the interests of the country and the party ahead of Mr Lynch’s own.

The resignation of one of the most senior ministers 22 days before the December 10 election is a stunning blow for Mr Fraser.

On leaving the meeting, Mr Fraser told reporters “The Treasurer’s actions accord with the highest traditions of the Westminster 

On leaving the meeting, Mr Fraser told reporters “The Treasurer’s actions accord with the highest traditions of the Westminster system.”Credit: Martin Brannan

It ended weeks of deepening controversy over allegations about Mr Lynch’s involvement in land transactions in Victoria.


Mr Lynch, outranked only by Mr Fraser and the Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Anthony, is Deputy Leader of the Federal Parliamentary Liberal Party. Mr Lynch has not resigned from his party post and will contest his bayside Melbourne seat of Flinders in the election.

Mr Fraser’s letter accepting his resignation left the way open for Mr Lynch’s return to the ministry but if he contests the deputy leadership after the election it is certain to be challenged, probably by the Speaker, Mr Snedden.

Mr Lynch tried unsuccessfully to fend off the crisis from a hospital bed. He is in the Peninsula Private Hospital, Frankston, for an operation to remove kidney stones a week ago.

“I’ll be fighting for Flinders as I’ve never fought before,” he told reporters in a brief interview last night.

Fighting for Flinders ... Mr Lynch, recovering from an operation to remove kidney stones, resigned from his hospital bed.

Fighting for Flinders ... Mr Lynch, recovering from an operation to remove kidney stones, resigned from his hospital bed.Credit: Staff photographer

The resignation ended a day of extraordinary confusion and speculation.

Turmoil in the Victorian Liberal Party occurred when Mr Lynch’s resignation, predicted in yesterday morning’s newspapers, did not eventuate.

Visitors to Mr Lynch in hospital included the Minister for Transport, Mr Nixon, a senior Cabinet colleague, and the president of the Victorian Liberal Party, Mrs Joy Mien.

Mr Nixon said later he spent all day with Mr Lynch who had asked him to visit him. “I have absolute confidence in Phillip Lynch’s integrity and I have no doubt about the outcome of any perusal of his affairs,” he said.

Both Mr Lynch and Mr Fraser were coming under pressure from opposing factions within the Liberal Party. One group was demanding that Mr Fraser act before the night was out, to deal with the matter one way or another.

Strong arguments

This group argued strongly that Mr Fraser must either reaffirm his confidence in Mr Lynch or dismiss him before the controversy irreparably harmed the coalition parties’ election prospect.

A pro-Lynch group vas urging Mr Lynch to stand firm because he was not guilty of any wrongdoing.

A letter from Mr Lynch’s solicitors to Mr Fraser, released by Mr Lynch, reveals apparent friction between the Prime Minister and his party deputy over the delay in the letter reaching Mr Fraser.

The political drama was being played out in Sydney, too, where a long Cabinet meeting began at 2.30 pm. As the Cabinet meeting dragged on and still no resignation was forthcoming Mr Fraser cancelled a news conference scheduled for 5 pm at Kirribilli House. Cabinet sent out for sandwiches and sat through dinner. The resignation was finally announced in Sydney about 9.15 pm.

On leaving after the Cabinet meeting Mr Fraser would say only: “The Treasurer’s actions accord with the highest traditions of the Westminster system.”

Mr Lynch, in his letter of resignation to Mr Fraser, stressed that he had at all times acted with propriety and discharged his ministerial duties in a responsible and proper manner.

“There has unquestionably been a very determined effort by our political opponents and by some sections of the media to carry out an ‘execution without trial’ based on innuendo and not on any specific or factually based charge,” Mr Lynch said.

He explained in detail that he had already made a full declaration of his family’s business interests including the land deal, to Mr Fraser as long ago as January and February, 1976.

New Treasurer ... The Member for Bennelong, Mr John Howard.

New Treasurer ... The Member for Bennelong, Mr John Howard.Credit: Staff photographer

This week he had instructed his accountants, Irish Young and Outhwaite, and his solicitors, Mallesons, to prepare respectively a statement on the financial interests of himself and his family and an independent analysis of the transactions.

‘No instance of impropriety’

“I am satisfied, without any qualification whatsoever that no instance of impropriety on my behalf, or on behalf of my family, is contained in the letter written to me yesterday by those firms,” Mr Lynch said.

He said he was releasing the text of the letter Mallesons had written to Mr Fraser but he would not release the letter written by the two firms to him.

“I have, however, after the most careful thought decided that I will not forward to you, or release publicly, these particular letters,” Mr Lynch said.

“It is quite clear to me that publication of further material in the present political climate, notwithstanding that no part of it contains any charge of impropriety against me, could only lead to contamination of the current attacks on me,” he said.

Mr Lynch said he was prepared to step aside as Treasurer “in the present Government” in the interests of his party and his colleagues.


Mr Fraser, in a letter that began “My dear Phillip” in the Prime Minister’s bold scrawl, said he had accepted Mr Lynch’s view that the matter must be resolved.

I also accept your view with extreme sadness that the proper course is for you to stand aside but ,in so doing, I want to re-affirm my confidence in you,” Mr Fraser said.

An official inquiry found that he had done nothing illegal or improper, but he would not return to the Treasury portfolio, instead he returned in the role of Minister for Industry and Commerce. In 1980, he would chair the Fraser Government’s Committee of Review of Government Functions, dubbed the “Razor Gang”. He left politics in 1982.

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