

This was published 1 year ago

Beware the five donkeys of the budget apocalypse

By Shane Wright

There are no longer four horsemen of the Apocalypse. There are five stubborn donkeys of debt and deficit, and their names are interest, aged care, health, defence and the NDIS.

The 2022-23 redo budget from Jim Chalmers and Katy Gallagher reveals clearly just how the new crew are wreaking havoc through the nation’s finances.

Several factors will wreak havoc on the economy.

Several factors will wreak havoc on the economy.Credit: Louie Douvis

So out of control is one donkey, the cost of servicing the federal budget’s interest bill will surpass what the government spends on the nation’s public hospitals by 2025-26.

Since taking office, Chalmers and Gallagher have referenced the five spending donkeys and the long-term financial risk they pose.

The budget confirms the damage.

The debt used to safeguard the economy through the COVID pandemic was run up when investors around the world were so scared of the future, they were prepared to take negative interest rates on their cash. That world is no longer.

In 2020-21, the government issued about $282 billion worth of debt, with an average interest rate of just 0.9 per cent. As the budget is still in deficit, about $90 billion of that debt will have to be rolled over this year at an expected interest rate of 3.8 per cent.

The interest bill this year is expected to be $22.4 billion, a 21 per cent jump on that of the last financial year. By 2025-26, interest will cost taxpayers $32 billion, making it the government’s sixth-largest expenditure. It’s also the fastest-growing expenditure.


Until this year, the interest bill had never been mentioned among the top 20 most expensive programs.


Chalmers suggests the previous government was “embarrassed” about the interest bill situation, so it just hid away the expense.

The previous government, however, did warn about another of the deficit donkeys – the surging cost of the NDIS.

It is now forecast to reach almost $52 billion in 2025-26 (after being forecast in March to reach $46.1 billion). Only the aged pension is more pricey.

There is a reckoning coming for this program, one that could pit Australians with a disability against the taxpayers of the country. No one is going to emerge a winner from that fight.

Defence spending overall is roughly in line with what had been expected. But buried in the budget details, the cost of new defence equipment has jumped a lazy $3 billion since the March budget.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers delivers the 2022-23 federal budget.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers delivers the 2022-23 federal budget.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Anyone who has read the royal commission report into aged care knows that Australian governments have done a huge disservice to our elderly over the past two decades. Fixing that is going to require taxpayer support.

While $34.7 billion is officially forecast to be spent on aged care by 2025-26, everyone knows more will be needed. Some of that is snuggled away in the budget’s contingency reserve to cover the as yet unknown decision by the Fair Work Commission on a pay rise for the sector’s workers.

The other donkey, health, just gets worse with time. As we age, and new ways to stay fit and alive emerge, we as a community want more spent in that area.


Making the budget bottom line even worse, Chalmers and Gallagher have ended the mirage that was Australia’s assumed rate of productivity growth.

Higher productivity means more tax revenue and lower costs. But productivity slowed through the 2010s to its lowest rate since the 1950s, yet the budget continued to assume the latest technological breakthrough was just around the corner.

By recognising reality, the budget’s bottom line in later years deteriorates. Next year’s intergenerational report, which will project the shape of the budget out until the 2060s, will be far, far worse.

Chalmers and Gallagher have set out a new fiscal strategy that commits them to limiting the growth in spending “until gross debt as a share of GDP is on a downward trajectory”. That’s not expected until the turn of the decade.

They also promise to improve the “efficiency, quality and sustainability” of spending, while also delivering a tax system that “funds government services in an efficient, fair and sustainable way”.

In terms of hardcore fiscal rules, these are akin to an apple pie, motherhood and the American way. They shouldn’t be aspirations - they should be the hard and fast attitude of every treasurer and finance minister.

The problem is that the budget over recent years has been led far away from what should be a well-trodden path of fiscal restraint.

The donkeys need to be brought under control – and soon.

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