

This was published 2 years ago

Slashing fares on trains, trams rewards all of us



Credit: Illustration: Andrew Dyson

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Public transport
I am not a Liberal voter but Matthew Guy’s public transport policy, including a $2 cap on metro fares, (“Coalition would halve V/Line fares”, The Age, 12/10) has my support. Public transport shouldn’t be run as a profit-making venture. Free and cheap public transport will take people off the roads, which has to be good for the environment and commuter stress levels. Guy just needs to explain how he will fund the increase in trains, trams and busses and number of services required to meet the expected demand. An increased capacity to take bikes on public transport would be great, too.
Rohan Wightman, McKenzie Hill

A chance to ditch myki
Instead of proposing a $2 daily maximum fare for using public transport, why not make it free? This would allow us to remove the need for myki, perhaps the world’s worst implementation of a transport charging system.
Michael Nicholls, Travancore

A big difference
While their public transport policy is obviously one the Liberals know they’ll never have to deliver, it’s bizarre that your experts (“‘Gone a bit nuclear’: Experts warn opposition’s $2-a-day public transport fares will worsen inequality”, 9/10) seem blissfully unaware that to a rich person, the difference between $9 and $2 is nothing but to a poor person, it’s everything.
Brett Byrne, Melbourne

Target the benefits
The Liberals’ $2 fares for public transport is not good policy. Across-the-board subsidies do not work because those who can afford it should help fund further progress to expand and maintain public transport, particularly to regional growth areas and suburbs currently not serviced by the network. A much better idea was announced earlier in the year by Clifford Hayes, MLC, who sought to give free public transport to those on healthcare cards, students and the elderly. It’s better to target cost-of-living measures to those who really need them.
Sophie Paterson, Hawthorn

Many not paying anyway
Matthew Guy has indicated he will lower the cost of public transport fares. With regards to buses, I wonder if he has ridden on one of late. I live in the south-east of Melbourne. I use buses almost daily (not during rush hour). Doing a rough count as I sit on the bus, I notice that only about one in 20 people tap on their myki getting on the bus.

So, for approximately 95 per cent of users who are currently travelling for free, they will have to find some way of actually paying those people in order to make it even cheaper.
David Williamson, Hampton Park


Make it free
Whether you charge $2 or $10 for a trip by rail, tram or bus, there are the same overheads of ticketing staff, barriers, tap on/off systems, inspectors and administration. If the aim is to really benefit everyone, then free travel on all public transport is the way to go, not just the current free tram zone.
Jan Newmarch, Oakleigh

Caught up in ticket cash
Ticketing was originally introduced to count passengers but quickly became an end in itself. Free public transport would cost vastly less to run. The system is owned by the public and it is logically and morally wrong for someone to pay to ride on their own vehicle.
Norman Pollack, Armadale

How do we pay for these services?
Every day, there are calls for governments to spend more on some areas: IBAC, health, roads, Medicare rebates, school maintenance, new hospitals, new public transport, better NDIS, better aged care, free childcare, payments to creatives. The list is endless.

We need a proper conversation about our future, how we get there, and how we pay for it.
Louise Kloot, Doncaster


A real dilemma
Your correspondent bemoans the ALP’s support of the stage three tax cuts while in opposition (Letters, 12/10). Had they opposed them, he says, Labor would not now have the dilemma of whether to keep, ditch or amend them. He is quite right: had Labor opposed them, it is Scott Morrison who would now have that dilemma because Labor would still be occupying the opposition benches.

Politicians have long known never to utter the word “tax” in an election campaign unless it is immediately followed by the word “cuts”. Never stand between a voter and a tax cut.
David Francis, Ivanhoe

Problem solved
Under the proposed tax cuts, Peter Hartcher (Comment, 8/10) says those earning more than $200,000 a year would get a $9075 tax cut, while those on $62,000 would receive a $424 tax cut. Let’s be fair and give everyone, rich and less so, a $424 tax cut.
Yianni Banikos, Fish Creek

Stage three support
Where are the commentators and correspondents supporting the tax cuts and explaining how they will be good for the economy and therefore all Australians?
Michael Brinkman, Ventnor

What is Labor for?
Who would ever trust Labor on its word? In the 2019 election, Labor said we could no longer afford to pay excess franking credits and wanted to reduce the advantages of negative gearing. They lost the election and apologised, to the people they said were getting generous tax advantages.

Labor has given up any chance of raising these again even though the economy is now much worse. They are policy flakes. I have lost all faith in their capacity to lead a beleaguered and broken society.
All these tax cuts do is to widen the income and wealth disparity.
John Rome, Mt Lawley, WA

Economic credentials
Shadow treasurer Angus Taylor says there is a $500 million “black hole” in the budget. This from the party that left Australia and the incoming government with a debt approaching $1 trillion that will be further exacerbated by $224 billion in tax cuts over the next 10 years.
Hans Pieterse, Narre Warren North

Brutality repeated
Vladimir Putin’s brutal response to his latest humiliation in the Ukraine war is presented as something new (“West rallies over Russian bomb blitz”, 12/10). Yet from the start of its unjustified invasion, Russia has targeted civilian infrastructure with indiscriminate bombing, killing and maiming many thousands of innocent people going about their daily business or sleeping at home. Schools, hospitals and shopping malls are all fair game to Russia.

Apparently, any attack on any Russian structure is “terrorism”, whereas the images we see every day of freshly bombed apartment blocks represents some sort of slap on the wrist for not allowing Russia to take over a sovereign nation.
Peter Barry, Marysville

Extend sanctions
It is time for the rest of the world to shun Russia and President Putin: close the embassies and send their ambassadors and diplomatic staff back to Russia. Countries should also close their borders to Russian visitors. Just maybe if the Russian people and Putin see themselves hated and shunned around the world, it may tell them something.
Nola Cormick, Albert Park

Making sense of madness
It has been illuminating to read about the Russian invasion of Ukraine through the perspective that Mick Ryan has been able to provide (Comment, 12/10). As a retired major general who served in the ADF for 35 years, he brings a broad knowledge and expertise in the military dimensions of these horrendous events.

But beyond this, Ryan is also able to decipher the politics in Russia that drives much of the military manoeuvres. These perspectives help us to make some sense of Putin’s madness.
Nick Toovey, Beaumaris

Bridge a doubtful link
Russian President Vladimir Putin said he ordered massive long-range strikes on Ukraine, accusing it of attacking the bridge linking Russia to annexed Crimea. Obviously, Putin is unaware Ukraine, the European Union and the United States have condemned the bridge connecting Russia to Crimea because Crimea is under illegal occupation.

Putin is also unaware that on December 1, 1991, Ukraine held a referendum and Ukrainians voted for independence, marking the end of the Soviet Union. And 54 per cent of Crimean voters opted to remain part of Ukraine.
G. Jaworsky, Wollert

Seeking your attention
Reg Mombassa (“Climate protesters strike through the art”, 12/10) says, “I’m not sure whether [glueing onto artworks] changes anyone’s mind who doesn’t believe there’s a problem with the climate.” And he is absolutely correct. So why does Extinction Rebellion do it?

Partly because sceptical people are not their target. But also because they have tried everything else. This week, Extinction Rebellion had a flotilla protesting against Geelong’s proposed floating gas terminals. Climbers scaled a huge pile of pallets made from timber taken from native forests. They sang at the AGM of CommBank, provider of $14 billion to fossil-fuel projects since 2016. Sadly, the media report only the more “outrageous” stunts.

It is a great shame that the critical issue of our time has been made into a marker of tribe and not a matter of survival. Thankfully, Extinction Rebellion might have managed to get their target, the informed but still quiet majority, to see that more is required of them.
Lesley Walker, Northcote

Tracking by necessity
It is good that a spokesperson for Qantas has said that the airline “welcomed” their customers using luggage trackers after bans elsewhere. My friend last week was part of a large group flying in from Queenstown whose luggage Qantas lost. After an hour, only with help from airport staff and Border Security and none from Qantas, forms were filled in. One passenger remembered she had a tracker in her case and found that her luggage was still in Queenstown. Apparently, that was the first Qantas knew where it was. Perhaps Qantas itself could update its technology and avoid queues of frustrated customers.
Greg Tuck, Warragul

Mental health help
Caroline Zielinski outlined the difficulty and pain she experienced in getting help for a mental health condition, (“A battle to get help when it all becomes too much”, The Age, 12/10). Unfortunately, there is a lack of awareness in relation to the variety of well-qualified mental health professionals including Accredited Mental Health Social Workers, who can provide
skilled support.

AMHSW, with a Mental Health Plan from a GP, like psychologists, attract a Medicare rebate. Had Zielinski been directed to Beyond Blue’s get mental health support webpage, and the Australian Association of Social Workers Social Worker Directory webpage, she would have found information about other mental health providers. These are degree-qualified, skilled and experienced providers of mental health support. Many have capacity to see clients without long wait times.
Cathie Hutchinson, AMHSW counsellor, Mulgrave

Negative attitudes
Greens senator Lidia Thorpe has declared, “I will not be campaigning no”. Hiding behind a double negative, the senator is nonetheless ignoring her colleagues’ claim that “the vast majority of Greens members strongly supported constitutional recognition” (“Thorpe rejects ‘no’ campaign on Voice”, 12/10). The party must be rueing the day it decided not to not accept her candidacy for the Senate.
Lawrie Bradly, Surrey Hills

Flood warnings
It’s baffling why neither our state nor local governments help Melburnians prepare for seasonal flooding and now extreme flooding events (“People in flood-risk areas told to brace for isolation”, 12/10). Yes, this is La Nina. But in Melbourne, this is flood season – Wintoonth Woontanbaj-Jumunna, in local language. These known weather patterns should already be built into narratives, planning, processes and oversight. Yet we behave as though we’re surprised.

The government and media warn of flooding but there is a lack of context on the urban risks. They warn of the dangers and illegality of driving through flood waters – no mention of walking, cycling
or scootering.

My organisation, Abbotsford Riverbankers, has footage of people walking into the Yarra River danger zone, ignoring closed gates, eroding the vulnerable riverbank, but there’s nothing from authorities: no community preparation, no warning signs or detour signage along key points. This has to change.
Anna Ridgway, Abbotsford

Casting stones
The Andrew Thorburn issue illustrates the hypocrisy of religions. They don’t want others to discriminate against them but they believe they are free to discriminate against others. Someone said: “Let who is without sin cast the first stone.” Religions preach the casting of stones.
Peter D’Castro, Cremorne

No dilemma
Your correspondent (Letters, 11/10) overlooks an important point about conflicts of interest. The last time I looked, Daniel Andrews wasn’t the leader of the Catholic Church. He is merely a lay Catholic with a firm commitment to social justice principles that the Catholic Church upholds, albeit inconsistently. No dilemma at all.
Gary Jaynes, Ivanhoe

Screen process
It’s good timing that the consultation process for the Sports Anti-syphoning Scheme Review commenced this week. The review team would be wise to consult next week’s TV guide and note that no matches from the T20 cricket World Cup, played in Australia, will be shown on free-to-air TV. That’s clear evidence the scheme has major failings.
Roger Farrer, Hampton

And another thing

State election
Shaun Carney asks: “After eight years, are Victorians sick of Daniel Andrews?” (The Age, 12/10). I suggest that dubious Dan’s a dull deal but the other Guy’s no better.
Kevin Burke, Sandringham


Credit: Illustration: Matt Golding

Are Victorians sick of Dan Andrews? Yes! Thank goodness for all those independents looking to make an improvement in the political landscape.
Margaret Callinan, Hawthorn

War in Ukraine
If President Vladimir Putin’s aim is to restore Russia’s imperial and glorious past, all he’s done is demonstrate how brutal and barbaric it must have been.
Henry Herzog, St Kilda East

Despite setbacks reputedly bringing on Putin’s humiliation, those who are thick-skinned
and single-minded do not feel humiliation.
Meg McPherson, Brighton

Putin’s relentless putsch for illegitimate power recalls Macbeth’s words: “For mine own good, all causes shall give way. I am in blood stepped in so far that should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o’er.”
Deborah Morrison, Malvern East

China holds the key to resolution of the invasion of Ukraine. If President Xi Jinping threatened to cut all trade, Putin would be forced to desist.
John Walsh, Watsonia

What hope for republicans when the monarchy gives us public holidays for births, deaths and coronations?
Don Phillips, Fitzroy

OK, so it’s not going to rain any more, we’re going to have a “rain event” instead.
Keith Lawson, Melbourne

Would a non-privatised State Electricity Commission of Victoria be threatening to raise power prices by 30 per cent?
Malcolm McDonald, Burwood

The proposed Airport Link route traverses some of Melbourne’s worst areas for graffiti. Hardly the first impression one would wish to convey to international visitors.
Martin Newington, Aspendale

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