

This was published 2 years ago

A gift or a curse? Keating’s Barangaroo vision 10 years on

After a decade of backflips, clashes and dead deals, the Barangaroo precinct is almost complete. Has it been a success?

By Michael Koziol

A view of Barangaroo from Pyrmont.

A view of Barangaroo from Pyrmont.Credit: Wolter Peeters

This story is part of an in-depth series investigating the Barangaroo precinct, one of Sydney’s largest urban renewal projects.See all 19 stories.

Only Paul Keating could have pictured early 2000s Barangaroo – back then, the remnants of Patrick’s seaport operations, headed for Botany Bay – as something resembling the work of great 17th-century French landscape painter Claude Lorrain.

But that is how the former prime minister imagined it: a “romantic marine landscape” bookmarked by a natural headland that looked out across the western harbour to Ballast Point and Goat Island, backlit by the setting sun.

At Barangaroo, a park, a representation of nature “with all the effervescence of the baroque”, would be juxtaposed against the strict classicism of clean, modern office towers designed by the late Lord Richard Rogers.

Seaport with Villa Medici (1604-1682) by Claude Lorrain.

Seaport with Villa Medici (1604-1682) by Claude Lorrain.Credit: DeAgostini / Getty Images

“It’s a return to the big interface between enlightenment and romanticism - between science and reason, which is of course what the towers represent, and passion and originality arising from the jubilation and celebration of nature, which is what the headland is about,” Keating says.

“When the two are put together, the impact and sum total is greater and more interesting than the individual bits.”

It was in 2003 that then-premier Bob Carr announced the end of the city’s “working harbour” and promised the site - known as East Darling Harbour - would be redeveloped with 50 per cent public open space and an iconic building that screamed Sydney.


With 22 hectares of former maritime land and a $6 billion price tag, it was one of Sydney’s largest-ever urban renewal projects. Nearly 20 years later, and beleaguered by well-documented backflips, clashes and dead deals, Barangaroo is now a burgeoning - perhaps thriving - place for Sydneysiders to work, play and, for a wealthy handful, live.

Former prime minister Paul Keating in his Potts Point office.

Former prime minister Paul Keating in his Potts Point office.Credit: Louie Douvis

It is not complete - and the missing piece, Central Barangaroo, is besieged by similar difficulties, disagreements and delays - but this week the Herald is taking the opportunity to assess what has worked, what hasn’t and what lessons can be learnt for Sydney’s future city-building.

The semi-finished product is divisive. While Keating thinks it has turned out “pretty well”, others believe the precinct fails to live up to its potential, gave too much ground to developers and has squandered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create something magical.

“It’s a tragic lost opportunity,” says Lord Mayor Clover Moore. “Twenty-two hectares of harbour foreshore land on the most beautiful harbour in the world, and look at how it’s been developed.”

Keating first thought about the area’s qualities in the terms described above when talking to late Australian landscape painter Lloyd Rees about the majesty of the neglected “industrial” harbour west of the bridge.

Bridge over the main lake in Stourhead Gardens, England.

Bridge over the main lake in Stourhead Gardens, England.Credit: Istock


Rees, a two-time Wynne Prize winner, told him the Harbour Bridge “came down on the harbour like a theatrical curtain, dividing it into two”, but there were wonderful views west from Kirribilli if only we would appreciate them.

“The harbour needs, but has never had, an overall aesthetic director,” Keating tells the Herald in an interview at his Potts Point office. “It has no guardian. It’s all chopped along its boundaries into municipal blocks run by municipal councils.”

During public life, Keating visited what he regarded as the great gardens of the world - Sanssouci Park in Potsdam, England’s Stourhead and Pavlovsk Park near Saint Petersburg, surrounding the palace of Tsar Paul I - and contemplated how their natural beauty might be applied in his home town. “Whenever I’d see an idea, I’d file it away,” he says.

If the harbour lacks a guardian, Keating assumed that role for Barangaroo - quite literally, as chair of the design excellence panel. He quit in 2011 after clashing with Moore over her opposition to parts of the development, particularly a luxury hotel which was to be built over the water.

“Jack Lang gave Sydney the Harbour Bridge. Joe Cahill gave Sydney the Opera House. And I gave Sydney Barangaroo.”

Former prime minister Paul Keating

“She’s for sandal-wearing, muesli-chewing, bike-riding pedestrians,” Keating famously said of the lord mayor, contending that Moore was an inappropriate person for the job. The spray earned him a stern warning from then-planning minister Brad Hazzard, prompting Keating to resign, declaring he would not be “muzzled”.

The hotel over the harbour - likened pejoratively by several architects to something out of Dubai - was scotched in 2011 by then-premier Barry O’Farrell, whose government then negotiated a new hotel site with Lend Lease, which became James Packer’s casino tower.

It remains a sore point for many key players. Keating always blamed Moore’s campaign against the hotel in the water for the advent of the Crown building, which had its genesis at an infamous lunch between O’Farrell, Packer and Alan Jones at the broadcaster’s Circular Quay pad in February 2012.

Crown Sydney, completed in 2020, is as divisive in reality as it was in theory. Carr, who pledged that Barangaroo would have an iconic building, believes Packer’s tower does the job. “It has pivoted the city to the west and no one could deny in international terms it’s a building of distinction,” he says.

Crown tower stands prominently in Barangaroo.

Crown tower stands prominently in Barangaroo.Credit: Sydney Images

Carr feared the casino would suck the life out of the CBD as he believes Melbourne’s did at the turn of the century. But “the Crown tower has added to Sydney without overpowering it”, he says.

But another former Labor premier, Kristina Keneally, vehemently disagrees. She calls the tower a “monstrosity” and a “giant glass column erected right in the middle of the site” that overshadows Barangaroo literally and figuratively.


“The casino is an architectural eyesore,” Keneally tells the Herald. “It wrecks the concept of a built environment that starts with height and density at the southern end and gradually gives way to the park and the water at the northern end.

“It also creates a little island of alienation - the point of a casino is to trap people in its interior, unlike the rest of Barangaroo that encourages people to interact with them.”

As premier, Keneally took over ministerial responsibility for Barangaroo from planning minister Tony Kelly, vowing she would not let “a small group in the community” derail the project. A week earlier, Moore had resigned from the Barangaroo Delivery Authority, complaining the public was being railroaded.

Keneally’s government, in its death throes, approved the concept plan for Barangaroo including zoning, building heights and extra commercial floor space. She still believes it was a massive error for her successor O’Farrell to ditch the hotel on the water, which “would have looked spectacular”. O’Farrell, who is now Australia’s high commissioner to India, declined to comment for this story.

Former NSW premier Kristina Keneally assumed ministerial responsibility for the $6 billion Barangaroo back in 2010.

Former NSW premier Kristina Keneally assumed ministerial responsibility for the $6 billion Barangaroo back in 2010.Credit: Wolter Peeters

Keneally is more enthusiastic about the Barangaroo precinct as a whole. She says it has avoided becoming “another Docklands”, the Melbourne waterfront precinct known for its wind tunnels, cavernous spaces and little reason to visit except for work. Barangaroo is easy to get to, brings people right down to the water and allows nature back into the CBD, Keneally says.

“The first time I walked through Barangaroo in its built form I had a strange sense of familiarity - and it occurred to me, it looked exactly like the fly-throughs we’d created nearly a decade earlier.


“We really thought so carefully about: how do you activate the streetscapes, how do you make such a massive site feel human and so that people aren’t overwhelmed by the built environment? I believe Barangaroo is a success. But is it something like the Opera House that sets Sydney apart on a global scale? We will know that in another decade.”

Carr agrees the precinct is well integrated with the city, but wonders whether it is truly special.

“Apart from the casino building, is there a bit of cutting-edge architecture that you would want to show off to an international top-drawer architect?” Carr asks. “In terms of design and materials, have we really got anything to demonstrate to Singapore, to China, to Japan, as a powerful example of Australian urbanism? This is a tough test, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to apply it.”

Perhaps Barangaroo was never going to satisfy its parents’ lofty expectations. But after a slow start marred by COVID, Sydneysiders seem to like it. In good weather, the restaurants are reliably busy, and it is arguably more accessible for recreation than the Domain or Mrs Macquarie’s chair.

Elliot Solomon’s Solotel empire runs Barangaroo House, a stack of venues in the middle of the entertainment precinct including Rekodo restaurant and Smoke rooftop bar. In his view - and he’s sure his neighbours agree - the precinct is still figuring itself out but is broadly on the up.

“It has been a journey, and it’s definitely getting better and better. It’s becoming an area that is embraced by more Sydneysiders than just corporates,” Solomon says. He says weekend trade has picked up, and the opening of Crown was “an incredible coup” for nearby hospitality operators.

Keneally agrees. “Compared to the rest of the post-pandemic CBD, Barangaroo today is bustling with life from early morning to late at night,” she says. “That’s the best verdict on its success.”

Barangaroo House.

Barangaroo House.Credit: Wolter Peeters

Clover Moore, however, begs to differ. She has not forgiven or forgotten, and nor has her former council colleague and architect Philip Thalis. In a joint interview at Sydney Town Hall, both are unable (or unwilling) to identify a single part of Barangaroo they like.

“I don’t think it’s a matter of that. I think it’s a matter of what should have happened [instead],” Moore says. Thalis acknowledges the view from the headland park is beautiful, but notes it would have been there regardless.

The lost opportunity, in their view, was the original Hill Thalis design for Barangaroo which would have retained the broad, flat shape of the old maritime terminal, the sandstone cliff face and even the harbour control tower - but remediated with parkland, pools, soccer field and skate ramp.

At its heart, this was a disagreement over heritage and aesthetics. Keating, who saw the sandstone wall and control tower as hideous and of no value, clashed with the prevailing preference among heritage experts and architects to conserve and adapt. Where they sought urban renewal, Keating wanted urban reconstruction.

Emotions ran high. Back in the day, Thalis called Keating’s plan “theme park history”, while the former prime minister felt the architects were trying to preserve an “act of industrial vandalism”.

Barangaroo at night.

Barangaroo at night.Credit: Wolter Peeters

Both men got a lot more colourful at times, too, and little has changed. Thalis disputes Keating’s claim Barangaroo will be 63 per cent open space, saying Keating is including areas like Nawi Cove inlet. “It’s water,” Thalis says. “You and I can’t walk on it. He possibly thinks he can.”

Moore and Thalis are ambivalent about the amenity of the precinct. Sure, it’s full of people, says Thalis: that’s because of its prime foreshow location. They are sceptical of the pricey restaurants lining the waterfront, perhaps with good reason. The watermelon salad starter at Lotus is $24. But then again, there’s also a Belles Hot Chicken and the requisite Bourke Street Bakery.

Thalis says: “If you go to Barangaroo [and] don’t take a credit card, what is there to do? It’s actually a completely commercialised view of city-making. There’s no cultural dimension at all except for the so-called Cutaway, which is a compromise between a car park and a fake headland.”

Enter, again, Paul Keating. The state government has appointed the former prime minister as chair of the design jury for the 1.85-hectare “harbour park” and revamped Cutaway, part of the final stage of the Barangaroo puzzle.


Keating argues the civic dividend Sydney receives from the headland park is worth a bit of extra height on the buildings to the south. At any rate, he observes, they’re not out of whack with the surrounding CBD or the towers now being built at Circular Quay.

He doesn’t love everything, but says even the Crown tower - which he joined Moore in opposing at the time - is remarkable and “the prettiest building we could have got there”. Would he go so far as to call it beautiful? “It has a clean sculptural quality,” he says.

Twenty years after convincing Bob Carr to buy Ballast Point to save it from development by Lang Walker, Keating believes his romantic, Lorrain-esque vision is more or less complete. If he visits Barangaroo and someone recognises him, they invariably thank him for his contribution, he says. And he’s not shy about claiming credit.

“I’ve done a few things for Sydney, but the one that will stand out will be Barangaroo,” he says. “Without my understanding of this genre [of art], the likelihood of this falling out of a state planning scheme was nil. It requires deep understanding of aesthetic history.”

Keating cannot resist noting Labor blood flows through the driving forces behind the city’s icons. “Jack Lang gave Sydney the Harbour Bridge. Joe Cahill gave Sydney the Opera House. And I gave Sydney Barangaroo.”

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