

This was published 2 years ago


The ’90s are over: The republican movement needs a rebrand, and new faces

One of the most consistent political phenomena globally is the fact that young people, on average, tend to be more progressive than older cohorts. On issues like climate change, social justice, and economic inequality, younger people tend to be more strongly in favour of dramatic and urgent intervention, and less attracted to the status quo. In Australia, polls regularly show younger voters are more likely to back Labor and the Greens, and less likely to vote for the Coalition.

But there’s one issue that bucks this trend: support for a republic. An Essential poll last year found support for abandoning the monarchy has moved little in recent years. In 2017, 44 per cent said they supported a move to a republic, 30 per cent were opposed and 26 per cent were unsure. In 2021, it was 48 per cent support, 28 per cent oppose, 25 per cent unsure. Over that period, Millennials overtook Baby Boomers as the largest generational group in Australia.

Malcolm Turnbull, then chairman for the Australian Republican Movement, pictured days before the 1999 referendum.

Malcolm Turnbull, then chairman for the Australian Republican Movement, pictured days before the 1999 referendum. Credit: Reuters

It’s in the age breakdowns where things get more interesting. Unlike on most other issues where there’s a relatively clear progressive/conservative divide, younger people were actually less likely to support a republic, according to the poll. Forty-five per cent of 18- to 35-year-olds support shifting away from the monarchy, compared to 48 per cent of those aged 55 and older. One in three younger people were unsure.

The numbers raise an obvious question: why? When younger people are more likely to support stronger action on climate change, and were more likely to vote for legalising same-sex marriage, when they’re more likely to vote for political parties associated with republicanism (Labor and the Greens), why are they so lukewarm on the idea itself?

It’s probably time for those driving Australia’s republican movement to recognise that whatever they’ve been doing isn’t working – especially when it comes to engaging the generations usually the most primed to shake up things. When you picture the most prominent faces of the movement, and what exactly they’re campaigning for, it isn’t surprising republicanism has failed to gain traction, or momentum, among younger people.


The two people most closely identified with the republican movement are former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull and national chair of the movement Peter FitzSimons – also my colleague at The Sydney Morning Herald – both in their 60s. Turnbull reiterated his support for a republic earlier this year, after having been appointed chair of the Republican Advisory Committee by Paul Keating in 1993, when he was in his 30s. It’s hard to think of anyone with a high profile in today’s movement who is in their 30s, let alone their 20s.

While the two men’s dedication to the movement can’t be faulted, both are part of an elite media and political class. It shouldn’t be a shock that younger Australians find it difficult to relate to these champions of the cause.

Australian Republic Movement national chair Peter FitzSimons.

Australian Republic Movement national chair Peter FitzSimons.Credit: James Brickwood


Young people live different lifestyles with different day-to-day concerns. It’s not hard to believe that grandiose statements from figureheads their parents’ age are unlikely to inspire them to make the cause their own. One survey found Gen Zs are even more supportive of the monarchy than Millennials, which some have argued is due to the now King Charles’ stance on the environment. Identifying young republican spokespeople who can unite support for action on climate change, Indigenous justice and economic inequality with the abolition of the monarchy might push approval ratings for a republic upwards.


The way that contemporary republicans frame any possible change also seems out of step with the demands of younger Australians. The model they advocate proposes keeping the Australian Constitution as it is, but rebadging the head of state as a president elected by the public. Their powers would remain ceremonial and limited. After the defeat of the 1999 referendum, you can understand the reluctance to embark on more profound constitutional change. But there’s risk in being so minimal. If becoming a republic doesn’t actually change anything (beyond who formally signs laws and swears in the cabinet), why should people care about it?

When younger generations are grappling with existential issues such as the climate crisis, housing affordability, skyrocketing inflation, record low wage growth, and the resurgence of political extremism, it’s hard to get motivated about a campaign that is essentially: Find + Replace ‘Governor-General’ with ‘President’.

So much of how we are governed – which obviously impacts the kinds of policies that are discussed and implemented – is a legacy of a Constitution that was written more than a century ago. Is parliament working as well as it should? Is it representative enough? What needs to change to help us solve the major problems afflicting the country? There’s a deep frustration that not enough is being done on the big issues, particularly those impacting young people. Starting with these kinds of questions might help build popular support for a more wholesale constitutional change that could get younger people thinking a republic might mean something for them.

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