

This was published 2 years ago

‘Which polling is that?’: Jacinda Ardern confident despite bumps

By Ben McKay

Wellington: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has cast doubt over her party’s sunken polling as Labour adjusts to a closer political contest in New Zealand.

For two COVID-dominated years, Labour has held sway in politics – including the 2020 election which gave Ardern a second term with a historic parliamentary majority.

Labour led National in 52 consecutive published polls beginning in February 2020.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.Credit: Getty

The polls this year tell a different story and she finds herself in a bun fight with the centre-right National party.

National, under leader Christopher Luxon, snapped that streak in January this year when Australian pollsters Roy Morgan put it ahead 35 per cent to 33.

The blue side of politics has led a majority of published polls since, including a May poll which stretched their lead to 8.5 points.

“All signs are that next year will be a typically close election,” National-aligned commentator Ben Thomas said.

“There’s been a steady rise in National’s polling since, crucially, the installation of a new leader in December last year ... we’re seeing the laws of political gravity kicking again.”

Both Thomas and Neale Jones, Ardern’s former chief of staff-turned-lobbyist, agree cost of living pressures have been central to the turnaround.


“We have an economy which is at risk of tipping into recession. Things are a bit tough,” Jones said.

“There is just a general sense that things are really hard at the moment in New Zealand so you’d expect an incumbent government to be faced with difficulties.”

A key proxy for government performance - whether New Zealanders believe the country is headed in the right or wrong direction - is also trending badly for Ardern.

‘We have an economy which is at risk of tipping into recession. Things are a bit tough.’

Neale Jones, former advisor to Jacinda Ardern

For the first time in her prime ministership, more Kiwis are answering ‘no’ to that question.

Still, Ardern cast a confident figure when asked about polling this week.

The leader, who celebrated her 42nd birthday on Tuesday, batted away a question suggesting National had momentum, saying it “doesn’t square with the polling I’ve seen”.

To a suggestion that Labour was on track to lose seats at the 2023 poll, she responded sharply “Which polling is that?” before ignoring the question.

Ardern may be drawing confidence from preferred prime minister polling, which has her in front of Luxon by a double-digit margin.

Grant Robertson, Ardern’s attack-dog deputy, alluded to this in parliament on Wednesday by declaring Luxon’s standings dropped five points following a nationwide debate on reproductive rights, when he agreed abortion was tantamount to murder.

“Her polling has come down from its peak but Jacinda Ardern remains an incredibly popular prime minister,” Jones said.

“Compare her, say, to [US President] Joe Biden [whose] personal ratings are rock bottom and look at what happened in the UK, and the departure of [Australia’s] Scott Morrison.

PMs Jacinda Ardern and Anthony Albanese in Sydney earlier this month.

PMs Jacinda Ardern and Anthony Albanese in Sydney earlier this month.Credit: NCA

“Jacinda Ardern is actually polling very well for someone who’s well into their second term and is facing a series of major challenges, including COVID, cost of living and the economy.”

The shape of the political contest will come into sharper context in the coming months as Ardern puts a series of international trips behind her to knuckle down at home.

The prime minister spent much of the colder months on the road, with back-to-back trips to Singapore-Japan, the USA, Australia (twice), Europe and Fiji.

By any stretch, those missions have been extraordinarily successful.


She sealed a trade deal with the EU and she met Biden at the White House, as her foreign policy subtly pivots towards the US after China’s tacit support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

And in Australia, she won a commitment from Anthony Albanese’s government to look at improving citizenship pathways, a move that would grant many Kiwis more rights in Australia, and ease NZ’s long-standing deportations complaint.

Jones said Ardern’s first overseas travel in two years demonstrated to Kiwis “there’s more to her than being the COVID prime minister”.


As she steps out of the COVID-19 shadow, Thomas said the government needed to refute the opposition’s charges of incompetence to win in 2023.

That means easing cost of living pressures, lowering crime, and landing pledged reforms in health and infrastructure.

“Labour were really in a rut, being accused of failing to deliver prior to the pandemic,” Thomas said.

“Once you remove the pandemic response, they’re back with the lack of delivery narrative on a lot of key promises. Crime has become more of an issue, and particularly more visible, gang crime and organised crime.

“The nature of MMP elections in New Zealand is that they are always close, the last election being the exception that proved the rule ... and both parties are now right in the hunt.”

Meanwhile, a New Zealand media company has been forced to settle with Ardern’s partner Clarke Gayford after broadcasting unfounded rumours of criminality.

On Friday, Gayford issued a statement confirming NZME would make a confidential payout following a broadcast from its youth broadcaster KICK in March.

Jacinda Ardern is congratulated by her partner Clarke Gayford after she won a second term as New Zealand Prime Minister last year.

Jacinda Ardern is congratulated by her partner Clarke Gayford after she won a second term as New Zealand Prime Minister last year.Credit: AP

“The statements were based on rumours about Mr Gayford that are baseless lies,” it said.

“NZME Radio has apologised to Mr Gayford for these publications and the hurt and distress they have caused and accepts that he has never been the subject of criminal charges and is not now the subject of criminal charges in any court in New Zealand.”

The KICK broadcast, also available as a podcast, has been taken down although the tagline for the episode can still be seen.

“New ep of FRESH MUSIC FRIDAY is out now! Joel tables another conspiracy theory and Kate confesses her love for Enrique Iglesias of all people,” it reads.

It is not clear precisely what was broadcast about Gayford, but both he and Ardern have been increasingly targeted by conspiracy theorists following lengthy COVID-19 lockdowns.

Anti-vaccine movements are awash with unsubstantiated rumours about Gayford’s supposed lawbreaking or infidelity.

In April, a plane flew over Auckland with a banner reading “Where is Clarke?” , a reference to an alleged court appearance for Gayford. Such was the weight of public interest, police issued a statement saying he had not been charged nor was the subject of any investigation.

Gayford was a well-known figure in New Zealand before becoming first bloke, as a popular DJ and radio and television host, including on the popular Fish Of The Day program.

He and Ardern had a child in 2018, Neve Te Aroha Ardern Gayford.

The pair were engaged in 2019, though difficulties in planning events during the pandemic mean they have not yet tied the knot.


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