

This was published 2 years ago


Not my tribe: Australians have turned their back on religion, but not on their faith

The 2021 census result showing that self-designated Christians now make up less than 50 per cent of the population is not unexpected. The single biggest grouping is now those who say they have “no religion”.

This is a rapidly accelerating trend. The steady decline in Christian affiliation since the 1960s has sharply increased since 2011. And it’s not hard to see where the growth in “no religion” has come from: the growth in this group over the past 20 years has almost completely mirrored the decline in Christianity.

Sydneysiders attend Christmas mass at St Mary’s Cathedral last year.

Sydneysiders attend Christmas mass at St Mary’s Cathedral last year.Credit: Flavio Brancaleone

Those of us who are within the Christian churches surely need to reckon with these results without minimising or excusing them. At one level, there has been for a long time a gap between stated religious affiliation and actual attendance.

For a large part of Australia’s history, since 1788, religion has been tribal as much as a matter of personal faith. If you were Irish or Italian, you were Catholic; if you were English, you were Church of England; if you were Scottish, you were Presbyterian; if you were Greek, you were Orthodox. You went with the customs and rituals of your tribe. You had a place to get married and buried, and school for your children with people like you.

Otherwise, many people didn’t think too much about their religion as a “faith”, as such. It was more a general system of values and virtues. To be Christian was to be moral, and vice versa.

What the 2021 census reveals is perhaps the widespread breaking of this tribal link. Fewer and fewer Australians identify with those tribal groupings. But it’s not just the case that the “nominals” have simply left a church they weren’t really attending.


It is no longer the case that “to be Christian is to be moral”, for many Australians. Not that many people dispute the teachings of Jesus (who remains much admired), but the behaviour of the institutional church, especially over child sexual abuse, has meant that our moral authority has waned.

It is well known that this loss of trust has impacted institutions of all kinds, from political parties to newspapers to banks to sporting clubs to trade unions. We are simply less inclined to join these groups and less likely to go along with them. We are a more individualistic society (and more lonely with it).


But for the traditional churches, this has been a particular catastrophe. While it is the case that secular and atheistic beliefs have grown, it is not so much in the intellectual as in the moral sphere that Christianity has lost its grip on Australian hearts.

People have not lost faith, as such. Though I am not a mind reader, my guess is that ticking “no religion” was not a statement of outright atheism as much as a statement of identity: I do not comfortably identify with one of the traditional religious groupings in the way that my forebears once did.

The hunger for transcendence has not waned.

The hunger for transcendence has not waned.Credit: AP

The census data doesn’t give us that fine-grained analysis. But we don’t have to guess. The National Church Life Survey is a useful supplement to the census, because it has surveyed the actual beliefs of Australians.

And what the survey showed in 2019 is that 61 per cent of Australians still “believe in God or a higher power”. Another question, which asked about how people see themselves, found that about a quarter of Australians consider themselves actively religious. Another quarter are “non-practising”. A further 13 per cent say that they are “spiritual, not religious”, and 40 per cent of those surveyed said that they connected to God without the need for attending a religious service.

More anecdotally, I would say that the hunger for transcendence has not waned, even if it’s now expressed in non-traditional ways. If anything, we’ve seen an uptick in interest during COVID. Australians, at least as I encounter them, are very open to a conversation about the spiritual, tend to be intrigued by the person and teachings of Jesus, and are looking for something beyond the endless round of work and consumption, for themselves and for their children.

Well-known authorities, like psychologist Martin Seligman, are increasingly noting the general health and wellbeing benefits for individuals and communities of traditional religious belief and practice. People do notice the higher levels of volunteering and giving among religious communities, and are curious.


This is the challenge – and the opportunity – for the Christian churches. It’s not that we have to become more secular, or more cool. We’ve lost trust where we’ve become too institutionally driven, and too desperate to cling to our influence. Our aim should not be to “win” the census, but to be more like Jesus Christ.

The Reverend Dr Michael Jensen is the rector of St Mark’s Darling Point and the co-host of the podcast With All Due Respect.

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