

This was published 2 years ago

From the Archives, 1977: The Disappearance of Donald Mackay

On this day in 1977 anti-drugs campaigner Don Mackay went missing from the car park of a hotel in Griffith. Blood and bullet cartridges were located near his locked van. Donald Mackay’s disappearance has become one of Australia’s longest-enduring murder mysteries, his body has never been found. No one has been convicted of his murder. No one is likely to be.

By Andrew Rule

First published in The Sunday Age, July 6, 1997.

Where sleeping dogs lie

Griffith, NSW.

Griffith, NSW.Credit: Robert Pearce

Twenty years ago, Donald Mackay disappeared from a hotel carpark in Griffith - a notorious, unsolved crime committed in a town that still dares not speak too loudly.

“One school of thought is that people behind the (drug) trade have been incredibly stupid in acting against someone as prominent as Don Mackay. The other school says it was a master-stroke which has created enough fear to keep people’s mouths shut for the next 10 years.” - Bill Fisher, QC, counsel assisting the Woodward Royal Commission into Drug Trafficking, 1979.

IT IS 20 years this month since Donald Mackay disappeared and mouths are still shut. Despite thousands of hours and millions of dollars spent on investigation, the truth behind a crime that shames Australia is as elusive as it was the night he was killed. And justice is no closer to being done.

The known facts are bleak.

At 5.30pm on Friday, 15 July 1977, the 43-year-old Mackay had closed the furniture store his family had run since the 1920s and drove his mini-van to the nearby Griffith Hotel. He has earlier told his wife, Barbara, he would be home by 7pm to look after the youngest of their four children while she went to a meeting.

At the hotel, he had a round of drinks and chatted with friends — largely about his efforts to draw attention to marijuana growing in the area — before buying a cask of white wine in the bottle shop and heading to the car park to go home. He was never seen again.

It was dark, the street almost deserted. Two people were working late in the office building on the other side of the car park. One was Mackay’s solicitor and friend, Ian Salmon. The other was an accountant called Roy Binks.

Donald MacKay.

Donald MacKay.

Salmon heard nothing, although he was later called from home to look for his missing client. Binks, however, later told police he’d heard a noise “like someone being sick” and that he thought he’d heard a sound like “whip cracks”.

Today, understandably, Binks’s recollections are even vaguer. He obligingly points out his old office and where Mackay’s van was parked but doesn’t want to rake over the embers.

In fact, he seems faintly embarrassed and nervous, an attitude shared with many other honest Griffith citizens, who tend to start sentences warily with “It’s all such a long time ago”. The unspoken suggestion is that it’s easier to let sleeping dogs lie.

Binks asks to be faxed a copy of anything he’ll be quoted on. He doesn’t want to stir up trouble, he explains apologetically.

Ian Salmon is not quite so shy. After 33 years in Griffith, he has moved interstate to retire and he sometimes thinks about what happened that Friday evening after a worried Barbara Mackay called to say Don hadn’t come home.

Salmon agreed to drive around looking for him, as Mrs Mackay was reluctant to call the police immediately.

At first he didn’t feel it was sinister, only that it was out of character for Mackay not to go home. But, by midnight, he was getting worried and contacted police. He kept looking and found the mini-van in the hotel car park.

First, he noticed the imprint of a man’s hand on the driver’s window. Then he swung his car around so the headlights lit the scene. That’s when he saw pools of blood and three .22 bullet shells glinting on the ground . . .

DON MACKAY’S body has never been found. No one has been convicted of his murder. No one is likely to be.

An old and dangerous man called James Bazley, career criminal and gunman, sits in a Victorian jail, convicted in 1986 for conspiring to kill Mackay and for another drug-related double murder, but he’s not the talking type.

Donald Mackay’s mini-van in the car park of the Griffith Hotel where he was last seen.

Donald Mackay’s mini-van in the car park of the Griffith Hotel where he was last seen.Credit: The Age Archives

Neither is George Joseph, the one-time gun dealer who sold Bazley a rare French .22 pistol believed to be the murder weapon and recommended Bazley when approached on behalf of a marijuana syndicate keen to hire a killer.

With the exception of the late Robert “Aussie Bob” Trimboli, who died on the run in Spain in May 1987, those who ordered Mackay’s death — many of them publicly named by a royal commission — are still going about the business of turning illicit millions into “legitimate” assets.

They do this with the best legal and financial help money can buy. The way, some say, they bought police and politicians when they needed them.

Mackay’s family, friends and supporters see this but they are powerless where governments and police have pointedly failed. Some avoid certain shops in Griffith, or cross the street rather than share the footpath with certain people. None wants to be quoted.

It’s hard to credit this nightmarish undercurrent in the bustling main street of an outwardly peaceful country town. But the Riverina, for all its Banjo Paterson red gums and sunlit plains, is in secret ways a little Calabria, stronghold of the so-called “Honored Society”.

Sydney has a dark side, too, like Al Capone’s Chicago, where corruption seeped to the top. Some people in Griffith still wonder why investigations went nowhere, about who tipped off Trimboli and why he was not arrested after Victorian police passed on his address to other authorities.

They recall the times that visiting political figures would go straight to the shop of a Calabrian identity, now dead, who was known locally as “The Godfather”. It was known that this man — once charged with having unlicensed pistols — could deliver blocks of votes.

It was speculated he could also deliver campaign funds. What isn’t certain is whether he won any favors in return.


“Don’t let anybody fool you,” one long-time Griffith businessman says in disgust. “In this town crime pays. Crime is probably the biggest industry here.” By this he means drug money used to establish legitimate businesses.

It costs millions to buy and set up modern, irrigated vineyards and orchards but some families have no trouble finding the money, although neighbors on identical farms remember the same people battling to get by before the 1960s . . . before the marijuana boom.

The businessman points at a house nearby, owned by a family whose common Italian surname, Sergi, figured prominently in the Woodward Royal Commission’s report in 1979. He remembers former local member (and Whitlam Government Immigration Minister) Al Grassby’s Commonwealth car, Australian flag fluttering on the bonnet, arriving as guest of honor at a family gathering.

Grassby, after 1974 the federal Commissioner for Human Rights, was derided at a public meeting in Griffith when he claimed to have heard nothing about marijuana growing. Local lore had it that you could arrive at Griffith Airport on certain days and smell what locals called “Calabrese corn”.

This was long before Grassby was charged with criminal defamation for allegedly circulating a vicious document in 1980 that accused Barbara Mackay, her son and family solicitor Ian Salmon of conspiring to murder her husband. Grassby was found guilty in 1991 but was acquitted on appeal in 1992.

Investigators believed the document originated in one of the so-called “grass castles” that members of certain families started to build in the early 1970s, and which are still being built today.

Al Grassby.

Al Grassby.Credit: John Nobley

The Riverina has many such houses — eruptions of brick, tile and concrete so huge and so ugly that they’re worth less the day they’re finished than the total cost of construction. These are not built as an investment but as a self-aggrandising way to soak up black money. There are always tradesmen who will work for cash.

Marijuana growing has ensured some words have entered the local language. When Riverina people talk of a “crop”, they don’t mean wheat or rice but marijuana.

They talk of “crop sitters”, minor players who specialise in the risky business of being gardener and guard to million-dollar marijuana plantations.

The accepted wisdom now is that the Griffith area is too close to home, too closely observed by agricultural pilots and local police keen to clean up the tarnished reputation of their predecessors, of whom three went to jail for corruption in the early 1980s.

These days, they say, the crops are grown much further afield — as far as Queensland and the Northern Territory. But, even so, if there is a police raid it’s odd how often a Griffith connection is made: trickle irrigation equipment from a Griffith supplier; bags stamped with Griffith producers’ names; crop sitters from Griffith families.

The younger members of such families disappear from town for a few days or weeks, then return flush with cash. “They’ve got a crop off somewhere,” locals mutter to each other. But not too loud, and never on the record.

Meanwhile, money keeps pouring into an already prosperous district. The town where tax investigators in the 1970s estimated half the banks’ cashflow was from marijuana is still remarkably recession-free.

DONALD BRUCE MACKAY was, according to Ian Salmon, more than a decent man. He was a good bloke, as well. Like Mackay’s widow and (now adult) children, Salmon resents the headline argot that has labelled Mackay an “anti-drug crusader”.

It’s a tag that ignores the warmth, intelligence, humor and strong physical presence of a husband and father, businessman and sportsman. It leaves a patronising suggestion that he was a naive, wowserish zealot who blundered into trouble.

The truth, says Salmon, is that Mackay was big — in size, intellect and heart — and brave enough to stand by his principles when lesser people shuffled their feet and looked the other way. Two days after he disappeared, Barbara Mackay told reporters her husband believed if people “didn’t do anything, then evil won”.

A tendency to blame the victim has crept into references to Mackay by some who didn’t know him, which suits the ends of those responsible for his death. It has also suited them to suggest that support for Mackay and demands for a full investigation are somehow harmful to the harmonious relations of an area that is more than 50 per cent Italian, mainly Calabrian.


For 20 years it has been repeatedly asserted that “98 per cent” of Griffith people are law-abiding citizens, which is undoubtedly true. What some find galling is that the other 2 per cent — representing organised crime — have much to gain by repeating that assertion.

The feeling is that the corrupt few can hide among the law-abiding majority, at the same time leading a righteous refrain that it’s unfair to brand all Calabrians as crooks. Unfair but none the less convenient for the people who plotted murder.

Ten days after Don Mackay disappeared, 5000 people crowded the lawns of the local hospital for an ecumenical memorial service. Shops closed. Many people openly wept.

$25,000 reward posted on July 23rd, 1977.

$25,000 reward posted on July 23rd, 1977.Credit: The Age Archives

Two weeks later, 2000 people jammed a local club to take part in a television special hosted by famed British interviewer David Frost, who flew in for the event. Al Grassby was jeered off stage at the same event when he claimed he’d had only one complaint of marijuana growing.

Meanwhile, a reward of $25,000 soon leapt to $100,000 with pledges from local business people - and there were predictions it would reach the then staggering sum of a million dollars.

Members of Concerned Citizens of Griffith were widely quoted about the need to investigate and clean up drug trafficking and corruption.

But former members of the now defunct group rarely meet and few are willing to be quoted. Time has dulled the outrage and the determination but not the fear.

EVEN Barbara Mackay, the most articulate and fearless of women, feels there’s little to be gained by repeating herself. She will talk off the record but sees no point in spoiling the harmony of her life by appearing bitter.

Now 61, and a grandmother, she lives in a tasteful unit overlooking a park in a quiet street. She is gracious, almost serene, given what she has suffered. She has faith in both God and in Griffith but not so much in the system.

She has written a book that has been shelved by her publishers because of fears of defamation writs but she plans to revive the project.

Meanwhile, her eldest son, Paul, still runs the family furniture store his grandfather started. But the youth who was outspoken and angry in the first years after his father’s death is, at 39, gruff and suspicious when the subject is brought up. He also refuses to be quoted.

But the facts speak in favor of the Mackays. They have been accused of being “anti Italian” and “anti Griffith” yet Barbara has never considered moving and Paul is married to a woman called Maria Minato, whose mother’s family is from Plati in Calabria, a stronghold of the “Honored Society” and birthplace of many Griffith Calabrians.

Barbara Mackay has been tortured by speculation about what happened to her husband’s body. The reality couldn’t be worse than all the rumors, she has told friends.

One story is that the body was put through a petfood grinder, another that it was burned in a hospital incinerator or an old brick kiln, another that it was weighed down and dumped in a river, or set in concrete underneath a building.

It is unlikely she will ever know the truth about his death. What she has, however, is the truth about his life.

Three days before he died, there was an attempt to lure him to Jerilderie, 160 kilometres away, to meet a mysterious “Mr Adams”, who claimed he was a lottery winner who wanted to furnish an entire house. It was soon to become clear that it was hitman James Bazley.

Mackay missed the appointment, instead sending an employee, Bruce Pursehouse. The reason? He was arranging the funeral of a poor man called Harold Craig, one of many people he had helped in Griffith. “If the truth’s known,” recalled Pursehouse, “Don probably paid for the funeral as well as doing everything else.”

He was like that. Three days later, he paid for his social conscience with his life. Was it in vain?

Police from Strike Force Fitr continue the search for the remains of Donald Mackay’s in 2013.

Police from Strike Force Fitr continue the search for the remains of Donald Mackay’s in 2013.Credit: Andrew Meares

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