

This was published 2 years ago

THE CLIMATE: We must not be daunted by scale of the challenge

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit: .

The bitter-sweet feelings of climate action campaigners are well captured by the headline of Alan Finkel’s article (″⁣Energy revolution is hard but doable″⁣, 20/6). With the election of a government committed to a more ambitious carbon reduction target, and with a new spirit of co-operation between federal and state ministers, hope has been rekindled in our hearts. But the scale of the challenges facing policy makers, the energy industry and taxpayers is daunting. There’s nothing to be gained by lamenting the last lost decade of obstruction and inaction. It’s time to focus on what needs to be done and to be realistic about the cost, while always factoring in the much greater cost of inaction. It’s clear that there will be enormous pressure to resort to gas as the fix for energy generation. If the government succumbs to this pressure, it must ensure that the use of gas is a short-term emergency measure that does not open the flood-gates to new gas exploration and extraction. As Finkel observes, the future fuel for gas generators is hydrogen. Tough times ahead for Australia, but as Graeme Lechte (Letters, 20/6) points out millions of people worldwide are far more vulnerable than we are. We can do better both for ourselves and for them.
Tom Knowles, Parkville

Dutton following the lead of Abbott
Most Australians would have hoped that the recent federal election result would mark the end of decades of destructive climate wars. They were wrong. First the Nationals via Senator Bridget McKenzie, and now Peter Dutton as leader of the opposition, have all but confirmed that the LNP will oppose Labor’s overly modest 2030 emissions reduction target of 43 per cent.
While it may be argued that this foreshadowed LNP opposition will be unable to stop legislative reforms, that misses an important point: the LNP refuses to accept the election outcome and is prepared to continue the toxic climate wars that we thought were behind us. Dutton promises to be just as negative and destructive as leader of the opposition as Tony Abbott was when Julia Gillard was prime minister.
Ian Bayly, Upwey

How to reverse the arrow of time?
Even with the right plan, Alan Finkel, and Australia taking big strides towards reliable (net) zero-emissions, given the amount of CO2 already blanketing our planet, emissions, even if greatly reduced, will continue to fuel climate change. That’s just the physics. Add factors of greed, pursuit of power and our dependence on manufactured energy, we’ll need a reversal in the arrow of time to avert the catastrophic consequences of global warming.
Henry Herzog, St Kilda East

Government must control development
For decades, we have being lulled into a false sense of security that our energy supply was infinite and affordable. Years ago, conservative governments sold many state-run energy organisations to private companies. Free market competition would result in cheaper energy we were told.
The energy retail market became rife with profiteers. Usage charges may have been competitive but supply charges have made up the bulk of energy bills. Generally, the prices charged by the plethora of private energy companies are comparable despite free market competition. Usage charges are now ballooning while the reality that supplies of non-renewable energy are not infinite and often exported is hitting home hard.
The government must retain control of the development of renewable energy resources to ensure that essential energy is guaranteed for households to survive. It must crack down on the rampant profiteering which is putting households under enormous strain due to hiking energy costs. And consumers must critically evaluate where they can reduce energy costs by cutting out reliance on unnecessary appliances, devices and gadgets, and keep it simple.
Cheri Lee, Brunswick East


Correct call
With a nod to science, fairness and common sense, the world swimming body FINA has made the difficult but correct decision. All those cis-gender girls, like my granddaughter, getting up at 4.30am to train for two hours before school will now not be unfairly handicapped and in despair. A new open category gives everyone a fair go.
Peter Barry, Marysville

Thee is definite article
In a few years it is clear we’ll understand better and we’ll be properly supportive of gender-diverse people, because it’s part of accepting and better understanding our own nature. On occasion, I’ve been put right when not using the “correct” pronoun. Short of inventing a word I wonder if we might use old English because “thee” and “thou” and “thine” are understood to be singular and could perhaps be reused or shaped to deal with a new problem in the language. Just a thought.
Ian Scott, Woodend

Royal exaggeration
Robert Harris (18/6) provides an interesting report on the relationship between the royal family and the Commonwealth and some Commonwealth members. However, he exaggerates the significance of the royals. The Queen is head of the Commonwealth, but this means ″⁣patron″⁣ rather than ″⁣chair″⁣.
In truth, the Commonwealth is a grouping of developing countries. Its 54 members include emerging powers such as India, Nigeria and South Africa, but also 32 small states (nine are Pacific Island countries). The United Kingdom and the ″⁣old Dominions″⁣ of Australia, Canada and New Zealand are the odd ones out. Global issues such as climate change, sustainable development and the pandemic are central. The Commonwealth is a mini-United Nations in which the views of the ″⁣global south″⁣ dominate. It might not have a ″⁣logical″⁣ basis but how many political entities, whether states or international organisations, do? The Commonwealth provides Australia with many opportunities to contribute to ″⁣good international citizenship″⁣, as well as to furthering north-south relations more generally.
Derek McDougall, Parkville

It’s the vibe, really
Half the fun of a day at the footy was chatting between quarters. Loud music, ads and announcers have put the kibosh on that. Maybe the ″⁣new″⁣ vibe is driving attendances down.
Jan Harkin, Blackburn


What value privatisation?
The editorial (18/6) states, “In an ideal world, governments should not be meddling in the business of wholesale energy production.” Why not, exactly?
It could be argued that one major factor in our current energy crisis is precisely government abrogation of responsibility by handing it over to private operators motivated by profit, not provision of service. Obviously, the politicisation of renewables versus fossil fuels in production is another issue.
Why is it so unpalatable for government to maintain control of essential services, (as partly has WA, to its credit), using funds from taxes or bonds to produce energy as efficiently as possible at a fair price to consumers, minus parasitic intermediary, and retaining any profits to benefit all Australian citizens instead of only private shareholders?
Same applies to other examples – aged care, childcare, water etc. Remember Medibank Private’s ideological sale? What lasting benefit has any such privatisation achieved?
Now that would seem to me more nearly “ideal”.
Joe Di Stefano, Geelong

Life ban solution
Why is the AFL struggling to come up with a revised illicit drug policy when the answer is so blindingly obvious?
Give every player one chance and if they are caught using illegal drugs, ban them for life. The problem will vanish overnight. It is very easy to not use illegal drugs. Overwhelmingly, ordinary Australians do so everyday without any difficulty whatsoever.
Jeremy Browne, Ripponlea

Debt of gratitude
Tim Nolan (Letters, 20/6) asks, what right have we to meddle in the legal processes of other countries, namely the UK and US, in the matter of Julian Assange? Actually the answer is: we have every right to make our opinions known. In fact, we have an obligation to stand up for the rights of journalists worldwide. If knowledge is power, then without journalists we are left completely vulnerable. Like him or loathe him, Julian Assange brought to light war crimes and other misdeeds by the US and we owe him a debt of gratitude.
Judith Crotty, Dandenong North

Independent stance
The supine comments by Penny Wong and Mark Dreyfus to the Americans over the necessary release of Julian Assange from the trumped-up espionage charges are counterproductive on a national level. When under past Liberal-Country Party governments Australia began to show independence with John Gorton and William McMahon, as successive PMs, extricating Australia from the war in Vietnam from 1969, US politicians accepted their decisions. What can seem to be a political position of stasis with the US on Julian Assange must evaporate with the right persuasion behind the scenes from Anthony Albanese. Negotiations with America on all other issues of investment, trade and defence rest on Australia having a clear independent stand with a “partner”.
Des Files, Brunswick

Hand of peace
It’s devastating to find my mosque vandalised and trespassed. A mosque is a house of worship and is meant to be peaceful, but such events leave the worshippers shocked and horrified.
These attacks generally occur due to a lack of knowledge of Islam and the negative perception given in the media. The Ahmadiyya Muslim community organises various events and helps the community to promote peace in society by taking part in Clean Up Australia Day, raising money for various charity organisations such as the Red Cross and multiple other events.
The fact that the Ahmadiyya Muslim community are happy to meet them and educate them shows the peaceful nature of Islam. Hopefully this gesture raises awareness of Muslims and such horrific events come to a stop, allowing Muslims to live peacefully and worship without any fear.
Ehsan Khalid, Cranbourne North

The avocado index
In the article ″⁣Winter of dish content″⁣ (19/6) a chart compares food and drink prices between 2019 and 2022. Most things have gone up, but avocados have come down from $2.50 to $1.50. Perhaps, now, a large amount of young people will be able to save enough to buy their first home.
Merv Robbins, Coburg

Wrong address
Lord Mayor Sally Capp “is eating cheese at Queen Victoria Market, not far from the deli” (The Age, 18/6). She is actually in the Munro development near Vic Market, just like the McDonald’s on the corner which is, in fact, closer to the deli. The lord mayor is guilty of appropriating the Queen Victoria Market’s famous national heritage brand to promote the businesses/leaseholds in the new Munro site that City of Melbourne has financially invested heavily in.
Melbourne City Council, the custodian of Vic Market, is a public authority and has an obligation and responsibility to protect our cultural and built heritage. Blurring the boundaries of heritage only weakens and diminishes it.
Mary-Lou Howie,

Safety barriers risk
The recent death of a person trying to change a wheel beside the road was tragic. From the TV footage, it seems at least part of the blame lies with the ″⁣safety″⁣ barrier making it impossible to get a safe distance off the road. Safety barriers should be more than a car’s width away from the road surface.
Graham Patterson, Briar Hill

The moral imperative
In the case of Julian Assange, there have always been competing forces at play vying for dominance. After all that Assange has been through and the hardships and deprivations he has suffered, it is time the legal and political imperatives gave way to the most powerful of them all, the moral imperative. Anthony Albanese will need to stand up to powerful interests in the UK and the US if Assange’s nightmare and that of his young family is to end. As the PM said during the election campaign about the Assange saga, “enough is enough”. Let’s hope he has the ticker.
Nick Toovey, Beaumaris

Cosmetic fix
Surely the simple solution to the current deplorable cosmetic surgery problem is to restrict any reconstructive-enhancement procedures to properly qualified plastic and reconstructive surgeons. The idea that any doctor with no appropriate higher training is able to perform advanced surgery is ludicrous.
Rob Warren, Ivanhoe

The fading deaths
More than 100 deaths occurred at the weekend. They were not in a mass shooting. They were not in a plane crash. They were not in a bushfire or a flood. If they were, the numbers would have shocked and saddened so many Australians. No, they were from COVID. They were hardly reported by the media. They did not really hit the consciousness of people apart from friends, relatives and emergency workers. We have become blase about them and immune to the fact that we are still in a pandemic. Mask up, keep social distancing and save yourself, your family and others in the community.
Greg Tuck, Warragul

Prices poles apart
NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet has said that $25 million is a small price to pay for a flag pole on the Sydney Harbour Bridge. One hates to think what a normal price would be.
Tony O’Brien, South Melbourne


Peter Dutton suggesting Chris Bowen is a bunny in the headlights may come back to haunt him as leader of a Coalition facing at least six years in opposition.
Hugh McCaig, Blackburn

It is essential for Australia to protect an Australian when the US lays charges of sedition performed outside American territory.
John Hughes, Mentone

In regards to Donald Trump and the truth, in words from A Few Good Men, ″⁣You can’t handle the truth!″⁣
Bill Cleveland, Kew

It is time Australia use megaphone diplomacy to stop the extradition of Julian Assange. Anthony Albanese will lose all his support and goodwill from voters if he fails.
Bill Mathew, Parkville

And the Gold Logie for continued service to Australia’s bogan image while overseas goes to Mr Jordan De Goey.
Eric Kopp, Flinders

Jordan De Goey is just a boy waiting to grow up.
Brian Morley, Donvale

Unbelievable. If teachers are to be paid $700 a day to work in regions, they will soon earn as much as tradies.
Joan Segrave, Healesville

I’ll encourage and reward everyone who avoids the use of the thoroughly objectionable term ″⁣incentivise″⁣.
Matthew Hamilton, Kew

Sky News is doing a documentary on the ABC. Perhaps it wants to learn how to run a news service that is respected, is factual, has integrity and is objective.
Phil Alexander, Eltham

If politicians routinely wear hard-hats, high-vis and safety glasses at chocolate factories etc, how come European leaders don’t wear body armour during visits to Ukraine?
Bernd Rieve, Brighton

Please Australia, help Sri Lanka.
Gloria Meltzer, Chewton

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