

This was published 2 years ago


You deserve what you get: the Depp-Heard trial was the voice in every victim’s ear

It would be nice to relax, to take to the bank the undeniable advances made in gender equality over the past decade and watch the interest accrue. Look at the progress!

We have a record number of women in the federal ministry, we finally have legal abortion (in this country, for now), and a focus on domestic violence that has translated into increased taxpayer funding for services.

But every now and then the mask of male civility slips and we are afforded a glimpse of the misogyny that still streaks through some of the men who walk among us.

Actor Johnny Depp  demonstrates what he claims was an alleged attack by his ex-wife Amber Heard.

Actor Johnny Depp demonstrates what he claims was an alleged attack by his ex-wife Amber Heard.Credit: Evelyn Hockstein/Pool via AP

It happened during the recent Craig McLachlan defamation trial when texts he had exchanged with his friend, actor John Jarratt (previously charged with and acquitted of rape), were produced in evidence.

“Tonight’s whinging b–tch will be quickly forgotten once your powerful doco hits. The whole world is sick of this pathetic bullshit,” Jarratt texted to his mate. Jarratt was referring to a TV special McLachlan did to defend his name against allegations of sexual harassment and abuse made against him in an investigation by the ABC and Nine newspapers.

Those allegations – of a consistent pattern of abuse and indecent touching of his female co-stars by McLachlan – were the subject of McLachlan’s aborted defamation suit.

“What’s the actress’s name, I’ll get onto it ASAP,” Jarratt continued.

In another text he referred to one of McLachlan’s female accusers as a “tampon”.

This mask-slippage also happened, terrifically, during the now-concluded defamation trial actor Johnny Depp brought against his former wife, the actress Amber Heard, when text messages between Depp and his friend, the English actor Paul Bettany, were produced in court. The two pals joked about burning Heard.


“Let’s drown her before we burn her!!!” Depp texted his friend. “I will f--- her burnt corpse afterwards to make sure she’s dead.”

In other messages, Depp called his wife, as she was then, a “filthy wh-re” and a “slippery wh-re”.

In an email to Elton John, also produced in evidence, Depp called his (first) ex-wife Vanessa Paradis the “French extortionist (ex-c---)” .

This Depp/Heard trial reminds women that hypervigilance of our hard-won rights is not only justified, it is necessary.

Women walk through the world knowing, vaguely, about what Donald Trump called “locker-room talk”. But because we’re not present in the locker room, this mysterious talk is a grey area that could lie anywhere on a spectrum. It’s confronting to realise just how far that spectrum extends, to know that this, actually, is what qualifies as japery among some men; this is how they chat when their guard is down, and they can be what Hollywood types might call their “authentic selves”.

Depp sued Heard over a 2018 article she wrote for The Washington Post, titled “I spoke up against sexual violence – and faced our culture’s wrath”. The ensuing lawsuit reinforced her point, but the irony was lost on the vast internet army who followed the case closely.

Amber Heard waits for the verdict to be read.

Amber Heard waits for the verdict to be read.Credit: AP

Heard’s testimony, of physical, psychological and sexual abuse, became the subject of Tik-Tok videos and memes, and was served up to countless global news consumers through their smartphones, as entertainment. A make-up company even got in on the fun when Heard was accused of faking her facial bruises.

The contentious words in the piece Heard wrote were: “two years ago, I became a public figure representing domestic abuse”.

For that, Depp was awarded $20 million last week, while Heard was awarded $2 million for a defamatory statement made about her by Depp’s lawyer. The trial, which was live-streamed on Court TV (coz, hey, this is America), saw video of Depp smashing cupboards and menacing his wife, heard evidence from many witnesses about him hitting her, and copious evidence about his prodigious drug and alcohol abuse.

It also heard that his ex-wife had hit him too, had taunted him while he was drug-addled and low, and had not given to charity the entirety of her divorce settlement, as she had pledged she would.

All “fault” that Heard showed became fuel for the toxic social media machine that aped and mocked her distress, delighted in calling her a liar, and also, paradoxically, told her she deserved to be abused, and that she was lucky because Depp could have done much worse to her. The whole social media circus became the diesel-powered incarnation of that piping voice in every victim’s ear, the voice that says: what happened to you is all your fault.

Depp was allowed to be complex, dark, difficult and flawed. It didn’t affect the righteousness of his cause – if anything, his obvious addiction issues made him a more pitiable figure. Heard was not allowed to be any of that.

As the #metoo movement picked up pace a few years ago, we heard again and again that it was a witch-hunt; vigilante justice with the absolute wrong sort of person wielding the pitchfork – the emotional, angry woman. We heard that it would destroy the reputations (and lives) of the men named as perpetrators and harassers.

What this really means is now clear: male reputation is more valuable than female safety. It is absolutely more important than women’s reputations – theirs will easily be trampled in service of a man’s right to secure his good name.

Victims must do everything right, even though so much wrong has been done to them.


One of the most common and debilitating after-effects for victims of abuse is what psychologists call “hypervigilance”.

Survivors often see threats where there are none, they overreact to situations and people, and it becomes impossible for them to feel secure in relationships, to walk through the world feeling as though it is, for the most part, benevolent towards them.

This Depp-Heard trial reminds women that hypervigilance of our hard-won rights, particularly our right to speak out against abuse and harassment, is not only justified, it is necessary.

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