

This was published 2 years ago


‘That’s when I felt searing pain, not this’: Kristina Keneally’s perspective on her electoral loss

Kristina Keneally sat down with Peter FitzSimons on Thursday afternoon, at her request, and put into perspective her loss in the seat of Fowler in last week’s election.

Fitz: So to start with the hoariest journalistic question of the lot, how are you feeling?

Kristina: Well, we’ve got a Labor government and that’s fantastic. Politics is a team sport, and for the last three years I’ve had the privilege of being one of the leaders of our team, and I’m really proud of the role I played in securing the Labor government.

Kristina Keneally lost the previously safe seat of Fowler after a backlash from locals.

Kristina Keneally lost the previously safe seat of Fowler after a backlash from locals.Credit: Nick Moir

Fitz: Yes, yes, yes, but under the circumstances of all your colleagues forming a government while you lost Fowler, I am not being unkind when I say you must be bleeding? Did you weep on Saturday night after the results came through?

KK: No. I had a whiskey with some very close friends. My major fear early in the evening was that I would lose Fowler and that would be responsible for the ALP not winning government, so when that didn’t materialise, it helped. In terms of overall pain, this loss doesn’t get close to what I have known. The greatest loss in my life was when my daughter Caroline was still-born in 1999, the single most defining moment in my life. That’s when I felt searing pain, not this. True, at the moment, I feel that I am of the world, not in it – things are happening around me that I am observing which I am simply not a part of, and in that regard that sense of unreality is not dissimilar to when my daughter died, but there’s also a sense of calm. I know that there are far worse things in life than losing an election.


Fitz: In an extraordinary way, the loss of Caroline two decades ago has given you strength?

KK: Yes. In fact, the day after the election, my husband and I went to the cemetery to her grave because I go every month on the 18th because she was born on June 18, and I have been unable to go for the past few months because of the campaign. We often describe strength in our society in male terms, saying things like someone “has balls”, but we often underestimate how women’s experiences make them strong. If you can survive giving birth to your dead child and burying her, you can pretty much survive anything. And I realised really early in my political career that nothing that anyone could do in politics could hurt me as much as I had already been hurt. It’s a resilience that has almost made me fearless.

Fitz: Yes, but this time, it was so unexpected. You were parachuted into the seat of Fowler, only for the rip-cord to turn into a broken bit of string, and you were smashed. What went wrong?


KK: The most important factor was COVID and its impacts ... Fowler had the harshest and longest lockdowns in the state, supported by both Liberal and Labor, and there was an understandable sense of anger at both major parties, with people reacting with “a pox on both your houses”. At the same time you had a strong independent candidate running, and a wealthy person in Clive Palmer bankrolling the UAP – and while the UAP didn’t win any seats the impact that Palmer had was to drive down major party primary votes and deprive the major parties of Senate seats and preferences in lower house seats.

Kristina Keneally and Penny Wong in the Senate in 2020.

Kristina Keneally and Penny Wong in the Senate in 2020.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Fitz: Surely, you regret the move to Fowler in the first place?

KK: No, I made a conscious decision to leave the Senate. I loved working with my Senate colleagues, particularly Katy Gallagher and Penny Wong, but the work of the Senate – overview of the House of Reps – was not why I went into parliament, and my husband said to me several times over the past three years that I didn’t seem happy or satisfied. And I wasn’t. I chose to try and go to the House of Representatives because I felt it’s where I could make my best contribution.

Fitz: Did the ALP suggest Fowler, or did you ask for it?

KK: Branch members in Fowler, who I’ve known for years, approached me upon Chris Hayes’ retirement and asked me to consider it. I don’t regret saying yes. I knew it was a risk, but I would always rather risk to get the right outcome than not take a chance at all.


Fitz: Can we agree, given the result, the idea was wrongheaded? And that the central problem was you really weren’t from Fowler. And in a strongly multicultural community, you went up against a very strong local opponent in Dai Le, who looked like what she was, a real member of that local community, while you looked like what you were, a wealthy white woman from distant parts parachuted in?

KK: As I said, I think the impact of the COVID lockdowns had far more to do with it, and was far more at play on the day. Those harsh lockdowns engendered an understandable sense of parochialism that the community had been left behind by both major political parties. And I genuinely believe that whether the Labor Party ran me or anyone else in Fowler, they would have encountered the same set of challenges.

Fitz: At what point did you realise, “Dorothy, we’re a long way from Kansas and we’re in real trouble”?

KK: All the way through the campaign, it seemed it was going well, and almost every major community group gave me an endorsement. People were lovely and enthusiastic at train stations and street stalls. We had hundreds of volunteers. But when pre-polling started, the number of people who only took the UAP how-to-vote cards seemed unnaturally high to me. And the anger about lockdowns and vaccine mandates seemed out of kilter to what I’d seen in the rest of the country. And I had one or two nasty encounters, during pre-polling, where I started to think this is not going the way we expected it. But I kept getting reassurance that everything was fine.


Fitz: Early in the campaign there occurred the tragic death of your ALP Senate colleague, Kimberley Kitching. You, Penny Wong and Katy Gallagher were immediately branded as “mean girls”, with the shocking allegation made – and it really was this vicious – that your meanness had helped kill her. That must have been shockingly difficult, both personally and politically?

KK: (Long pause.) Yes.

Fitz: Did you shed tears?

KK: I shed tears for Kimberley. I sat next to Kimberley for a year and a half in the Senate. And I always described her as “good bad company”. It means she was great fun to be with but you always knew you were flirting with a bit of danger and intrigue.

Fitz: How so?

KK: She was incredibly smart, and a wickedly clever political operator. I respected her.

Fitz: Were you mean to her?

KK: No.

Fitz: But there were certainly allegations that she was leaking Labor Party stuff to opponents. It would not be unreasonable for you three to say, in your manner, “Please stop this!”

KK: (Pause.) I was fair with her. Always. We all were.

Kristina Keneally’s decision to contest a lower house seat ignited a debate about ethnic diversity in the Labor Party.

Kristina Keneally’s decision to contest a lower house seat ignited a debate about ethnic diversity in the Labor Party.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Fitz: And yet did the fact that you were right in the middle of the real nitty-gritty of politics hurt you? Someone who’ll remain nameless – let’s just call him “Albo” – said to me a few months ago that you were the ALP’s crash-through inside-centre, taking the ball up time and again, doing the hard yards on issue after issue. Do you ever wish you were a winger, even a left-winger, dancing around on the edges and staying clear of the furious fracas?

KK: (Laughs.) Well, I was deputy leader in the Senate and a shadow minister, but in particular, I had a job of kicking heads and holding the government to account – it’s a job I’m well suited to. And Albo did indeed once describe me as his Sam Burgess, running out there and tackling them head-on. And it’s a job that needs to be done in politics.

Fitz: But you’ve lost some bark along the way.

KK: Yes, but I always wanted to be in the middle of it. You only get one shot in life. And I was always a “never leave anything on the field” kind of player. But we are in a fight for power in politics. And for those of us in the Labor Party, it’s not power for the sake of it. It’s power to do good things for some of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged people in our community. Now, when you seek power, people are going to try and tear you down. No one gives away power. You have to take it out of your hands. And you gotta fight like hell to do it. And it can be hurtful, but you have to fight for them.

Fitz: Have you talked to Albo since Saturday?

KK: Yes. He had just gotten off the phone with President Biden from Air Force One, which is pretty cool. He was very supportive, as always.

Fitz: Did he make any promises re future appointments of some nature?

KK: No, it was just, “Are you OK, my friend?”


Fitz: And are you?

KK: Yes. When I lost Caroline, I thought my life was over. I gave up my PhD, I gave up my dreams of becoming a university professor. And then a few years later, I had the opportunity to run for the state parliament that led to eventually becoming the first female premier of NSW. What an amazing experience. What an amazing honour. When Labor lost government after 16 years in power in 2011, I then had an opportunity to lead Basketball Australia, participate in the Olympics and have a medal win, before hosting a show for Sky News with my very good friend Peter van Onselen, before becoming an ALP senator. Every time in my life, when something unexpected, unplanned and unfortunate has happened, something unpredictable and extraordinary has followed. I have found in my life that when God shuts the door, she opens a window and I’m just waiting to see what window might open this time.

Fitz: Is it possible the window that opens for you will lead into the Vatican, that you, like Tim Fischer once did, will become Australia’s ambassador to the Holy See?

KK: When he was prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull offered it to me once already.

Fitz: Why didn’t you grab it?

KK: I told him, thank you, but my children are settled in their high school, and they need their mum to be here for them.

Fitz: What would you say now? Or, say, you were offered the position of Australian ambassador to the United States? They are both positions for which you would seem to be well qualified.

KK: Right now I’m happy to just breathe and think less about the next big thing and more about the right thing.

Fitz: How hard has it been to just breathe, while you are stalked by cameras and journalists? There was footage of you on Channel Nine this week dodging a camera by sheltering behind your son, which made you look more like a crime figure than someone who really didn’t get enough votes.

KK: Well, the media are necessary in a democracy – and you know what they say: “Politics is showbiz for ugly people.” But yes, it has been intrusive.

Fitz: Perhaps, to get away from them, you could move to an isla ... oh, wait! You already have a house at Scotland Island. Now, you said before the campaign started that, win, lose or draw, you would stay living in Liverpool in the seat of Fowler. Will you?

Kristina Keneally with her family in 2018.

Kristina Keneally with her family in 2018.Credit: Marco Del Grande

KK: I’m actually giving a great deal of thought about what I am going to do next.

Fitz: And?

KK: We are working that out. The only firm decision I have made is to get rid of all my social media accounts. Social media has become an angry place. Still, when you’re in politics, you kind of have to be there. But now I don’t need threats of violence, suggestions that I should be gang-raped or any of the other comments that females regularly get on social media. So while I don’t know what I’m going to do next – whether it’s in a public role or private role – I’m pretty confident it’s not going to require me to be on Twitter.

Fitz: If this is indeed the end of your political career, what are your great regrets? And your greatest satisfaction?

KK: I don’t live with regrets. Life is too short. I learn from experiences but I don’t live with regrets. The win on Saturday was damn satisfying. Also, working on the intelligence and security committee the past three years on issues like right-wing extremism was incredibly important for our nation. My greatest pride is that I established an inquiry into stillbirth. Now Australia has a national stillbirth action plan. Babies’ lives are already being saved. That’s amazing.

Fitz: OK, if this is your farewell from politics, can you throw a couple of war-stories at us, some things we don’t know?

KK: (Laughing) Matt Canavan is a lovely bloke, though we don’t agree on anything. Senator Anne Ruston and I used to often text each other keto diet recipes during question time, and Malcolm Roberts is one of the most chivalrous and polite human beings you will ever meet.

Fitz: I confess surprise. Now that it doesn’t matter any more, do you think Scott Morrison is a nice man?

KK: (Ten-second pause) I don’t know him well enough to say.

Fitz: Fare thee well. Good travelling, and safe seas.

KK: Thank you.

Joke of the week

Pablo Picasso has just left his studio in Montmartre in August 1932, and is ducking down a back alley to get back to his apartment when he is brutally mugged and robbed. Crawling back out to the main street, he is taken by some kindly passers-by to the police, where he is prevailed upon to do a sketch of the brute who has assaulted him – effectively the world’s first attempt at an identikit picture.

For 20 years thereafter Parisian police keep up the hunt for a man with three arms, a hole in his chest and a third eye right in the middle of his forehead.

Tweet of the week

“Changing the curtains ?? FFS, we fire bombed the house.”

Mike Carlton replies to Scott Morrison’s contention that, “as Barnaby Joyce said to me the other day, people like to change the curtains.”

Quotes of the week

“Liberal values are very much Australia’s values, and I don’t think that Australia understands that anymore.” Senator Jane Hume on 2GB. She is one of two Libs put in charge of an election review, the other being Brian Loughnane, long-time director of the Liberal Party of Australia, and husband of Peta Credlin. Personally, I can’t help but feel that Australia has let the side down?

Channel Seven’s Natalie Barr on Tim Wilson being wiped out in Goldstein: “I feel sorry for him, and I don’t even know him.”

Jason Clare: “That’s because you don’t know him.”

Senator Andrew Bragg on Q&A: “Thank goodness you’re not running the government.”

Senator Dr Mehreen Faruqi: “Well you’re not running it either anymore.”

“I think with me getting out there and pointing out that there are issues with this modern feminism where they can’t even identify what a woman is – I think the ordinary Australian people resonated with that, and that is why I had so much support around the country. I think the Liberal Party needs to get back to its Liberal values, and I think maybe this is the start of that.” Failed Warringah candidate Katherine Deves. And I think that approach was one reason why the Libs were wiped out by the teals.

“The wheel is turning, but the hamster is dead.” Tony Barry, former Victorian Liberal strategist, on the ABC election coverage on Saturday night, at 9.30.

“I think the 2019 election result in Warringah was a devastating one for the Liberal Party, to see a former Liberal party leader in Tony Abbott to lose there and as comprehensively as he did but to see tonight’s Liberal vote go backward and appearing to be going backwards to the tune of 7 per cent I think sends a clear message.” Senator Simon Birmingham.

“I feel like Albanese is the lesser of two dickheads.” An un-named voter emerging from a polling booth on Saturday, on why he voted for the ALP, on The Project.

“The Liberal Party’s experiment with the poison of leftism and progressivism must be over. It’s as simple as that. I mean, all of the people who have lost their seats were, in many cases, people who were trying to appease the climate crowd. And see what happens.” Liberal Senator Alex Antic on Sky.

“It’s a sad day first and foremost for his family and close friends, but it’s also a sad day for porn and all the fans and viewers around the world. His contribution will be dearly missed.” Producer and adult film actor Mike Adriano, reacts to the death from pneumonia of adult film icon Logan Long, at just 34 years old.

“I am the ONLY candidate bold enough to stand up to the Luciferian Cabal. Elect me Governor of Georgia, and I will bring the Satanic Regime to its knees – and DEMOLISH the Georgia Guidestones. Join me in my fight to #TearThemDown!” Candidate for the Georgian Republican primaries. @KandissTaylor. Her tweet brought the reply, “Ma’am it was my understanding that Georgia had solved its devil problems with a fiddling contest.”

“It’s something that’s a big moment in my life but what I want it to be is a big moment for the country. I do want to change the country. I want to change the way that politics operates in this country.” Anthony Albanese after winning the election.

“In the end he wasn’t just political roadkill, they reversed back over the body and drove over it again.” Victorian Liberals former deputy state director Tony Barry, to Niki Savva, about Scott Morrison.

Twitter: @Peter_Fitz

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