

This was published 2 years ago

Morrison, Albanese shout and trade insults during heated TV debate

By Matthew Knott

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese clashed bitterly during a heated televised election debate, shouting and accusing each other of misleading voters as the election campaign moves into its crucial final two weeks.

During the debate, in which both leaders vowed at the outset to tell the truth, Albanese declined to guarantee real wages would grow under a Labor government and Morrison declared he had never seen any Coalition MP behave corruptly in Canberra.

In a fiery exchange over Australia’s relations with China, Albanese accused Morrison of making an “outrageous slur” by suggesting that Labor had been too cosy with Beijing.

“When I was a minister, we put US Marines into Darwin. When you have been a minister we have had the port of Darwin sold to a company connected with the Chinese Communist Party,” Albanese said.

An outraged Morrison replied that the federal government had no authority over the port sale.


Both Morrison and Albanese ruled out extending cuts to the fuel excise beyond September during the Nine debate, in which the leaders traded barbs over cost-of-living, economic management, climate change and their personal trustworthiness.

In a fiery exchange over a national integrity commission, Morrison accused Albanese of “hiding in the bushes” by not releasing his own proposed legislation while Albanese said Morrison would never legislate such a body.

Under direct questioning from Albanese towards the end of the hour-long debate, Morrison again conceded he was wrong to say it was “not a race” to secure COVID-19 vaccines at the height of the pandemic last year.


Asked whether he could guarantee that wages would rise above inflation if Labor is elected on May 21, Albanese said he could promise they would be higher under Labor than the Coalition.

With interest rates rising and consumer prices soaring, Labor has made increasing real wages a central pillar of its election pitch to voters.

“Our objective is to have real wage increases and we have practical plans to do that,” Albanese said in the second of three scheduled television debates.

“The difference between myself and the current government and Scott Morrison is that we will try to do what we can in measures and structures to improve real wages.

“We will support, for example, minimum wage increases. At the moment, this government will not even do that.”

The Reserve Bank projects wage growth will overtake inflation in December 2023.

Asked about his government’s failure to legislate a national integrity commission despite promising one, Morrison said the Coalition had tabled legislation in Parliament and wanted such a body to focus on criminal behaviour.

Asked whether he had witnessed corruption during his time in Parliament, Morrison responded unequivocally: “No I haven’t.”

Turning the focus on Albanese, Morrison asked why Labor had not released draft legislation for a national anti-corruption commission.

“It’s only two pages, there’s nothing on it,” Morrison said of Labor’s plan for an integrity commission. “Where is it? You have been hiding in the bushes for three years.”

Albanese responded: “Scott, you don’t allow debates on anything in the parliament, let alone debates on opposition legislation. We will never get an anti-corruption commission under this prime minister.”

The Labor leader continued: “We need to make sure that we restore faith in the integrity of our political system. I think overwhelmingly, people go into politics across the spectrum for all the right reasons ... but the truth is, there is a stench around Canberra at the moment.”

Asked by Albanese whether he now accepted there had been a race to secure vaccines last year and whether he should have secured them sooner, Morrison replied: “It was a race, Anthony, and we shouldn’t have described it in those terms.

Anthony Albanese and Scott Morrison clash during the debate.

Anthony Albanese and Scott Morrison clash during the debate.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

He said the government only ended up missing its original October target for vaccines to be available to all Australians by two weeks.

“So yes it is true, Anthony, we had our setbacks, but we came back, we got the vaccines and we now have one of the highest vaccination rates in the world, as well as one of the stronger economies and one of the lowest death rates from COVID,” he said.

Asked why his popularity had declined notably since the 2019 election, Morrison said: “It has been a tough three years, particularly the last two years, and I know over that period of time there would have been many disappointments, people would have disagreed with many things I did and would have a different view about how things might have been managed. So I can understand the hurt and the feelings that people have had coming out of a time like this.”

Questioned about whether Australians know what he stands for, Albanese said: “I had the same values my entire life. The values of supporting a fair day’s pay for a [day’s] work. The values of supporting essential universal services, such as Medicare, supporting universal superannuation.“

Morrison said his government would not extend the six-month halving of the fuel excise announced in the April budget to ease cost-of-living pressures on Australians.

“This relief, it is well-designed, temporary, targeted and affordable,” he said.

“What we are ensuring we are doing by providing the cost-of-living relief now is to deal with the spike in fuel prices we have seen from the war in Europe and disruption around the world, and Treasury and others estimate we will see those oil prices come down by that time at the end of September.”


Albanese agreed that the halving of the excise should expire as planned in September.

In his closing remarks, Albanese vowed: “I will say this, there are four words you will never hear from me, ‘That’s not my job.’ I will never say it.”

Morrison finished the debate by urging voters to stick with what they know.

“We are a known quantity, and at a time of great uncertainty, now is not the time to risk things on the unknown,” he said.

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