

This was published 2 years ago

Robin Hood of crypto: The 30-year-old billionaire who wants to give his fortune away

By Zeke Faux

The Economic Club of New York has hosted kings, prime ministers, and presidents, as well as’s Jeff Bezos and JPMorgan Chase’s Jamie Dimon. Central bankers’ comments at the 115-year-old organisation have moved markets. Sam Bankman-Fried, a 30-year-old cryptocurrency billionaire, is probably the first person to play a computer game while giving a talk.

As the featured guest one morning in February, Bankman-Fried is reclining on a gaming chair in blue shorts and a grey T-shirt advertising his cryptocurrency exchange, FTX, his mop of curly hair flattened by his headphones. He’s speaking by Zoom from his office in the Bahamas.

Sam Bankman-Fried, a 30-year-old crypto billionaire who wants to give his fortune away.

Sam Bankman-Fried, a 30-year-old crypto billionaire who wants to give his fortune away.Credit: Bloomberg

The novelty of appearances like this has long since worn off for Bankman-Fried, who’s testified before Congress twice since December. The previous weekend, he watched the Super Bowl from box seats just in front of NBA star Steph Curry—an FTX endorser. There was lunch with basketball legend Shaquille O’Neal and a party DJ’d by the head of Goldman Sachs. The singer Sia invited him to a dinner at a Beverly Hills mansion with Bezos and actor Leonardo DiCaprio, where Kate Hudson sang the national anthem and he chatted about crypto with pop star Katy Perry. The next day she told her 154 million followers on Instagram, in an unsolicited endorsement, “im quitting music and becoming an intern for @ftx_official ok”

Five years ago, Bankman-Fried was working for a charitable organisation that promoted the then-fringe idea of “effective altruism”: using scientific reasoning to figure out how to do the most good for the most people. Then he spotted a seemingly too-good-to-be-true pricing anomaly in bitcoin and decided that, for him, the right path would be making tonnes of money to give away. Now, Bankman-Fried is one of the richest people in the world, with a fortune of more than $US20 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, after venture capitalists recently invested in FTX and its US arm at a combined $US40 billion valuation.

A crypto Robin Hood

For all his wealth, Bankman-Fried tells me his core philosophy remains the same. He’ll keep enough money to maintain a comfortable life: 1 per cent of his earnings or, at minimum, $US100,000 a year. Other than that, he still plans to give it all away—every dollar, or bitcoin, as the case may be. He’s a kind of crypto Robin Hood, beating the rich at their own game to win money for capitalism’s losers. Yet he’s now part of the power structure that causes the problems he says he wants to fix.


As by far the richest person to emerge from the effective-altruism movement, Bankman-Fried is a thought experiment from a college philosophy seminar come to life. Should someone who wants to save the world first amass as much money and power as possible, or will the pursuit corrupt him along the way?

The way Bankman-Fried’s peers describe him, he sounds like a strange sort of capitalist monk. One says he worked so hard in the early days that he rarely showered. Another says he swore off relationships because he doesn’t have time. It seems like he views even sleep as an unnecessary luxury.


These days, Bankman-Fried lives in Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas. FTX is planning to build a 1,000-employee campus overlooking the ocean. For now it’s headquartered in a one-story red-roofed building near the airport.

Bankman-Fried lives like a college student perpetually cramming for finals. He drives a Toyota Corolla, and when he’s not at the office, he crashes at an apartment with 10 or so roommates, though it’s a penthouse at the island’s nicest resort. Bankman-Fried figures as many as five of his co-workers are also billionaires. All are around his age.

The crypto industry might seem like an odd choice for a do-gooder: It’s facilitated endless scams, turned ransomware into an industry, and sucks up tonnes of energy—as much as the country of Malaysia, by some estimates. Bankman-Fried doesn’t see it that way. He says FTX is running an honest market, checks customers’ backgrounds, buys carbon credits to offset its emissions, and is more efficient than the mainstream financial system. But it’s clear the main appeal for him is getting rich quick.

He smiles as he shares a chart that shows FTX growing faster than his largest competitors, such as Binance. The market is huge. FTX is only the No. 3 crypto exchange by volume yet handles $US15 billion of trading on a good day. Instead of shares of Microsoft, users are buying and selling bitcoin, Ether, Dogecoin, and hundreds of other weird cryptocurrencies.


Bankman-Fried has set his sights on the US market, which is dominated by Coinbase. He wants to offer cryptocurrency futures, swaps, and options, which he sees as a potential $US25 billion-a-day market. If he succeeds in taking over crypto, the mainstream finance industry is next. “We’re sort of playing in the kiddie pool,” Bankman-Fried says. “Ideally, I would want FTX to become the biggest source of financial transactions in the world.”

The me-first ethics of the novelist Ayn Rand have been the inspiration of ruthless entrepreneurs from Uber’s Travis Kalanick to tech mogul Peter Thiel. Bankman-Fried’s capitalist muse is the utilitarian philosopher Peter Singer, a professor at Princeton and an animal-rights advocate. Bankman-Fried first came across Singer’s work when he was a teenager living in Berkeley, Calif. His parents are both Stanford law professors. His mother also runs an influential data-driven Democratic donor group, and his father trained as a clinical psychologist.

Bankman-Fried has set his sights on the US market, which is dominated by Coinbase. He wants to offer cryptocurrency futures, swaps, and options, which he sees as a potential $US25 billion-a-day market.

Bankman-Fried has set his sights on the US market, which is dominated by Coinbase. He wants to offer cryptocurrency futures, swaps, and options, which he sees as a potential $US25 billion-a-day market.Credit: Getty

In writings since the 1970s, Singer has posed a deceptively simple ethical question: If you walked by a child drowning in a shallow pond, would you stop to pull her out, even if it would muddy your clothes? He then argued that if you’d do that—and who wouldn’t?—you have no less of a duty to save a faraway person from starvation by donating to an international aid group. Not giving large sums of money away is as bad as letting the child drown.

Bankman-Fried agrees, though he wasn’t always sure what to do about it. “It is very demanding, if you take it seriously,” he says. “But I do think it’s basically right. Like, if that’s the right thing to do, then I don’t want to deny that because it seems hard.” In 2012, when he was a junior studying physics at MIT, Bankman-Fried went to a talk by Will MacAskill, a 25-year-old doctoral student at Oxford who was trying to turn Singer’s ideas into a movement. He and his collaborators aimed to use mathematical calculations to figure out how individuals could do the most good with their money and time. They dubbed it “effective altruism.”

Over lunch, MacAskill told Bankman-Fried more about another one of his ideas: “earning to give.” He said that for someone of Bankman-Fried’s mathematical talents, it might make sense to pursue a high-paying job on Wall Street, then donate his earnings to charity. MacAskill estimated at the time that a successful banker who donated half her income could save 10,000 lives over the course of a career.

MacAskill’s ideas are controversial. Some say the ends don’t justify the means—that Wall Street perpetuates inequality and undermines whatever good might be done by donations. Others say the movement flatters the rich by painting them as heroes and fails to address the root causes of poverty.


But MacAskill’s pitch appealed to the young utilitarian. MacAskill, laughing, remembers Bankman-Fried’s matter-of-fact response: “He basically said, ‘Yep, that makes sense.’ ”

‘Odd’ prices that started it all

In 2017, Bankman-Fried happened upon a cryptocurrency website and noticed something odd. Crypto was in the middle of its first boom. The price of bitcoin spiked 10 times that year, and investors sank almost $US5 billion into hundreds of “initial coin offerings,” or ICOs, many of them barely concealed scams.

Bankman-Fried, like many on Wall Street, didn’t understand crypto. What caught his attention was a page on that quoted prices from exchanges around the world.

“They have colossal risk appetite. They’ll try things that fail constantly. It’s calculated, and it’s smart.”

Dan Matuszewski, co-founder of the crypto investment fund CMS Holdings

Bankman-Fried saw that certain coins were selling for way more on some exchanges than others“That’s too easy,” Bankman-Fried recalls thinking. “Something’s wrong.”

Bankman-Fried recruited a few friends to help him with the project. There was Gary Wang, a housemate from MIT then working on flight data for Google; Caroline Ellison, a trader from Jane Street; and Nishad Singh, a friend of his younger brother’s who was then an engineer at Facebook. All were effective altruists who bought into Bankman-Fried’s pitch that this was their best chance to make and give away a lot of money. They moved into a three-bedroom house in Berkeley and dug into the arbitrage.


The obstacles to the trade were mainly practical. Bankman-Fried named his company Alameda Research to sound harmless. But US banks viewed cryptocurrency as so sketchy that some wouldn’t let him open an account. Japanese exchanges would allow only Japanese people to withdraw money in yen. So he opened a subsidiary in Japan and hired a local representative. Still, the business sounded fishy, and bank tellers would raise questions about his overseas wire transfers.

FTX has a number of high-profile celebrity endorsers, including Katy Perry.

FTX has a number of high-profile celebrity endorsers, including Katy Perry.Credit: Wolter Peeters

Once Bankman-Fried found willing banks, each day became a race. If they didn’t wire the money out of Japan before the branch closed, they’d miss out on that day’s 10 per cent return. Completing the cycle required the precision logistics of a heist movie. A team of people spent three hours a day in a US bank to ensure money transfers went through, and another team in Japan waited for hours at the front of the teller line when it was time to wire the money back. At the peak, Alameda was sending $US15 million back and forth daily and generating a $US1.5 million profit. Within a few weeks, before the price difference disappeared, the company had earned about $US20 million.

Few bets paid off as easily, but there were others that came close. Compared with the stock market, crypto offered fat targets because ordinary investors were piling in, and only a handful of smart-money players were hunting for arbitrages. In 2018, Bankman-Fried went to a bitcoin conference in Macau where he met some of the other big players in the market and decided to stay at the centre of the action. He told his colleagues on Slack that he wouldn’t be returning to Berkeley. Eventually, many of them joined him in Hong Kong, which has more permissive regulations than the US.

Building his own crypto exchange

By 2019, Alameda was throwing off hundreds of thousands of dollars of profit a day, enough, by effective altruists’ logic, to save a life every hour if Bankman-Fried had chosen to give the money to the right charities. Instead, he and his colleagues decided to reinvest their winnings, partly into building their own crypto exchange.

It took Bankman-Fried’s crew four months to write the code underlying a new exchange, which opened for business in May 2019. FTX catered to big traders, offering dozens of different coins to bet on, complex derivatives like tokens with built-in leverage or index futures, and even bets on elections and stock prices. Crucially, traders could put up cash as collateral to borrow any coin they wanted, which some rivals didn’t allow.


It was a hit, in part because so many people wanted to use the exchange to trade with Alameda. Daily trading volume reached $US300 million by July of that year and an average of $US1 billion in 2020. FTX takes a cut of two basis points on most orders—that’s about $US9 in fees to buy one bitcoin for $US45,000, the price in late March. That added up to revenue of $US1.1 billion for the exchange last year, and about $US350 million in profit, Bankman-Fried says. Dan Matuszewski, co-founder of the crypto investment fund CMS Holdings, says Bankman-Fried handled customer service at all times of day and solicited ideas for new things to trade. “They have colossal risk appetite,” says Matuszewski, who trades on FTX and also invested in the exchange. “They’ll try things that fail constantly. It’s calculated, and it’s smart.”

FTX, incorporated in the Caribbean country of Antigua and Barbuda, initially barred Americans from trading, though many professionals such as Matuszewski were able to access it because they already controlled offshore companies.

But the US market for crypto is huge. Rival Coinbase generates more than $US600 million a month in revenue, even though it offers only coins it argues don’t fall under SEC rules. In 2020, Bankman-Fried opened a US exchange with a limited menu of tokens to trade. He’s been on a marketing blitz for it since. On top of a Super Bowl commercial starring Larry David and naming the FTX Arena in Miami, he’s spent $US210 million to sponsor a video-gaming team and signed up endorsers including quarterback Tom Brady, former Red Sox slugger David Ortiz, and tennis star Naomi Osaka.He’s now pushing Congress for new rules that would allow him to offer more coins and crypto derivatives.

Young tech entrepreneurs like Bankman-Fried have turned the effective-altruism movement into a force in philanthropy. More than 7,000 people have pledged at least 10 per cent of their career earnings through a group run by the Centre for Effective Altruism. Dustin Moskovitz, a Facebook founder, donates hundreds of millions of dollars a year to charities the movement has identified as effective. Tesla’s Elon Musk enlisted a pro-poker-player-turned-effective-altruist to advise him on giving.

Bankman-Fried tells me he gave away $US50 million last year, including to pandemic relief in India and anti-global-warming initiatives. This year he says he’ll donate at least a few hundred million and up to $US1 billion, as much as the largest foundations.

Bankman-Fried now says his top priority is pandemic preparedness. A future disease outbreak, he says, could be as lethal as Ebola and as contagious as Covid-19. He’s funding an advocacy group headed by his younger brother that’s pushing governments to spend more, and he gave $US5 million to the nonprofit investigative journalism group ProPublica to cover the topic. “We should expect that pandemics will get worse over time and more frequent, just because of the possibility of lab leaks,” he says. “This has a nontrivial chance of destabilising the world if we don’t get prepared for it.”


I ask Bankman-Fried whether he ever has any doubt about dedicating his life completely to making money and giving it away. He presses his face in his hands for a few seconds before answering. “It’s not a decision that I constantly reevaluate, because I think it just doesn’t do me any good to be constantly reevaluating anything,” he says. “It doesn’t, minute to minute, feel to me like a decision anymore.”

Around 5 pm the day of the Economic Club talk, Bankman-Fried crashes, passing out first in his gaming chair, then curling up on the blue beanbag next to his desk, his elbow cradling his curly hair. After about an hour, Bankman-Fried stirs, eats a package of Nutter Butters, then closes his eyes again. During his catnap, traders will swap about $US500 million of bitcoin, Ether, and other cryptocurrencies on his exchange, and FTX will skim off an additional $US100,000 or so in fees.


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