

This was published 2 years ago

Of all the troubled literary wives, Vivienne Eliot was one of the unhappiest

By Dennis Haskell


Goodnight, Vivienne, Goodnight, Steven Carroll, Fourth Estate, $29.99

The apparently simple title of Steven Carroll’s new novel, Goodnight, Vivienne, Goodnight, has multiple implications: “Vivienne” is Vivienne Eliot, T.S. Eliot’s first wife. The “Goodnight” repetition recalls the patronising cockney “Goonight Bill. Goonight Lou…” ending of part two of The Waste Land, which Vivienne may have helped Eliot write.

Virginia Woolf once described Vivienne Eliot as a bag of ferrets around T.S Eliot’s neck.

Virginia Woolf once described Vivienne Eliot as a bag of ferrets around T.S Eliot’s neck.

Vivienne Eliot was a flamboyant, nervous, eccentric and perhaps insane woman whom Eliot separated from after 17 years of a wasteland of a marriage. The novel describes it as “a marriage of silence – and screams”. Virginia Woolf, who herself suffered from mental illness, nevertheless described Vivienne as “a bag of ferrets”.

Vivienne was committed to a mental hospital five years after the marriage broke down, Eliot left her by sending a telegram, and she died in the asylum 13 years after the telegram. Eliot never visited her, true both in the novel and in reality; another of the title’s implications.

Steven Carroll has decidedly more sympathy for Vivienne than Woolf did, and he departs from historical fact more than in his previous Eliot-based novels. In Goodnight, Vivienne comes through her dark nights of the soul to be “perfectly sane” and, with the help of others, escapes from the asylum.

Goodnight, Vivienne, Goodnight.
By Steven Carroll.

Goodnight, Vivienne, Goodnight. By Steven Carroll.

Detective-sergeant Stephen Minter is given the job of tracking her down, his higher-ups aware of Eliot’s stature. Austrian-born Minter is an unusual policeman. He is a thinker, humane and sensitive, who “has always thought of detective work as a kind of storytelling”. Is it a coincidence that his name is “Stephen”? Carroll’s novels all employ a narrator who is omniscient but not God-like, and in his search for reason and patterning – for that’s what a story is – Minter seems to speak for Carroll’s ideas and values.

The novel is in part a detective story, but not your usual crime caper. Vivienne’s crime is not really a crime at all; Minter is the opposite of any hard-boiled cop; and Goodnight is not plot-driven. Carroll’s interest is always in character, and his novels are more thoughtful and meditative than dramatic. That could also be said of Eliot’s poems. The novel has its reference point in East Coker, the second of Eliot’s Four Quartets, which was published in 1940, just before the month or so in which the novel’s action (if that’s the right word) takes place. The poem includes lines that shift into medieval language to portray some “daunsinge, signifying matrimony” outside the East Coker church.


The lines signify a continuity in human wishes and human nature, something Carroll’s novels attest to. Daringly, he has Vivienne experience such a ceremony of dancing before a wedding at the very end of the novel. Even more daringly there are suggestions that Carroll endorses her view of the poem as “more like a lecture than a poem. The sort of thing that someone writes when the spark is gone and all that’s left is the craft”.

Novelist Steven Carroll.

Novelist Steven Carroll.Credit: Jason South

Great writers are apt to become monuments after their death. Carroll has little time for literary monuments; his interest, particularly in Goodnight and in its predecessor, A New England Affair, is more with the women in Eliot’s life than with Eliot himself. Eliot does appear in the novel, and he is mostly portrayed as “Mr Eliot the snob, the anti-Semite [which Vivienne also is], the phoney Englishman, the poser and the cold-fish husband”. It is true that Eliot, a shy, reclusive personality, made a monument of himself in his own lifetime and what seemed grand in his poetry can now seem monumentally pretentious.


The novel references Eliot’s plays as well as his poems, and Eliot is seen as play-acting his own life. Vivienne does so too, but it is an element of her sanity that she sees through and reaches a degree of authenticity. Authenticity, including the authenticity of literature, is one of Carroll’s key concerns, in all his writing. It is interesting that the novel’s most lyrical sections concern the invented characters – Detective Minter and Brigid Rooney, a lively secretary at Faber & Faber, “a place that seems to have either outlawed happiness or looks down on it as an inferior way of being”.

A phrase such as this exhibits a sly humour, and the novel includes allusions not only to Eliot’s poems but also to those of Shakespeare, Keats, Hopkins and Yeats. It shows that Carroll is not only a novelist of order and psychological insight but also of down-to-earth values and wit. The novel seems to say with Carroll’s customary intelligence, clarity and human warmth, “Hello Vivienne, Hello!”

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