That was such an emotional evening.
Thanks so much to everyone who joined us for this live blog and to all the people who contributed words, pictures, videos, headlines and corrections. It was a lot to process and all with the emotion of the evening ever-present.
Brooke Warne, Jackson Warne and Summer Warne unveil the Shane Warne Stand.Credit: Joe Armao
It was an honour and pleasure to bring this event to you all and I hope the blog helped you take in the service.
I thought the Warne children paid a rich tribute to their father and did so while under the brightest of spotlights while I loved the ending with the unveiling of the Shane Warne Stand.
Thanks once more for all your comments and interactions. I’m sure there will be more reactions to this enormous event in the days to come so please stay with us and keep checking in.
Bye for now.