

This was published 2 years ago

‘No quick fix’: Former Qld police commissioner backs raising criminal age

By Jocelyn Garcia

Children who first come in contact with child safety at the age of 10 could be in the criminal justice system all their lives, former police commissioner Bob Atkinson has told a parliamentary committee as it considers a bill to raise the criminal age.

A committee has heard further debate over the bill to raise the criminal age from 10 to 14 in Queensland, introduced by Greens MP Michael Berkman.

Bob Atkinson believes it was important to consider the challenges 10-year-old children face when coming from a dysfunctional family.

Bob Atkinson believes it was important to consider the challenges 10-year-old children face when coming from a dysfunctional family.

Mr Atkinson, who is also the co-chair of the Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Council, was one of many who contributed to the Report on Youth Justice in 2018 in an effort to keep children out of court and custody.

About 35 per cent of children whose matters were finalised in the Queensland Childrens Court in 2016 and 2017 were aged 10 to 14. This was the highest proportion of all Australian jurisdictions.

A Queensland Family and Child Commission paper published in 2017 argued that children between the ages of 10 and 12 had not reached a stage of developmental maturity to be held criminally responsible for their actions.

On Monday, Mr Atkinson told the committee some families, and children, did not trust authorities and were reluctant to seek out professional support, even when experiencing dysfunction.

This inevitably led to contact with child safety authorities and, in some cases, forced involvement in the criminal justice system.

Mr Atkinson said there needed to be an alternative to jail – and for it to be properly established and resourced.

“It would be fundamentally important, though, that if we were to raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to any other age that there is a capacity to properly and effectively deal with young people who otherwise would be committing offences,” he said.


“I’m not sure – and I’m not pretending to be an authority on what happens in Australia – but there are complex and difficult issues and I don’t know that any jurisdiction in Australia is yet in a position to be able to do that.”

The Youth Justice report recommended a national agreement and implementation, a comprehensive impact analysis and needs-based programs and diversions for eight- to 11-year-olds.

The government was also urged to advocate raising the age to 12 years and consider legislating the change in the interim so 10- to 11-year-olds weren’t remanded in custody or sentenced to detention except for a severe offence.

Mr Atkinson said there were multiple factors to consider.

“I would be concerned that raising the age of criminal responsibility to any age from 10, to either 12 or 14 or any age, would have to be accompanied by a capacity to properly respond to what would otherwise be a serious criminal offence,” he said.

“There is no quick fix.”

Mr Atkinson suggested some in the community compared the age of young offenders to what they or family members were like at that age.

“It doesn’t justify criminal behaviour for a moment but ... there’s not an awareness for children who are born perhaps with fetal alcohol syndrome, into a dysfunctional family exposed to domestic violence, exposed to abuse in any form, whether that’s physical, emotional, psychological neglect or sexual abuse...

“That child is in an entirely different context to the young person (that community members) are aware of.”

Mr Atkinson said some children had no fear of youth detention.

“The worst thing we can do whether you’re an adult or a child is take your liberty away and put you into custody,” he said.


“So when we’ve reached a point in our society where a child has no fear of being in youth detention we have a serious, serious problem.

“A child born today with fetal alcohol syndrome is likely to be subjected to child safety at the age of 10.

“Under the notice of the criminal justice system and then possibly on social security all their lives so that could be 60 or 70 years.”

The bill attracted 76 public submissions from organisations, including the Office of the Public Guardian, Bar Association of Queensland and Royal Australasian College of Physicians.

PeakCare Queensland executive director Lindsay Wegener, who previously managed a youth detention centre, said submissions to the committee should not be ignored.

“At best, the introduction of children at such a vulnerable age to the criminal justice system achieves nothing,” he said.

“At worst, it can do them irreparable harm and rapidly accelerates the likelihood of them graduating to a lifetime of crime.”

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