

This was published 3 years ago


Thank you, Grace Tame. Smiling doesn’t start national conversations

I was 19, leaving work on Kent Street in Sydney, crossing the road, when a grown man in a suit intersected me, put his body centimetres from mine and said, “Smile, honey” before sidestepping and continuing on with his day. At the time, just shy of five years ago, I couldn’t articulate why it infuriated me to simply be told to smile.

Now I can.

When strangers, work colleagues, or political commentators tell a woman to smile, it is a subtle reminder that it is preferred that a woman puts on a facade to make everyone around her comfortable, rather than express her emotions. It is a reminder that we are not seen as fully functioning humans deserving of empathy and consideration ourselves, but instead an accessory to social situations that must act and look nice for everyone’s entertainment.

Chanel Contos, who - like Grace Tame - won’t be told to smile.

Chanel Contos, who - like Grace Tame - won’t be told to smile.Credit: Liliana Zaharia

And so came a deluge of criticism this week of our outgoing Australian of the Year, Grace Tame, when she did not smile in the presence of the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison.

When Emmanuel Macron, the French President, was outwardly unimpressed with Morrison at the G7 summit, there was no such uproar. Handshakes were avoided and even with a mask on it was clear no smile was reciprocated.


Is this because Macron is a man? Or because we perceive Macron as more powerful so he is “allowed” to be “rude”? Or because, as a society, we see more validity in being upset about inaction and false promises surrounding submarines than about sexual violence against children and women?

Grace Tame is one of the most genuine people I have ever seen in the Australian media. Her advocacy has been absolutely enthralling because it is defined by consistency, passion, empathy and authenticity. It would have been completely out of step for her to smile and greet the Prime Minister given her opinions of him, which she has made so public. Her blank face is only so shocking to the public because it is an act of honesty: one so seldom seen in our political landscape.

If Grace had faked a smile, she would have succumbed to the power structures that she spent the whole of 2021 trying to reshape. Had she chosen not to go to the Australian of the Year awards on Tuesday, she would have unfairly deprived herself of the opportunity to share her triumph of a year on a high with other exceptional Australians who are making a better nation for all.


This was an event to celebrate Australia and Australians foremost. This event belonged to Grace Tame as much as – no, actually, more than – it belonged to the Prime Minister. By showing up, and by not faking a smile, Grace told a generation of young Australians, to whom she is already an idol, that they do not have to make others feel comfortable at the expense of upholding their own values.


Being told to smile is among yet another unsolicited set of instructions that dictate how women should think, look, and act. It’s 2022, and our society is still so coercive about how women should do these things that I have spent my morning writing an opinion piece, and the past 24 hours talking about a lack of a smile.

But smiling doesn’t start national conversations. Smiling doesn’t incite protests. Smiling doesn’t create structural change. And as long as not smiling does spur national debate, this should stand as a reminder of how much we desperately need these things. We should be thankful that
the younger generation is being taught that it does not need to force an expression to
make people comfortable with the status quo, when we ourselves are not.

“The whole truth, unsanitised, and unedited, is our greatest learning resource.” - Grace Tame, 2021.

Thank you, Grace. For your energy, for your time, for your tireless advocacy, for being true, and always being the unsanitised and unedited version of you for the whole of Australia. 🙂

Chanel Contos is the founder of Teach Us Consent. She rose to global prominence last year following her call for people to report their sexual assault experiences in schools, with the aim of establishing mandatory consent education in Australia. She has a masters in gender, education and international development and was the 2021 recipient of the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Young People’s Medal.

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