

This was published 2 years ago

‘Uncontrollable’: How Grace Tame threw the rule book out the window

By Matthew Knott

When Grace Tame was named Australian of the Year last January, Rosie Batty was instantly filled with fear for the then 26-year-old.

“I don’t think people understand the pressure we are putting onto people when we push them into that kind of role,” Batty, who was named Australian of the Year in 2015, says.

“No one can prepare you for the tsunami that is coming towards you.”

Outgoing Australian of the Year Grace Tame.

Outgoing Australian of the Year Grace Tame.Credit: Adam Gibson

The title has usually been awarded to prominent athletes, business figures, entertainers and scientists: people with financial resources, experience in the public eye and organisational support behind them.

Batty and Tame, by contrast, were ordinary people thrust into the spotlight after experiencing horrendous tragedy and trauma. In Batty’s case, it was the murder of her son Luke by his father; in Tame’s case, being groomed and sexually abused by a mathematics teacher when she was 15.

In a dramatic break with past recipients of the honour, Tame’s tenure has been defined by a combative and often hostile relationship with the federal government.

“She has to call it as she sees it, but I haven’t felt comfortable sometimes.”

Rosie Batty on Grace Tame

Her willingness to criticise Prime Minister Scott Morrison and other ministers has won her many admirers but also generated a backlash from conservative figures. News Corp columnist Janet Albrechtsen and NSW One Nation leader Mark Latham have accused her of undermining the platform’s effectiveness by appearing to take political sides.

As Tame prepares to hand over her title on Tuesday, Batty contrasts her own conciliatory style with her successor’s more adversarial approach.


“I was very careful about not being overly critical of the government and I steered away from social media,” Batty says.

“I tried to do it in a way that brought people along on the journey. She’s been unafraid of poking the bear. I’ve admired Grace’s front, but it’s a dangerous game.

Praising Tame as “smart and authentic”, Batty adds: “She has to call it as she sees it, but I haven’t felt comfortable sometimes.”

For example, Batty says she believes Tame was overly harsh in calling out Morrison for allegedly telling her he “bet it felt good to get that out” after she delivered a passionate Australia Day speech recounting her experience of childhood sexual abuse.

“I felt a bit sorry for him actually and I don’t always feel sorry for that man,” Batty says. “No one knows what to say to you in a situation like that, they’re trying to be nice.

“She’s calling it out, but shaming him in public like that would make it more awkward when you go and see him at some point and you want government funding.”

Rosie Batty, the 2015 Australian of the Year, says she and Grace Tame had taken different approaches to the role.

Rosie Batty, the 2015 Australian of the Year, says she and Grace Tame had taken different approaches to the role. Credit: Joe Armao

Tame, who declined to comment for this piece, announced her engagement to longtime partner Max Heerey on Saturday. She will appear at the National Press Club next month alongside friend and ally Brittany Higgins, the former political staffer who last year accused a male colleague of raping her in Parliament House.

Tame has regularly criticised Morrison over the past year, usually referring to him only as “Scott” in her tweets. Morrison’s critics have attacked him in the past for referring to women only by their first name.

“Scott has just finished his opening keynote address at the Women’s Safety Summit in which he appropriated private disclosures from survivors to leverage his own image,” Tame tweeted in September. “Gee, I bet it felt good to get that out.”

In October, after saying she had not been consulted by the government over a national plan to end child abuse, she tweeted: “Surely we the people deserve politicians who are above gaslighting victim-survivors?”

When Morrison appeared in the Ashes commentary box earlier this month as coronavirus cases were surging, Tame tweeted: “So long as he wins the day in the media, he’s laughing. And the joke is on anyone who buys into his pre-written, practiced dribble. Our country’s struggling today, and Scott’s watching cricket.”

Batty, 59, says she believes a generational divide explains the different approaches she and Tame took to the role.

“I’m from the generation that is more tolerant, forgiving, complicit and more respectful because we were brought up that way,” she says. She will meet Tame for the first time at an event at the Sydney Opera House in March.

Hetty Johnston, who was named Queenslander of the Year in 2015 for her work as a child protection advocate, says a more adversarial approach can be necessary for effective advocacy.

“Sometimes you need to piss people off if you want to make change,” she says.

“It’s very difficult to get governments to listen to you - especially on the issue of sexual assault. It’s like they’re deaf to it. To cut through that you’ve got to say what no one else is willing to say.”

Former NSW Liberal cabinet member Pru Goward, who served as minister for prevention of domestic violence and sexual assault, says that Tame represents a new generation of more forthright female activists.

“There’s the emergence of the angry young woman who has no time for what my generation put up with,” Goward, 69, says. “She’s incredibly courageous and takes no prisoners and I think young women are looking for that.”

Describing Tame as an “incredibly articulate and a very attractive public figure”, Goward adds there were times she “winced” at her criticisms of the government.


“Sometimes I felt she was ungenerous,” Goward says. “If you’re negotiating something as complex as a national approach to sexual abuse then you need to accept that sometimes governments have their limitations and won’t go all the way with you.

“Scott Morrison must sometimes have felt very disappointed that she didn’t ever acknowledge that he seemed to be trying.

“But younger women are over that: they’re done with generosity. She is right for the times that seem to be emerging.”

Sexual assault survivor and advocate Nina Funnell, who organised the #LetHerSpeak campaign that brought Tame to national attention, says: “Grace will always tell you what she thinks and that can make people uncomfortable.

“I understand why people would find it confronting, but I think it’s refreshing.”

Funnell says not being beholden to a particular organisation has allowed Tame to speak more candidly than past recipients of the award.

“What Grace has done is broken down a stereotype that victims are pathetic, broken people,” Funnell says.

“She’s advanced a new image of survivors as brave and bold and articulate. Grace deserves our full support.”

Funnell, however, is extremely critical of the National Australia Day Council for not providing Tame with enough assistance to carry out such a demanding role. In April, Tame revealed she had called a suicide prevention hotline after having to speak repeatedly about her experience of sexual abuse.

“A few weeks ago, I experienced a rock bottom crash, the constant re-traumatisation from re-reading my past and speaking about it in the media came to a head,” Tame told an event for businesswomen in Melbourne.

Funnell says she believes the Australia Day Council had “continuously failed in their ethical responsibilities to Grace and other survivors”.

“It’s unethical for a society to elevate one or two women to these positions of huge responsibility and expect them to come up with all their answers while constantly scrutinising and picking apart their actions,” she says.

“Grace herself has had a hugely positive impact but the awards organisation itself needs a review.”

National Australia Day Council (NADC) chief executive Karlie Brand says the organisation works closely with recipients to help identify their needs and plan for the year ahead.

“The NADC wants every Australian of the Year to have a positive experience,” Brand says. “It considers this a professional and ethical responsibility and works with recipients to ensure they are supported.”

After Tame’s often confrontational tenure, Batty says she will be intrigued by whom the council recognises this Australia Day.

“I’d put money on it that it will be a safer option,” she says. “I suspect that Grace was not the ‘ideal victim’. She has followed her heart, said what she wanted to say and has not been controllable. That’s why people admire her.”

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