

This was published 2 years ago


Boris Johnson left dangling as Britain fumes over Downing Street parties

Ask any Brit to conjure up their most vivid image of Boris Johnson and chances are that it would be the now Prime Minister, stuck in a zip-wire harness 20 metres above the ground at a crowded London park, for what one newspaper described as “five, terrible goolie-hugging” minutes.

It was high summer, mid-London Olympics and this was just another of Johnson’s myriad mayoral PR capers – shambolic, amateurish, staged – and yet somehow still endearing to many. As the zip-wire’s pulley gears strained, groaned, and came to a standstill, Johnson croaked “help, bring me some rope ... my kingdom for a stepladder” but managed to keep waving the two little Union Jacks in his hands as the media flashed footage around the globe. The moment would go viral, prompting the then prime minister David Cameron to joke that Boris Johnson seemed to “defy gravity”.

Boris Johnson dangles on a zipline over crowds in London during the 2012 Olympic Games.

Boris Johnson dangles on a zipline over crowds in London during the 2012 Olympic Games.Credit: AP

This week, the very characteristics that defined Johnson’s electoral Midas touch exploded and his political future hangs by a more tenuous wire, contingent on the findings of an inquiry into breaches of lockdown rules and the backroom ruminations of the so-called “1922 committee”, the Conservative Party’s parliamentary kingmakers.

Cameron has since wryly observed that Johnson “has always been able to get away with things that mere mortals can’t”. Described by his former boss, newspaper editor Max Hastings, as a “tasteless joke foisted upon the British people”; caught lying multiple times about multiple affairs and secret paternity battles; dissembling about who paid for luxury wallpapers and renovations in the Number Ten flat and now, caught holding boozy parties during lockdown. Surely, the only leaders of a western democracy that might equal him in the Teflon stakes are Donald Trump and Italy’s bunga-bunga loving Silvio Berlusconi.

And yet this latest scandal, hosting a party in the garden at Number Ten at the height of the first wave of COVID-19 in Britain, might just stick – and should spell an end to his leadership. On any realistic, objective view of politics, a Prime Minister responsible for emergency laws to safeguard public health during a pandemic who then blatantly breaches them should not survive. It is a salutary reminder that Dr Catherine Calderwood, Scotland’s chief medical officer, fell on her own sword immediately after admitting she had visited her own north coast holiday home, with her husband and dog. And that Allegra Stratton, Johnson’s press secretary, tearfully resigned after answering rehearsal questions about a party she did not in fact attend.

This time, it was Johnson’s own private secretary who issued an email invitation to 100 (yes one-zero-zero) unrelated guests asking them to BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottle of Booze) to a garden party in the early evening of May 20, 2020 – a night when 500 people died in England alone.

Protesters make their point at Parliament Square in London on Wednesday.

Protesters make their point at Parliament Square in London on Wednesday.Credit: AP

Less than a month before, Britain hit its first infection spike with more than 1,000 deaths recorded in a 24-hour period. Britain has lost 151,000 of its citizens since the country was placed into the first of several lockdowns on March 23, 2020. There are few in Britain who do not know someone – a friend, a family member, a friend of a friend – who has died of COVID-19. Worse still, many thousands of people have been forced to farewell loved ones via FaceTime, phone in hand instead of holding a human hand.

Despite Johnson’s uncharacteristically humble apology in the House of Commons on Wednesday, the nation’s collective, incandescent rage has coalesced on social media, in pubs and around family dinner tables. Johnson’s persona seems finally to have morphed in the public mind from what the Guardian’s Marina Hyde calls an “addled Humpty Dumpty” to a monster who took the piss out of the nation.


News coverage this week has been memorable as reporters conducting vox pops in even the most rusted-on Tory seats struggled to find a single ordinary voter who would accept Johnson’s mea culpa on camera. Instead, the government has been forced to roll out the usual suspects, including that other caricaturists’ delight, the funereal arch right-winger Jacob Rees-Mogg, to defend the Prime Minister.

Despite credible reports of a serious backbench revolt, it is clear that behind the scenes, the Tory hierarchy are desperate to find a way to save Johnson – and thereby their own political skins. A leadership vote can be triggered if just 15 per cent of Tory MPs write to the chair of the 1922 committee, made up of Conservative backbenchers, stating they no longer have confidence in their leader. There are 360 MPs, meaning just 54 could force a vote on Johnson’s future.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson apologises for attending a party in his garden during lockdown.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson apologises for attending a party in his garden during lockdown.Credit: PA

Late Thursday, the BBC reported that 51 MPs are believed to have reached the end of their tether. However, the 1922 committee is notoriously secretive and only a handful – including Sir Roger Gale, a veteran backbencher who called Johnson a “dead man walking”, William Wragg, himself a vice-chairman of the committee, and Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross – have admitted signing a letter.

No-confidence votes can unfold very quickly: Theresa May was ousted just 24 hours after she was told the critical 15 per cent threshold had been reached. Momentum for a strike against Johnson was given a turboboost as news of two further parties – held on the eve of the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral on April 16 last year – broke in the conservative Daily Telegraph (Johnson’s old paper) late on Thursday night. Images of the Queen, masked and sitting alone, couldn’t fail to affect even the most fierce republican.


At the end of the day, however, it won’t be Sue Gray, the civil servant in charge of investigating the boozy parties, who will seal Johnson’s political fate (and many fear her report will be as colourless as her surname). The only question to be answered now is whether the Tory hierarchy believes it can unearth a new leader with enough electoral panache to reverse tanking public opinion polls and give Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer a proper run for his money.

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