

This was published 2 years ago

Are we there yet? The disconnect behind the pandemic bill

By Chip Le Grand

There are times in this pandemic when all of us have felt like frustrated kids in the back seat of our parents’ car, demanding to know when we will get there. The political and public health leaders at the wheel of the response have also grown weary of the road. As Premier Daniel Andrews has told us many times in his most patient dad voice, we all want it to be over.

The journey has never felt as confused, nor the ride quite so hairy, as it did this week. Just as we could finally see the approach of our destination — the vaccine threshold which triggered the removal of nearly all remaining COVID-19 restrictions — the government was urgently demanding new coercive powers which could be used to lock us in our homes, shut businesses and detain people without charge, trial or judicial review.

Protesters opposed to the pandemic legislation occupied the steps of parliament all week.

Protesters opposed to the pandemic legislation occupied the steps of parliament all week.Credit: Chris Hopkins

If you look past the conspiratorial carnival parked on the front steps of State Parliament and the chaotic scenes that unfolded within its upper house, where Labor’s outcast MP Adem Somyurek returned to the crossbenches to disrupt the government’s plans, the sense of discombobulation was best captured by Andrews himself when he told us it was safe to go out dancing but at any moment, a “diabolical” new variant of the virus might cut in.

Victoria, like NSW, is one of the few jurisdictions in the world where, by the end of this weekend, nine out of 10 people aged 12 and older will be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. The implications of this, and the probability that future outbreaks of the virus can be managed in the same way we have long dealt with seasonal flu, are life-changing for a population that spent longer than any other in lockdown. Dr Nick Coatsworth, a former adviser to the federal government’s pandemic response and public face of the national vaccine rollout, says all governments in Australia have been slow to accept that although the pandemic is still raging in other parts of the world, our public health emergency is over.

Dr Nick Coatsworth says Victoria’s vaccine coverage and effective treatments for COVID-19 mean our public health emergency is over.

Dr Nick Coatsworth says Victoria’s vaccine coverage and effective treatments for COVID-19 mean our public health emergency is over.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

“You declare a public health emergency for something you have no mitigation for,” he says. “A pandemic is a disease that we are not immune from and is likely to cause severe mortality. We now have a disease that we can be vaccinated against and the treatments are such that it is markedly reducing mortality. We would suffer now more from a bad flu season than we would from COVID.”

Euzebiusz Jamrozik, an infectious disease ethicist with the Monash Bioethics Centre and Oxford University, offers a logical extension to this, one that goes to the nub of this week’s rancorous debate: “It is quite clear that the risks to public health are much lower now. It is a question for the public, ultimately, about whether those risks still warrant emergency powers which are a drastic intervention into public life.”

The stated purpose of the proposed changes to our public health laws, as outlined by Victorian Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes, is not controversial.

At the start of the COVID crisis, the word pandemic was not contained anywhere within the 272 pages of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act, the laws the Andrews government used to underpin its pandemic response. The proposed legislation creates a specific regime for managing risks to public health in a pandemic and removes the need to declare a state of emergency to contain the spread of dangerous new contagions. They are intended as a modernising reform, informed by the tribulations of the past two years, to better prepare for future pandemics and deal with whatever the current one next throws up.


“The experience of responding to COVID-19, together with insights shared by the Victorian community and its leaders, have clearly demonstrated the need for pandemic management decisions to be transparent and accountable, proactive, protective of human rights, and guided above all else by the imperative of minimising risks to public health and the right to life,” Symes told Parliament. “The bill does exactly what we said it would.”

Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes says the pandemic legislation does exactly what she promised.

Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes says the pandemic legislation does exactly what she promised.Credit: Justin McManus

Politicians from all major parties and public health and legal experts agree that in theory, this is a good idea. Some MPs demanded it as a condition for extending the current state of emergency until December 15. Once they got to see the legislation, many of those same parliamentarians and legal experts were shocked by what it contained.

Their concerns go not to the finer details of the bill but its heart: the creation of standing emergency powers, with loose parameters, capable of being wielded by an executive government for an unlimited time without meaningful parliamentary oversight or judicial review. Clifford Hayes, one of the independent MPs the government was courting on Friday to try to salvage the bill, says he wanted pandemic-specific legislation but not this. “They have gone away and, with the help of a few crossbenchers, drafted an unprecedented piece of legislation akin to firing a nuclear missile to kill a cockroach,” he told Parliament.


“The pandemic has significantly changed our way of life, but that is no excuse for a government to ride roughshod over people’s lives and create an intimidating regime that will be an ongoing threat to civil liberties and the freedom of Victorians in the future, especially now as we edge closer to having a fully vaccinated population.”

The proposed changes take powers currently available to the chief health officer when facing a public health emergency and put them in the hands of the health minister. He or she can use them for as long as the premier is reasonably satisfied a contagion with the potential to spread globally presents a serious risk to public health.

The proposed new system improves transparency by requiring the publication of health advice given to the government, and increases political accountability by affirming ministers as the decision-makers rather than public health bureaucrats. But in the opinion of 60 of the state’s most senior barristers, it also entrenches rule by decree.

“Imagine the politician you like least or trust least, then imagine that person having these powers in their hands,” says Paul Hayes, QC, one of the barristers who led the campaign against the proposed laws.

If the new regime was intended only for the next pandemic, whether another coronavirus or a particularly virulent, vaccine-resistant strain of influenza, there would have been no rush to put it in place. Such legislation would best be done once the political and social scars from this pandemic start to fade. Instead, the imperative to replace our soon-to-expire emergency laws before Parliament rises for the summer has turned this legislation into an immediate crisis.

The government argues that, unless this legislation is passed, it has no practical way of enforcing its vaccine mandates, will be less able to constrain the spread of the virus and Victorians will be vulnerable to the emergence of any new variants offshore. Daniel Andrews warns that an overseas traveller infected with the virus could then breeze through our biosecurity protections. “That person could be coming from anywhere in the world,” he says. “That person could have another variant that is diabolical when it comes to the effectiveness of the vaccines.”

The warnings from the Andrews government tap into our COVID-era fears. But are they behind the times?

The warnings from the Andrews government tap into our COVID-era fears. But are they behind the times?Credit: Digital image: Richard Giliberto

This image evokes a fear deep in our pandemic consciousness, back when COVID-19 was a deadly pathogen trying to get into Australia rather than a virus endemic in our community for which there is an effective vaccine. Johns Hopkins University professor of medicine Stuart Ray, an expert on SARS-CoV-2, says the virus continues to mutate but so far there are no vaccine-resistant variants. Like the legislation itself, warnings of a looming public health disaster jar with our understanding of what living in a highly vaccinated society means.

“If you take a broader view, then you don’t need this legislation,” Coatsworth says. “Because of where we are in the pandemic, the time for blanket regulation is long gone. The most alarming thing about what they are doing is that it demonstrates a psyche at the core of the Andrews government that there still needs to be whole-of-population regulation to manage COVID-19.”

Professor Allen Cheng, the infectious disease expert who advised the Andrews government through the dark days of last year’s second wave epidemic, is adamant that although most COVID-19 restrictions in Victoria have been removed, a legal framework is needed to support the public health response after the state of emergency expires.

Professor Allen Cheng: “A pandemic goes on for quite some time and we don’t need the responses we did in March or August last year but we still need some directions.”

Professor Allen Cheng: “A pandemic goes on for quite some time and we don’t need the responses we did in March or August last year but we still need some directions.”Credit: Nicole Reed

Cheng says one of the biggest issues facing public health officials is keeping people who have the virus away from others who, despite being vaccinated, can still get critically sick.

“If you have COVID, you can’t go to an aged care facility or a hospital unless you are a patient,” he says. “That is why there is a need for this. A pandemic goes on for quite some time. We don’t need the responses we did in March or August last year, but we still need some directions. This is the step between that dire emergency, or state of disaster, and stepping out of it.”

The Premier puts it more succinctly: “There are still going to need to be rules.”

This is where the political fault line now runs. Opposition Leader Matthew Guy, in an interview with The Age and Sydney Morning Herald, argues that whatever needs to be done to manage the pandemic from here can be achieved without enacting a new set of emergency powers. Victoria’s public health laws already give the chief health officer standing powers to make public health orders against individuals to prevent the spread of an infectious disease. These powers don’t require a state of emergency to be declared.

“Hospitals and public transport are government-owned infrastructure,” Guy says. “You can make a requirement that masks need to be worn on trains, just like you have to buy a ticket. If you have got to show your vax card to get into a hospital, that is not difficult to do. Once we get to 90 per cent, the state of emergency should expire because the nationally agreed plan has been reached. That is a good thing. If further restrictions are needed, come to Parliament and make the case.”

Opposition Leader Matthew Guy, shadow health spokeswoman Georgie Crozier and shadow treasurer David Davis campaigning against the pandemic legislation.

Opposition Leader Matthew Guy, shadow health spokeswoman Georgie Crozier and shadow treasurer David Davis campaigning against the pandemic legislation.Credit: Eddie Jim

Ombudsman Deborah Glass, the Law Institute of Victoria, Liberty Victoria and the Human Rights Law Centre all expressed concerns about the legislation. Their biggest single issue is the absence of meaningful checks on extraordinary powers. The proposed laws stipulate two oversight bodies, but the practical role of both is limited. The first is an expert advisory panel to review decisions made under the regime. The experts would be chosen by the health minister, the person whose work they are charged with reviewing, and any advice they gave would not be binding. The second oversight body would be the Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee, a standing joint parliamentary committee.


The strongest power given to the committee is that it can recommend to Parliament that a pandemic order be scrapped. Without broader reform of Victoria’s parliamentary committee system, the prospect of this happening is remote. The Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee was established by the Bracks government nearly 20 years ago. It is chaired by a Labor MP and the majority of its members sit on the government benches. In the unlikely event, such a committee would ever break with government ranks and call for a pandemic order to be revoked, this would only be given force if both houses of Parliament agreed.

In New Zealand, the leader of the opposition chairs the Epidemic Response Committee established by the Ardern government at the start of the pandemic, and seven of its 11 members are non-government MPs. In NSW, the Public Accountability Committee created in the early months of the COVID-19 crisis to oversee the government’s pandemic response is chaired by Greens MP David Shoebridge, and four of its seven members are non-government MPs.

Shoebridge, while offering no judgment on the merits of the Victorian legislation, says it is essential to have a non-government majority on an oversight committee: “You cannot seriously hold the government to account in a committee where the majority of members and chair are members of the same government.”

Every Australian jurisdiction has employed broad, coercive powers to contain the spread of COVID-19. Shoebridge says that in NSW, there were “tidal flows” in the public mood towards government power and accountability. At the start of the pandemic, when people were genuinely fearful and anxious about the emergence of a deadly new virus, there was strong support for governments being given extraordinary powers. “That is an environment in which executive governments thrive and parliamentary oversight is very hard,” he says.

It was only this year, as Sydney’s winter lockdown started to bite, that the public mood shifted, with louder calls for democratic oversight and a return to parliamentary norms.

This is why, despite the December 15 deadline, the timing of Victoria’s proposed new laws feels wrong.

Samantha Ratnam, the leader of the Victorian Greens, on Tuesday night gave an impassioned speech supporting the legislation. “I want us to remember why we are debating this,” she said. “We are still in the middle of a major global public health crisis. Victorians are still getting sick in their thousands. Our hospitals are full of people with COVID, and over 400 Victorians have died just in the last wave.”

Yet in the winter of 2017, an influenza epidemic killed, on average, 300 people in Australia a week, every week, for a two-month period. There was no call then to invoke emergency powers and no death count on the nightly news.

As of Friday, there were 330 people in Victorian hospitals with COVID-19, about 100 fewer than there were a week ago. There are close to 14,000 confirmed, active cases in Victoria but our borders are open, our kids are back at school and we are being encouraged to return to office-based work. A summer of beach holidays and packed stands at the cricket and tennis beckons. Cheng, Director of Infection Prevention and Healthcare Epidemiology at The Alfred, one of Melbourne’s busiest COVID-19 hospitals, says the pandemic remains uncertain, but for now “we are in a pretty good, sweet spot”.

Disease experts agree another wave of COVID-19 infections will likely hit Australia next winter, just as Europe’s fourth wave is spreading across the continent. Jamrozik says it is hard to predict what the impact will be but our response should be proportionate to an altered risk. “From a World Health Organisation point of view, the emergency ends when we start treating this virus as one public health problem among many. The question is, will Australia follow suit?”

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