

This was published 3 years ago


A ghost from the 1970s haunts the post-pandemic future

For the first time in almost half a century, “stagflation” is again a buzzword as supply-side shocks, soaring oil prices and decades-high inflation collide with economies still scarred by the pandemic.

Stagflation is the unusual combination of anaemic (or worse) economic growth and high levels of inflation.

In 1973, Arab members of the OPEC cartel imposed an oil embargo on the US and others in retaliation for their support of Israel during the Yom Kippur war, sending oil prices soaring and feeding into inflated prices across the US economy.

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell: Persistently low growth and high inflation would force central banks to act.

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell: Persistently low growth and high inflation would force central banks to act. Credit: Getty

The US inflation rate hit almost 15 per cent, and it wasn’t until the US Federal Reserve Board, chaired by Paul Volcker at the time, raised the US version of our Reserve Bank’s cash rate to 20 per cent and the unemployment rate reached 10 per cent that it was finally brought under control in the early 1980s.

Why has that “ghost from the past,” as it is commonly being described, re-emerged as a topic for serious discussion by economists today?

Economies are experiencing sustained inflation at rates rarely seen since that “Volcker moment”. US inflation of 5.4 per cent is the highest it’s been since the 2008 financial crisis.

Oil prices have skyrocketed. At $US85-plus a barrel they are more than double what they were a year ago and nearly 50 per cent higher than before the pandemic.

Other commodity prices have also risen sharply, with an energy crisis in Europe and Asia forcing coal and gas prices to record highs, and severe supply-demand imbalances have developed for hard commodities like copper and aluminium.

There’s no doubt that the potential for stagflation and for cataclysmic outcomes lurks behind today’s mix of low growth and relatively high inflation rates.


Global supply chains, already under pressure before COVID-19 because of Donald Trump’s trade wars, have been severely disrupted by the pandemic. There are shortages of containers and container ships that have forced the price of moving containers from China to Europe, or China to the US, up by hundreds of per cent.

The continuing effects of the pandemic, particularly the Delta variant, are producing labour shortages and wage inflation. There is also an unprecedented amount of liquidity sloshing around the global financial system from the responses of central banks and governments. Monetary and fiscal policies have been, and still are, ultra-loose.

Whether this backdrop leads to stagflation hinges on whether the influence and the supply-side shock it is generating are transitory or entrenched.

The answer matters. Persistently low growth and high inflation would force central banks to act, driving up interest rates in a world with unprecedented levels of debt to levels that would kill off the inflation but produce recessions, high unemployment rates and financial market meltdowns.

Supply-side shock: Prices for shipping containers and ships have skyrocketed.

Supply-side shock: Prices for shipping containers and ships have skyrocketed.Credit: Bloomberg

The challenges and question marks are on the supply side and whether the pandemic’s disruptions to production and investment can be resolved before inflation is baked in at an unpalatably high level.

The oil price is probably the least of the problems in this mix. OPEC, which had responded to a pre-pandemic over-supply and depressed prices with production cuts, has been cautious about restoring production over the past year. That rationing is self-imposed, however, and the cartel could pump more oil if it chose and US shale oil and gas production is recovering.

The high prices for oil, gas and coal, however, are also a result of efforts to reduce the carbon intensity of the global economy which is reducing investment in the sector and therefore the extent to which depleting resources can be maintained. The impact of China’s insatiable demand for fossil fuels means prices should remain relatively high in the near to medium term.

More problematic are the supply chain issues. The two big engines of global growth, the US and China, were already decoupling before the pandemic erupted.

By highlighting the vulnerabilities created by the reliance on those global supply chains for vital goods, the pandemic has generated extra pressures to re-shore activity regarded as of national interest, even as the intensifying tensions between China and much of the West were already leading to some restructuring of the global manufacturing base.


That will take time and add costs. The rise of China as the world’s manufacturing base and its turbo-charged growth after the global financial crisis was a key reason for the historically low levels of inflation over the past decade, which were seen as a problem rather than a benefit.

China exported deflation in recent decades, but its own improved living standards, the decoupling from the US and other major economies and severe cracks in its property and energy sectors that are being exacerbated by the pandemic and global settings is reducing its influence over global inflation levels.

Central banks have started to respond to elevated inflation rates. Some have raised rates and begun withdrawing some of the more extraordinary measures they took at the onset of the pandemic.

The US Federal Reserve Board, the most influential of the central banks, has foreshadowed that before the end of the year it will start winding down the $US120 billion-a-month bond and mortgage purchases it has been making since March last year. A rate rise could come as early as next year.

Governments, which responded to the once-in-a-century pandemic challenge with unprecedented fiscal stimulus on a scale far greater than their response to the financial crisis – have also ended, or started to withdraw, those emergency measures.

They will, of course, have to deal with the legacy of greatly increased debt, which is why some believe the combination of high inflation, low growth and increased indebtedness will lead to a new financial and economic crisis greater than that experienced in 2008.


While it could be argued that central bankers haven’t responded quickly enough to the threat of inflation – the Fed, and others, have maintained it is a transitory phenomenon that will disappear as a threat as the world continues to recover from the pandemic – they could, and probably should accelerate their plans to withdraw the excess liquidity in their financial systems, even if that might ignite some taper tantrums in markets.

In time, if fresh outbreaks of COVID-19 can be contained, the issues plaguing supply chains will be, if not resolved – they require long-term fixes – then at least better addressed, and the energy crisis could lead to more thought being given to the transition from fossil fuels to a net-zero emissions future, reducing the volatility in energy prices.

There’s no doubt, however, that the potential for stagflation and for cataclysmic outcomes lurks behind today’s mix of low growth and relatively high inflation rates.

That threat can be averted if policymakers are decisive and if economies continue to recover and achieve sustainable and respectable post-pandemic levels of growth.

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