

This was published 3 years ago


How I got a $13,878 tax refund this year (and topped up my super)

I’ve just received my biggest ever tax refund – $13,878 – and yes, I’m about to tell you exactly how.

For context, I am a high-income earner, in the mid-to-upper range of the $120,000 to $180,000 tax bracket, at which the 37 per cent marginal tax rate applies (plus the 2 per cent Medicare Levy).

This means, in effect, that every dollar I am able to claim as a deduction returns me 39 cents of overpaid tax at tax time. It’s quite the incentive, I can tell you.

Credit: Dionne Gain

This year, I claimed $2331 in deductions relating to my work as an employee, returning me about $900.

My top deduction was for expenses incurred while working from home for the entire past financial year. Using the simplified 80 cents per hour method, I claimed $1398 as a deduction (being 38 hours a week, for 46 working weeks, given that journalists get six weeks’ annual leave because we work public holidays.)

My next biggest deduction was for union fees paid of $689. I also claimed $195 for newspapers, magazines and books relevant to my work.

Finally, I’m still depreciating the cost of a $490 Kate Spade handbag I bought about seven years ago and still use as a briefcase. That’s a $49 deduction each year for 10 years. (Note: handbags/briefcases worth less than $300 can be claimed upfront in the first year.)

In addition to these deductions, I also enjoyed about a $2500 refund on excess tax instalments I’d made throughout the year to cover my side hustle income.

In addition to being a newspaper journalist, I also do a bit of public speaking and TV. I’ve done this for a number of years, so the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) requires me to pay quarterly tax instalments. Turns out I didn’t earn as much last financial year, so had overpaid tax.


But let’s get to the grand finale – the real reason my tax refund was so fat for last financial year. And that’s because in June, I made a one-off, voluntary contribution of $26,035 into my superannuation fund from my after-tax savings.

When you do this – and you stay within certain caps – you get to claim back every dollar of tax you’ve already paid on that income, which at 39 cents in the dollar, is a whopping refund of $10,154 for me.

It’s not all pure profit, of course.

When the contribution hit my super account, my fund was required to take 15 cents of every dollar and send it to the ATO.

What the tax office giveth on the one hand, it also taketh away. I paid $3905 in super tax on my voluntary contribution.

Still, when you deduct that from my income tax refund of $10,154, I’m still ahead by a tidy $6,249. That’s a pretty big chunk of my hard-earned money I now get to keep – albeit locked up in super until I’m 60 – rather than pay to the government in tax.

Now, there are a couple of important things to note about this strategy.

The first, as previously flagged, is that there is a cap each year on how much you can stuff into super and enjoy the low 15 cent rate. This year it’s $27,500 – up from $25,000 in previous years.

Crucially, this cap also includes the super contributions your employer makes on your behalf. For me, that’s about $16,000 a year, meaning I’ve only got about an extra $10,000 of room to play with.

So, how did I get away with stuffing in more than $26,000 in one go, on top of my employer contributions? Wouldn’t that have put me well above last financial year’s $25,000 cap?

Well, yes. But here’s the trick!

Until about three years ago, it used to be these annual concessional caps were a “use it or lose it” affair. Then the law was changed to allow people with super balances of $500,000 or less to roll over unused cap amounts from previous years, on a five-year rolling basis.

The first year this applied was 2018-19. So, if you haven’t deployed this strategy yet, it’s likely you have about three years’ worth of unused caps you can still use.

To find out how much room you have, log in to your MyGov account. Go to the ATO portal, click “Super”, then “Information”, then “Carry forward concessional contributions”.


I did just this in June and decided to max out all my cap amounts to turbocharge my super nest egg (having already secured a home to own and live in).

From there it was as simple as calling my super fund to get the BSB and account number needed to make a direct bank transfer.

It’s safest to do this a couple of weeks before June 30, to ensure the money gets there in the tax year in which you want to claim it.

Before you file your tax return, you must also fill out a special form called a “notice of intent to claim” and send it to your super fund. You must also wait to get confirmation from your fund that it has received this form. They will then tell the ATO of your intention to claim your super contribution as a tax deduction and off you go.

As a side note, I was a bit unclear about what this would all mean for my eligibility for government payments, specifically the Child Care Subsidy which I receive, given that voluntary super contributions are included as income in the means test for these payments.

However, while yes the contributions are added in, claiming them as a tax deduction also reduces your taxable income by the same amount. So, net-net, your income for government payments should be about the same. It was for me, although it may be worth getting advice if your tax affairs are not as straightforward as mine.

Definitely a strategy to consider!

  • Advice given in this article is general in nature and is not intended to influence readers’ decisions about investing or financial products. They should always seek their own professional advice that takes into account their own personal circumstances before making any financial decisions.

You can follow more of Jess’ money adventures on Instagram @moneywithjess and sign up to receive her weekly email newsletter.

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