

This was published 2 years ago

Adem Somyurek’s legend wilts under the anti-corruption spotlight

He wielded unprecedented influence in Labor, but the operation that got him there was held together with ‘crazy glue’. How did he stay on top for so long?

By Sumeyya Ilanbey

Adem Somyurek has fallen from grace, his collapsed empire being scrutinised by an anti-corruption watchdog.

Adem Somyurek has fallen from grace, his collapsed empire being scrutinised by an anti-corruption watchdog. Credit: Jason South

By late 2019, Labor politician Adem Somyurek had built a huge political empire, declared war on his rivals, threatened the careers of other parliamentarians and silenced his enemies as he seized control of large sections of the Victorian party and became a factional powerbroker of unrivalled influence.

But the picture that started emerging from an unprecedented inquiry before the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission this week was of a man who, behind the “f--- the Premier” and “I’ll be running the joint” bravado captured on secret recordings last year, was growing paranoid, increasingly agitated and afraid things were already slipping through his fingers. According to evidence, Somyurek had begun recruiting inexperienced ministerial staff into an intense branch-stacking operation, hired people who would not turn up to work, and verbally abused those in his inner circle.

The inquiry, a co-ordinated investigation between IBAC and the Victorian Ombudsman, is into allegations of corrupt conduct involving Victorian public officers, including members of Parliament. It is looking into a range of matters including allegations of branch stacking – an organised method of accumulating internal power in a party by recruiting, and usually paying the fees for, new members.

Somyurek is at the centre of it. But witnesses before the commission’s public hearings this week testified that, even at the height of his factional power, the kingdom he presided over was a house of cards held together by “crazy glue and sticky tape”.

It’s not just the dodgy but legal practice of branch stacking that’s the subject of IBAC’s public hearings, which began on Monday and will continue for several more weeks. Something far more serious is being examined: what counsel assisting the inquiry, Chris Carr, SC, described as the “premeditated systemic rorting of taxpayer resources”.

Ellen Schreiber, Adam Sullivan and Anthony Byrne testified at IBAC this week, exposing the inner workings of Adem Somyurek’s Moderate Labor faction.

Ellen Schreiber, Adam Sullivan and Anthony Byrne testified at IBAC this week, exposing the inner workings of Adem Somyurek’s Moderate Labor faction. Credit:

“When corruption occurs in the public sector it hurts all of us,” Carr said. “We expect our public officials to behave responsibly and with integrity, and for public resources to be used for the intended purpose to benefit the Victorian community.”


From the allegations raised in IBAC so far, Somyurek, once the most influential backroom player in the Victorian Labor Party, fell well short of those expectations.

Somyurek disputes this account. In response to queries from The Age he attacked Byrne and others and claimed the evidence before IBAC had “debunked” a “racist narrative” that “Byrne and the other Anglo Saxons were victims of the avarice of ‘the other’, that is me and my oriental hordes”.

Dysfunctional, incompetent, chaotic

Somyurek was not the disease; he was a symptom of what Carr this week described as “endemic” branch stacking inside the Labor Party dating back two decades. But the evidence suggested that while a significant number of factional operatives and powerbrokers had bent the rules over the years, Somyurek industrialised the operation.

He was a man in pursuit of power, even though it is not clear entirely what this power was intended to achieve. He was a minister, twice, but his policy ambitions were rarely spelled out. His influence was exercised almost exclusively within the cogs of the Labor machine to install himself and his allies in positions of power.

His methods were brutal. His inner circle described him in the hearings this week as a “megalomaniac” and “Mein Fuehrer”. Evidence heard at IBAC suggested he hauled inexperienced young ministerial staffers into his branch-stacking factory, pressured federal and state MPs into hiring factional allies, paid for people’s ALP memberships, employed electorate officers who rarely turned up to work and forced other Labor MPs from his so-called “Moderate” right-wing faction to loan their taxpayer-funded staff members to do internal ALP jobs.

Counsel assisting the commission, Chris Carr, SC, has been questioning witnesses.

Counsel assisting the commission, Chris Carr, SC, has been questioning witnesses. Credit: AAP


Rival factions watched aghast as the Moderates, or “Mods”, grew in size. They failed to grasp how the former local government and small business minister managed to bring in thousands of fake members, fill out hundreds of ballots and rake in thousands of dollars in cash to pay for people’s party membership fees.

IBAC investigators uncovered evidence that Adam Sullivan, Somyurek’s former electorate officer, who was supposed to be attending to the needs of Somyurek’s electors in the South-Eastern Metropolitan Region, would instead spend his afternoons, while being paid by the taxpayer, collecting internal ALP ballot forms, dropping off cash to Somyurek at Parliament House, and collecting thousands of dollars “stuffed in envelopes” for the “kitty”, which was used to pay for membership to control branches and secure positions in office.

Staff in his ministerial office – whose job was to help enact government policies – were equally co-opted. Ellen Schreiber, Somyurek’s former ministerial office executive assistant, spoke of at times spending up to 80 per cent of her taxpayer-funded working day on factional tasks, and accessing the electoral roll unlawfully for branch-stacking purposes.

Sullivan described an electorate office that was “dysfunctional”, “decrepit, run down and filled with cobwebs”, and staff who either did not turn up to work or spent their entire taxpayer-funded working days on factional activities.


The former Labor minister breathed down people’s necks, Sullivan testified, as he demanded an all-hands-on-deck operation to conceal the cracks and expand the empire. If you weren’t being used, Sullivan told IBAC, you were considered useless - someone to be cast aside and left out.

“Contrary to media reports of Moderate Labor bestriding the globe like a Colossus, it was actually a house of straw,” Sullivan said on Wednesday.


When The Age and 60 Minutes exposed Somyurek’s branch-stacking operation last year, leading to his sacking, Labor members were astounded. This week they have been left speechless. They were familiar with the methods of stacking branches and readily admit they themselves have bent the rules, but said the dedication of resources to this operation was “unprecedented”.

Internal ALP membership meetings that would usually take less than an hour were taking six hours under Somyurek’s reign, the commission heard, as Moderate Labor increasingly signed up new members and fought to oppose the applications of those from rival factions. On a count of “reissued ballots” – a handy proxy measure for branch stacking – Moderate branches absolutely overran their rivals.

“The Mods breached Newton’s third law: ‘the size of the forces on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object’. No one was able or willing to use the same sized force because people didn’t want to end up in prison or ruin their government,” one Right Labor member said.

IBAC uncovered a scheme grand in scale and volume, but poorly executed. One factional heavyweight described it in terms of war against a vastly more populous army: “There were waves and waves coming at you. The Mods weren’t good but there were a lot of them.”

Take down your enemies

In 1999, a relatively unknown Adem Kubilay Somyurek had his first taste of victory. He secured the votes of 200 people in the preselection battle for the safe, south-east suburban federal seat of Holt and flipped the result in favour of his friend Anthony Byrne. The young and talented Jill Hennessy had been pipped at the post, according to Byrne’s testimony at IBAC this week. No one really questioned the method – it was a familiar one – and all that seemingly mattered was that the numbers had been secured.


By 2002 Byrne had returned the favour and, in his words, “put [Somyurek] into Parliament”. In 2010, Daniel Andrews elevated him to shadow cabinet, and upon Labor’s surprise election win in 2014, Somyurek was sworn in as minister for small business, innovation and trade. Just eight months later he was forced to resign for bullying his chief-of-staff, Dimity Paul. Somyurek was livid and humiliated.

No one in Labor can point to the exact moment when the practised branch stacker became the “megalomaniac” he was depicted as this week, but several Labor insiders refer to the period between 2016 and 2018 as critical. He became ruthless. Those who attempted to call out Somyurek were targeted in the Herald Sun and by the Opposition.

The young Jill Hennessy, future state Attorney-General, beaten out of the federal seat of Holt in 2002.

The young Jill Hennessy, future state Attorney-General, beaten out of the federal seat of Holt in 2002.Credit: Angela Wylie

In June 2015 the Herald Sun reported that Dimity Paul had been “accused of undermining her boss before lodging complaints against him”, raised questions about “the running of the office, which is led by Ms Paul”, and claimed Somyurek was the victim of a factional stitch-up.

In early 2018, then minister John Eren alleged to parliamentary authorities that Somyurek had threatened him with a butter knife during a heated dispute in Parliament. Somyurek denied the allegations and those close to him began briefing journalists. Eren had been alcohol-affected, the story went – a claim Eren emphatically rejected.

The next morning during question time, Opposition Leader Matthew Guy bowled the first question to Andrews: “Premier, have you asked your Minister for Sport, a former boxer, how much and for how long had he been drinking before he assaulted Labor colleague Adem Somyurek, who is a teetotaller, in the parliamentary dining room last night?”

Despite all this, following the 2018 election, the Premier welcomed Somyurek back into the ministry.


“To my good friend, Adem Somyurek, I’m very pleased to welcome Adem back to the cabinet and he’s going to do a fantastic job,” Andrews said.

Somyurek, described by former prime minister Kevin Rudd as the “Frankenstein of factional politics”, was back.

“Daniel is a combination of having sensible management and fear, in equal measure,” said one Labor source. “Anybody who claimed they had organisational clout, their interests would be looked after. Daniel damaged the situation by allowing [factional players] to take it as a given that political clout would be rewarded.”

Adem Somyurek was welcomed back into the Victorian Cabinet after the 2018 election.

Adem Somyurek was welcomed back into the Victorian Cabinet after the 2018 election. Credit: Eddie Jim

A factional vacuum

Somyurek had been given the chance to build this power when, in 2016, the Right faction’s two biggest powerbrokers, Bill Shorten and Stephen Conroy, vacated the field. Somyurek stepped in.

“Conroy built Rome but he wasn’t looking at Nero coming right behind him,” a Left faction source said on condition of anonymity to discuss internal party matters.

But while Shorten, at least, had policy and leadership ambitions, Labor insiders describe Somyurek as a man without a policy bone in his body. According to Byrne’s evidence, his “sole objective was power and power alone”. Those who know Somyurek say he ultimately wanted a federal seat, once he had sorted out the fact that he is a dual Turkish-Australian citizen.

“He’s not that good a minister: not good on detail, no policy, not that competent,” according to one senior Labor source. “He should have made sure he had good staff and dedicated them to try and compensate for what he wasn’t doing.”

Instead, it seems from this week’s hearings, he used them to stack branches.

In their testimonies, Sullivan and Schreiber said they believed Somyurek “didn’t want a functioning office in the typical sense of the word”. He was in Parliament and cabinet purely on his organisational clout, so he needed to focus on that.

”If you are going to be a member of Parliament, that by virtue of having stacked branches you’re in Parliament, you’re going to need to have someone from your office to engage in this sort of activity, otherwise you’re not going to be in Parliament for much [longer],” Sullivan said.

As IBAC lays out the dirtiest of their party’s laundry, Labor members have been reflecting on what they could have done differently.

“There were genuine attempts [to pull Somyurek into line],” says one Labor source, “but he had the media on his side trying to take down a government. Internal people were scared of him and look at the way he treated his victims: Dimity was shunned from the party, he portrayed John Eren as a drunk in Parliament House, he abused people via text messages and spread rumours about them. And it just became exhausting, and he somehow kept fighting back.”

The only way of stopping him, they say, was “a nuclear option” from his inner circle.

“Anthony Byrne pressed the button, and this is basically our Hiroshima and its after-effect. It’s taken years to get here, and it’ll take years to recover.”

Federal Labor MP Anthony Byrne has resigned as deputy chairman of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security.

Federal Labor MP Anthony Byrne has resigned as deputy chairman of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

So what happens next?

While branch stacking breaches internal Labor rules, it is not in itself unlawful or corrupt. It would not ordinarily be a matter for police or anti-corruption watchdogs, but IBAC has indicated the culture it engenders has led to misuse of taxpayer funds and grants, and must therefore be addressed.

The first week’s evidence suggests IBAC will make some recommendations about what the roles and expectations of electorate officers should be. This will cause some consternation for party members who say the role is inherently political, and they are invested in getting their members of Parliament, and therefore their party, re-elected.


A bigger blow might be waiting further into the hearings, if more evidence comes to light as IBAC investigates the alleged misuse of taxpayer-funded multicultural grants for factional activities, and payments for services that were not performed.

Politically, the Labor Party and the state government are on tenterhooks. Andrews lost three ministers to The Age and 60 Minutes investigation last year, and on Monday, just four hours into the first day of public hearings, a fourth minister, Luke Donnellan, resigned from cabinet. Federal Labor leader Anthony Albanese hasn’t censured Byrne after he admitted to branch stacking, but the veteran Holt MP has resigned from the powerful joint parliamentary committee on intelligence and security.

There are calls for the Premier himself, who in the late ’90s and early 2000s was part of the Socialist Left faction machine, to give evidence. But there is no suggestion that he misused taxpayer funds, and no suggestion yet, despite the clamour of the Herald Sun and others, that he will be hauled before IBAC. However, his party will be excoriated and embarrassed over the next four weeks, and Andrews will be forced to answer uncomfortable questions at the same time as he begins the diabolical task of opening up the economy and starting to live with COVID-19.


Labor might look on this as an opportunity to finally clean house.

“You do look at what IBAC has uncovered and you can’t defend it,” says one senior party source, “but the question is what will come out of that and will it actually be positive?”

In the end, Andrews will be judged on whether he turned a blind eye to the breaches related to power, trust and public funds being carried out under his nose because it was politically expedient to do so, even when, stripped back, the operation Somyurek was running was a shambles.

“Maybe everyone else in the Labor Party were the ones who were too weak,” muses a Labor operative, “and had just assumed Somyurek was more powerful than he actually was.”

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