

This was published 2 years ago

MPs set to defy ‘undemocratic’ vaccine mandate as opposition declares support

By Paul Sakkal, Nick Bonyhady, Annika Smethurst and Michael Fowler

Three Victorians MPs are set to be banned from Parliament next month for refusing to get vaccinated or produce evidence of their inoculation status.

Late on Thursday night, the state government circulated a motion to upper house members stating that, “in order to protect the health and safety of members and parliamentary staff”, MPs must have their first jab by October 22.

David Limbrick is unhappy with the vaccine mandate.

David Limbrick is unhappy with the vaccine mandate.Credit: Eddie Jim

Forest Hill MP Neil Angus, a Liberal Party member, told several colleagues he was unwilling to get a COVID-19 vaccine. That will make him ineligible to sit in Parliament under the government’s push, supported by the opposition, to mandate vaccines.

Senior Liberal sources confirmed to The Age that Mr Angus told Opposition Leader Matthew Guy on Thursday that he would not be inoculated. Mr Angus declined to comment.

Mr Guy told The Age the Coalition supported the motion, meaning it would pass the Parliament. He said he was “urging and encouraging” all his MPs, including Mr Angus, to get vaccinated before the deadline later this month.

Upper house Liberal Democrat MP David Limbrick said he and party colleague Tim Quilty would refuse to hand over their medical details. Even though both are vaccinated, Mr Limbrick said the condition breached the human right of participation in public life.

Premier Daniel Andrews entering the back entrance of Victorian Parliament on Thursday.

Premier Daniel Andrews entering the back entrance of Victorian Parliament on Thursday.Credit: Getty

The move would make Victoria the first state to block vaccine-hesitant MPs from voting on behalf of their constituents.

It would also strengthen the government’s position in the upper house, where it holds 17 of 40 seats and often relies on crossbenchers to pass legislation.


Mr Limbrick said the government was using the mandate to reduce the number of MPs likely to vote against an upcoming emergency powers bill that would give it the legal ability to enforce many public health rules.

“I think this is one of the most undemocratic things I've ever seen,” he said.

“If the motion passes, which I presume it will, we won’t comply with it. We won’t be handing over out details … to participate in public life.

“Basically, what they’re doing is removing opposition to their pandemic legislation.”

The motion, to be debated next week, would result in non-compliant MPs having their security access pass revoked.

Treasurer Tim Pallas urged the two Liberal Democrats MPs to “just shed the ideology momentarily”, saying elected officials had a responsibility to set an example to their community.

Liberal Party insiders say state MP Neil Angus is resisting the push to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

Liberal Party insiders say state MP Neil Angus is resisting the push to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

“That is an imperative because [not complying] might be an expression of their liberty, but it’s also an existential threat to those that they interact with if they cannot demonstrate that they are vaccinated,” Mr Pallas said.

He added that the state’s constitution prevented MPs from casting votes from outside Parliament.


Those who refused to show their vaccination status would be treated as though they had breached an order of the house, and would have their access to the precinct revoked until the second sitting day of next year. The suspension would be lifted if the MP got their jab.

The Premier’s office said on Thursday all Labor MPs had received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose, while the Liberal Party said all but one of its MPs was vaccinated.

While most MPs have been vaccinated, the mandate is likely to prompt an ethical and legal debate about whether it is reasonable to deny some voters a voice in Parliament because their elected representative doesn’t want to be vaccinated, or feels uncomfortable declaring their status.

The motion would also block upper house MPs from attending their offices if they were not inoculated.

The mandate for MPs is aligned with government health orders that require authorised workers – which include politicians – to be vaccinated. However, it would go further by making it a rule of the Houses of Parliament that MPs, without a medical exemption, were vaccinated.

The motion states Parliament staff must not share MPs’ vaccine status, and should destroy the information provided by MPs when appropriate to do so.

Public health directions that enshrined Victoria’s mandate in law on Thursday revealed authorised workers who refused to get vaccinated could be fined $21,720, while businesses could be slugged almost $110,000. In addition, any individual caught giving false or misleading information about their vaccination status could be fined almost $10,860 and businesses $54,300.

The directions also detailed that judges and magistrates would no longer be forced to get the jab to continue in their job.

Mr Pallas confirmed the state received advice that it could not legally bind people who worked in court proceedings because of a “separation of powers issue”. However, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Anne Ferguson said the vaccination rate among judicial officers was “extremely high” anyway.

No other parliament in Australia has mandated vaccines, but NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard said last month his state’s speaker was exploring the idea.

“My personal view is that all MPs should be vaccinated,” Mr Hazzard said.

One of Australia’s leading constitutional law scholars, Anne Twomey, said the Houses of Parliament had authority to make rules about the conduct of their business through standing orders under the state’s constitution, but flagged issues could arise with parts of the proposed vaccination mandate.

Professor Twomey, from the University of Sydney, said “the chamber is likely to be entitled to protect the health and safety of its members”.

“Its powers are unlikely to extend outside the chamber and rooms set aside for its members,” she said, but added there are other pieces of legislation giving officers of the Parliament the power to stop people accessing the precinct.

MPs also have various immunities and privileges that could allow them to access Parliament.

“That could potentially give rise to a legal controversy,” Professor Twomey said.

She also cautioned that a standing order of the house was unlikely to extend to imposing restrictions on an MP accessing their electorate office, but noted that the law in this area is intensely complex and such a provision could be supported by other pieces of legislation.


Simon Longstaff, executive director of The Ethics Centre, said the proposal was “quite remarkable, but that’s not to say it’s wrong”.

He said it was up for debate whether an MP’s right to attend Parliament was absolute or whether it was conditional.

To illustrate the point, Dr Longstaff said it would be reasonable to block MPs from entering Parliament if they were suffering from an infectious disease.

However, he said the government would ideally exhaust all reasonable alternatives to make Parliament a safe environment with unvaccinated MPs attending. This could include using rapid tests at entrances or using committee rooms to home unvaccinated MPs.

The federal government has encouraged eligible Australians to get their COVID-19 jab, but has to-date, shied away from broadly mandating vaccines. However, it did back state moves to make vaccines mandatory for aged care workers, based on health advice.

Veteran Victorian federal Liberal MP Russell Broadbent announced last week that he would not receive a coronavirus vaccination.

Several Liberal Party sources confirmed a motion was put before the Warragul branch of the party questioning how he could remain the federal MP for Monash given his “public refusal to vaccinate for COVID-19”, but it was voted down.

“People here are furious, and it’s a huge concern,” one local Liberal source told The Age. “He can’t go to Canberra, and parliament won’t let him.”

The Age has spoken to several party officials who confirmed Mr Broadbent would apply for a pair. If approved that would mean the government’s margin in the House of Representatives would not be affected.

Federal Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese and the federal Greens have taken a similar position to the federal government, though former opposition leader Bill Shorten supports mandatory jabs for MPs.

Personnel working in Federal Parliament will be offered Pfizer vaccines at a clinic in the building on Monday ahead of a sitting fortnight later this month, but there has been no indication from either ACT authorities or the government that jabs will be a condition of entry.

Several federal MPs are not vaccinated, including Mr Broadbent and One Nation leader Pauline Hanson.

With Tammy Mills

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