

This was published 3 years ago

Australian professor named in ‘most influential’ list for virus work

By Stuart Layt

Australian professor Lidia Morawska says making Time magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world list has capped a “year of frustration”.

Professor Morawska, who for the past 30 years has been based at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, has been added to the 2021 list of the world’s most influential people as judged by Time.

QUT professor and internationally recognised air quality expert Lidia Morawska has been named on Time’s annual 100 most influential people list.

QUT professor and internationally recognised air quality expert Lidia Morawska has been named on Time’s annual 100 most influential people list.Credit: Queensland University of Technology

The list this year is headed by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and includes US President Joe Biden, tech entrepreneur Elon Musk and musician Dolly Parton.

Professor Morawska is an internationally renowned air quality expert, and Time added her to the list for spear-heading global efforts to shift thinking about COVID-19 to recognise that it was spread through aerosol particles in the air, rather than droplets on surfaces.

“Lidia Morawska stands out among peers for her work in recognising the importance of aerosol transmission and marshalling the data that would convince the World Health Organisation and other authoritative bodies to do the same,” US Food and Drug Administration administrator Scott Gottlieb, writing in Time, said of her.

“Her advocacy helped change practices everywhere from schools to workplaces, making these environments safer for more people around the world.”

Professor Morawska said she was “quite amazed” to be added to the list, and said it gave her some “human satisfaction” after having to fight hard for health authorities in many countries to acknowledge aerosol spread of the virus.

“It’s wonderful, but it follows more than a year of frustration that people are exposed to the virus, potentially exposed to the virus, potentially dying of this,” she said.

“More than frustration, it was almost like a pain because we knew this is a problem, and it took a long time to get people to listen.”


She said she was still facing an uphill battle to get authorities to acknowledge more broadly that the pandemic had shown that air quality in major cities, especially indoors, was far below where it should be.


In May this year, Professor Morawska led a group of almost 40 researchers from 14 countries calling in the journal Science for a “paradigm shift” in combating airborne pathogens, saying not just COVID-19 but the flu and even the common cold should not be thought of as inevitable.

“Being named on the Time list gives an indication of the societal importance of this,” she said. “So this is less about me and more about acknowledging everyone who works in this space.

“I hope this recognition will make our requests for clean indoor air free of pathogens easier to achieve.”

Professor Morawska also recently joined forces with a number of other prominent Australian scientists to launch the OzSage modelling group, set up to give independent modelling and advice on epidemiology, health and economics.

The group recently released a preliminary advice paper with recommendations on how Australia could safely reopen in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Professor Morawska settled in Brisbane 30 years ago after growing up in Poland, and then working as a nuclear physics researcher in Poland and Canada before transitioning to atmospheric, building and human exposure science.

Her work is internationally renowned, and in addition to being a Distinguished Professor at QUT, she has also been a WHO advisor for the past 25 years, and was elected a Fellow to the Australian Academy of Science in 2020.

She said despite her year of “frustration” she would continue to push for better air quality to be seen as a pressing public health issue.

“If you look at past pandemics, they all transformed society and something positive always came out of them,” she said.

“So I hope the importance of air quality is one of the positive lessons which we take from this pandemic.”

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