

This was published 3 years ago


What happens when cancel culture meets vaccination mandates? Just ask Guy Sebastian

Even by modern standards, it’s been an epic week for cancellations. Prime Minister Scott Morrison led the way with the social media-turned-mainstream-media backlash to his weekend jaunt to Sydney, perfectly timed for Father’s Day.

Morrison and his defenders mounted the valid defence that he was entitled to go home and broke no rules. But as always with such cases, there is the technical defence and the moral one. Morrison did rather look like he was escaping Canberra sneakily, sidling inter-state and hoping no one would notice. That’s if one can sidle anywhere on a private RAAF jet which costs taxpayers about $4000 a return flight.

A video of Nadia Bartel snorting white powder was uploaded to Instagram.

A video of Nadia Bartel snorting white powder was uploaded to Instagram.

But Morrison’s week was nothing on Nadia Bartel’s, whose name many, including this author, were unacquainted with until she got in trouble for breaching lockdown rules in Melbourne.

Bartel is a former AFL WAG, who now inhabits the brightly lit netherworld between model/Instagram influencer/socialite. She was filmed snorting white lines of powder at an illegal party with some of her friends. The plate from which she was snorting cost $3 from Kmart, but Bartel was not being paid to endorse Kmart (although it does do a very fetching line of kiln-fired glazed crockery). The video was accidentally uploaded to social media and the public shaming began.

To many of us, it is strange that such a video would be taken in the first place, let alone uploaded to Instagram. But the rules of that game have flipped – for some, it is far stranger not to video yourself having performative fun, and if it’s filmed, it is only natural to “share” it on social media.


Bartel lost lucrative sponsorships and was fined $5452 by Victorian authorities for being at an illegal private gathering. She posted a lengthy apology to her social media accounts, saying she was “embarrassed and remorseful” and was “committed to taking all the necessary steps to ensure I make better choices in the future”.

Such apologies have become so pro forma that apparently there are websites where you can cut and paste the one you need, depending on the genre of your public shaming, and what level of sorry you want to be.

You might say that if you require your public relations team to draft your apology for you, it is not heartfelt. But these days personal sincerity is trumped by the need to get such things “right”, otherwise it’ll end up being even worse for you.


However, as pointed out by Anne Applebaum in The Atlantic, post-cancellation apologies are usually pointless. In her article, “The New Puritans”, which examines new social codes and the punishments meted out to those who transgress them, Applebaum argues that such apologies don’t fix the problem. “More often than not, apologies will be parsed, examined for ‘sincerity’ – and then rejected,” she writes.

Which brings us to the week’s third cancellation, that of pop singer Guy Sebastian. A highly paid presenter on television show The Voice, and a successful recording artist, Sebastian is naturally seen as a leader in the Australian music scene.


Last week he posted to his Instagram account material for a campaign called #VaxTheNation. It is a pro-vaccination campaign led by the music industry, an industry decimated by the pandemic, and one that has received far too little government support. The campaign urges people to get vaccinated so they can enjoy live music again. It sounds uncontroversial enough, except on social media nothing is uncontroversial. Goodwill is in short supply and consensus is elusive.

Sebastian clearly offended some important (at least to him) people with his pro-vaccination activism, and he did a quick about-turn, apologising for the post, which he said was uploaded without his “direct involvement”. He said he would “never, ever tell people what to do when it comes to their personal health choices”.

The pop singer’s pro-vax retraction was met with a swift backlash, not least from his fellow music artists, who accused him of spinelessness. 2GB radio host Ray Hadley told Sebastian to “get the splinters out of your arse. Get off the fence.”

The whole thing was a fascinating case study in what happens when pro-vaccination stances and vaccination mandates meet cancel culture.

We can expect many more of these clashes as society opens up. Individuals, business owners and governments will be forced to choose between keeping the majority of people safe, and respecting the right of people to make personal choices about what goes into their body.

In a world where everyone has an opinion, and the weight of that opinion can affect your livelihood, how can anyone afford to take any kind of stand? In choosing the “personal choice” side of the vaccination debate, you can easily give up your right to hold personal principles, not to mention those principles themselves.

Last week the ABC’s 7.30 reported on the punishment meted out to businesses trialling a vaccination “red-light/green-light” system to choose who they allow on their premises. This is not just about keeping workers safe and respected; it’s about clientele as well, and the reputation of the business.

Would you patronise a doctor’s surgery, a chiropractic business, a hairdressing salon, which “respected the right” of its workers and clients to not get vaccinated?

Illustration: Reg Lynch

Illustration: Reg LynchCredit: The Sun-Herald

We make countless small decisions and compromises to live alongside each other peacefully and safely. To think otherwise is the wannabe-libertarian fantasy of a 15-year-old who has just had a political awakening. It feels profound to him, but amounts to little more than: “I should be able to do what I want.”

The upshot of this looming conflict between social-media-charged vaccine “choicers” and social-media-charged vaccine mandators is that people will be forced to nail their colours to the mast. It might help to remind ourselves that while online consequences can be nasty, the real-life ones are usually worse.

Twitter: @JacquelineMaley

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