

This was published 3 years ago

‘Bored out of my mind’: Children and parents rejoice at playgrounds reopening

By Chloe Booker and Petra Stock

After spending almost all their time inside since Melbourne’s playgrounds were shut last month, Corinne Moesch’s three children are jumping for joy at news they will soon reopen.

Premier Daniel Andrews made the expected announcement on Wednesday afternoon that playgrounds would reopen from 11.59pm on Thursday.

Rocco, 9, Reggie, 7, and Evie, 4, are happy that playgrounds will be reopening.

Rocco, 9, Reggie, 7, and Evie, 4, are happy that playgrounds will be reopening. Credit: Joe Armao

The Preston West children had refused to go on walks since playgrounds closed on August 16 and Ms Moesch’s diminished mental health left her without energy to find alternative outside activities.

“I’ve been bored out of my mind because I can’t go to the playground,” Ms Moesch’s son, nine-year-old Rocco Crupi, said. “I just love the monkey bars.”

But the news had the children excited. “It’s amazing,” Rocco shouted.

Seven-year-old Reggie said he couldn’t wait to meet new friends on the equipment and four-year-old Evie had just one word – “happy”.

There will be rules around playground use. They will be open only for children under the age of 12. Only one carer can attend and adults should not remove their masks to eat or drink, and QR codes will be introduced for carers to check in.

Ms Moesch, who is fully vaccinated, welcomed the reopening of playgrounds too, but said she would encourage her children to keep a distance from other children and may visit less than she was previously.

“[Delta] spreads so easily and it gets to kids. My son has asthma, maybe we should stay home. It’s hard,” she said.


However, Ms Moesch said, on balance, it was worth the small risk to have her children happily back with their friends.


“I’m pretty excited,” she said. “I miss my friends. We’ve got quite a few locals that we do bump into on occasion, so that will be nice to see them again.”

Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton warned he would again advise playgrounds should shut if parents or guardians took their masks off or sat down and ate together.

“My advice on playgrounds [closing], originally, was because we saw that people were using it as a loophole to have de facto meetings across households, neighbourhoods, families,” he said.

“It’ll be one parent or guardian attending those playgrounds; you will not be taking your mask down to eat or drink, because that’s when transmission occurs.

“Of course, I’ll have to come to the same [conclusion] about whether we can have playgrounds open if that’s the behaviour that is [again] occurring.”

Professor Sutton said he was reopening playgrounds with children’s wellbeing in mind.

He said health advisers had suspicions that transmission may be occurring in playgrounds and that “definitive evidence” to close playgrounds was not required when people sitting and eating together without masks was a known risk.

Children living in apartments, who make up 44 per cent of apartment dwellers according to ABS census data, have been particularly affected by closures of skate parks and playgrounds.

Magda Czapiewska and her three-year-old daughter Jana, who live in an apartment in Northcote near All Nations Park, have been going on a lot of nature walks since playgrounds shut on August 16.


They collect rocks or sit and watch the birds and ducks at a nearby pond.

It sounds idyllic, but Ms Czapiewska said coming up with alternatives for outdoor play required more effort when many didn’t have the resources and energy due to the pandemic.

She was relieved they could return to their daily rhythm of going to the playground.

“[It’s an] activity which helps everyone’s mental wellbeing, both kids and parents,” she said.

Sharon Goldfeld, a paediatrician and public health physician at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, had been concerned playground closures were particularly impacting children living in medium- and high-density housing.

“Play is at the centre of children’s physical development, social emotional development and language development,” she said.

“And they’re exercising all three areas of development when they’re playing outdoors.”

Professor Goldfeld said there were examples from overseas on how playgrounds could be made safer during a pandemic, including parents getting vaccinated, masks for adults and older children, hand sanitiser, wiping down equipment, and social distancing where possible.

Barb Champion, executive director of Play Australia, said children’s rights shouldn’t have priority over public health needs during a pandemic.

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