

This was published 3 years ago

Hit squads for hire: the shady underworld of Colombian mercenaries

By Patrick J. McDonnell and Los Angeles Times

Mexico City: As he considered a new job offer, Mauricio Javier Romero asked his wife what she thought — but provided few details about the mission.

“It’s your decision , but you can count on my support,” she told him, according to the Colombian publication Semana. “He was a man who always tried to do the right thing.”

Haitian authorities say Romero was part of a team of 26 Colombian mercenaries — most if not all former soldiers — who took part in the July 7 assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moise at his residence in the verdant hills above Port-au-Prince.

Colombia has conceded that the citizens who had been arrested in Haiti following the assassination were former members of its military.

Colombia has conceded that the citizens who had been arrested in Haiti following the assassination were former members of its military. Credit: AP

Police said that 18 are in custody in Haiti, five are fugitives and three were killed in the aftermath of the slaying.

Among the dead is Romero, 45, a retired first sergeant who served for 21 years in the Colombian army.


Besides opening a bloody new cycle of upheaval in the battered Caribbean nation, the assassination has provided a glimpse into the murky world of soldiers of fortune from Colombia — a key US strategic ally that has weathered decades of internal warfare and boasts a robust military tradition, honed with extensive training by the US Department of Defence.

There is no global census of mercenaries. But the trade appears to have boomed since US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan outsourced tasks to military contractors — many of them mercenaries in all but name.

“Now that the US is no longer the big sugar daddy, the market has really diversified,” said Sean McFate, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and author of The New Rules of War. “We’re seeing mercenaries everywhere.”


He cited three main clusters: English speakers, Russian speakers and Spanish speakers. Colombians are at the vanguard of the last group, which also includes ex-combatants from El Salvador, Guatemala and elsewhere in Latin America.

“Now that the US is no longer the big sugar daddy, the market has really diversified.”

Sean McFate, the Atlantic Council

For years, hundreds of military retirees from Colombia — many with extensive knowledge of counter-insurgency warfare — have shopped their skills abroad, notably in the Middle East, where the United Arab Emirates has employed them for both internal security and foreign intervention.

By all accounts, Colombian veterans make exceptional guns-for-hire for deep-pocketed potentates, warlords and others seeking to create or bolster an army — or assemble a hit squad.

“Why are Colombian soldiers good candidates? Because they have excellent training, excellent discipline, and because they have had the experience of combat,” said Carlos Calatrava, a military expert at the Andrés Bello Catholic University in Caracas, Venezuela. “There are always groups looking for well-trained individuals for the job of protection and security.”

And money talks.

A Colombian army soldier typically makes the equivalent of less than $677 a month; an experienced sergeant may earn double that. Monthly pensions for retirees from those ranks are only the equivalent of $440 to $800. Many supplement post-service income working as security guards.

By comparison, the Colombians who allegedly helped assassinate the Haitian president were reportedly paid up to $4700 a month. They were apparently brought on in staggered fashion in the weeks before the attack, mostly flying initially to Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, which borders Haiti.

Ten days after her husband was killed, Haiti’s first lady Martine Moise returned home on Saturday (Sunday AEST).

Moise, who was wounded in the arm during the attack, was evacuated on a medivac flight on July 7 to Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport and immediately taken to Jackson Health System’s Ryder Trauma Centre, where she underwent surgery.

Moise’s right arm was in a sling when she stepped onto the tarmac at Toussaint Louverture International Airport at the end of a charter flight from Miami with members of her family.

Haiti’s first lady Martine Moise, wearing a bullet proof vest and her right arm in a sling, arrives at the Toussaint Louverture International Airport, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Saturday, July 17, 2021.

Haiti’s first lady Martine Moise, wearing a bullet proof vest and her right arm in a sling, arrives at the Toussaint Louverture International Airport, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Saturday, July 17, 2021.

Before leaving Miami, Moïse thanked the doctors and nurses at Jackson with a message posted to her personal Twitter account.

“Thank you to the team of guardian angels who helped me through this terrible time,” she said. “With your gentle touch, kindness and care, I was able to hold on. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

Moise’s state funeral will be on July 23. His widow is expected to help in the planning, along with a committee announced by the government.

It was money that likely drew Dubernay Capador Giraldo, 40, another retired Colombian first sergeant killed after the assassination, to Haiti. Capador apparently talked up the gig to various ex-colleagues, including Romero.

“Dubernay thought that this would give him the opportunity to travel abroad to improve his quality of life,” his sister, Jenny Capador Giraldo told the Spanish daily El País.

Colombian Armed Forces Commander General Luis Fernando Navarro, centre National Police Director General Jorge Luis Vargas, right, and Army Commander General Eduardo Zapateriro.

Colombian Armed Forces Commander General Luis Fernando Navarro, centre National Police Director General Jorge Luis Vargas, right, and Army Commander General Eduardo Zapateriro.Credit: AP

Word-of-mouth solicitation is the norm in insular mercenary circles. Shady middleman outfits — the names of several have emerged in the Haiti investigation — count on trusted recruits to find battle-tested former comrades to sign up.

“Hey, we need some more people like you,” goes the pitch, McFate said. “Rattle your cages and use your networks.”

Secrecy is fundamental. Loose lips are anathema.

The government of the United Arab Emirates has never admitted to hiring mercenaries from Colombia. Initially recruited a decade or so ago to protect oil and gas pipelines and prepare for possible hostilities with Iran, some Colombians in the Persian Gulf were eventually dispatched to the US-backed, Saudi-Emirati war against Yemen.

Even when 10 Colombians were reportedly killed in 2015 during fierce battles near the Yemeni city of Taizz, authorities in the Emirates remained silent. No government ever confirmed their deaths.

“One of the chief selling points of mercenaries is plausible deniability,” McFate said. “The UAE doesn’t have to report how many people have been killed. And they like it that way.”

The Haiti assassination has stirred deep discomfort in Colombia, where the military’s reputation had already been sullied in the so-called false positive scandal. The Colombian army was found to have killed thousands of mostly poor, young civilian men between 2002 and 2008 in a bid to elevate body counts of supposed guerillas.

Despite the embarrassment of the revelations from Haiti, military officials in Colombia said there was little they could do to stop veterans from selling their services to the highest overseas bidders.

“The recruitment of ex-military [personnel] to go to other zones of the world as mercenaries has been an issue for a while, but there is no rule that prohibits or impedes” the practice, General Luis Fernando Navarro, commander of the Colombian armed forces, told reporters in Bogota this month.

Many Colombians have insisted that their countrymen were duped into taking part in the assassination plot. They believed they were brought on board for a legitimate operation, the defence goes, to act as bodyguards or perhaps assist in a legal arrest of Moise.

“Never would a Colombian soldier … even hypothetically consider participating in a magnicide,” Marta Lucía Ramírez, Colombia’s Vice-President and foreign minister, said Friday. “They were deceived.”

President Iván Duque also asserted that most Colombians implicated in the Haiti operation were unaware that their mission was to kill. Nonetheless, Duque said that all shared guilt.

The late Romero “under no circumstance” would have participated in a “vile” assassination, insisted his widow, Giovanna Arelis Romero Dussan.

Likewise, the sister of Capador, who is said to have urged ex-mates to join the Haiti venture, told Colombia’s El Tiempo newspaper that she would not rest until his name was cleared. “He was no mercenary” she said. “He was a good man.”

Los Angeles Times

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